Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds
  • Alpine Strawberry - White Soul Seeds

Alpine White Strawberry - White Soul Seeds

5.50 €

Alpine White Strawberry - White Soul Seeds

Price for Package of 5, 50, 100, 500 seeds.

Alpine Strawberry White soul is a little, white strawberry variety with red seeds specks. The lovely, sweet, pineapple like, white strawberry can be harvested all summer til the fall. The plants provide you with a prolific

البذور في حزمة:

Alpine White Strawberry - White Soul Seeds

Price for Package of 5, 50, 100, 500 seeds.

Alpine Strawberry White soul is a little, white strawberry variety with red seeds specks. The lovely, sweet, pineapple like, white strawberry can be harvested all summer til the fall. The plants provide you with a prolific amount of strawberries till the first frost.

Strawberries are delicious fruits and the flavour is nicest when they are really fresh. You can't get fresher strawberries than fruits from your own garden. These very well-loved, sweet fruits are very easy to grow yourself and very well suited for the cultivation in pots or small gardens for those with limited space. These strawberries are delicious in desserts, with yogurt for breakfast and of course in a delicious fruit salad. Very well liked by bees. Hardy perennial.

Sowing Instructions







Sowing Time:

all year round

Sowing Depth:

Needs Light to germinate! Just sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + gently press

Sowing Mix:

Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite

Germination temperature:



bright + keep constantly moist not wet

Germination Time:

1 - 8 weeks


Water regularly during the growing season


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بذور منتقاة بعناية؟
Handpicked seeds
بذور العضوية؟
Organic Seeds
صالح للأكل؟
المعالجة من بذر؟
Stratification needed: Yes
نبات معمر؟
Perennial plant : Yes
مقاومة للبرودة والصقيع؟
Resistant to cold and frost : - 50° C
البذور تتطلب الضوء للإنبات؟
Requires light for germination

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