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  • Sugar Apple, Cherimoya Seeds (Annona cherimola)  - 5

Sugar Apple, Cherimoya Seeds (Annona cherimola)

4.25 €

Sugar Apple, Cherimoya Seeds (Annona cherimola)

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Also known as Sugar Apple, Chirimoya Mark Twain once referred to the cherimoya as "the most delicious fruit known to men." Although its flavor is often likened to that of a cross between a banana and a pineapple
البذور في حزمة:

Sugar Apple, Cherimoya Seeds (Annona cherimola)

Price for Package of 5 seeds.

Also known as Sugar Apple, Chirimoya. Mark Twain once referred to the cherimoya as "the most delicious fruit known to men." Although its flavor is often likened to that of a cross between a banana and a pineapple, the flesh of this exotic fruit has also been described as similar to commercial bubblegum. Although they are native to the Andes, cherimoyas also thrive in Mediterranean climates and have been introduced in Spain, Italy, and California, among other places.

Trees are fast-growing, producing fruit from seed in 3-4 years. The cherimoya is subtropical and when full-grown can survive to 25F (USDA: 10a-11). Young trees are susceptible to frost. 

Note: Due to the origin at altitudes up to 1,900 m, temperatures down to -6 ° C are tolerated.

Sowing Instructions

  • Pretreat: pour hot water over the seeds + soak about 24-48 h
  • Sowing Time: all year round
  • Sowing Depth: 1 cm
  • Sowing Mix: Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite
  • Germination temperature: 25 ° C +
  • Location: bright + keep constantly moist not wet
  • Germination Time: about 2-6 weeks
V 10 AC (5 S)
80 عناصر


بذور منتقاة بعناية؟
Handpicked seeds
بذور العضوية؟
Organic Seeds
العضوية / الطبيعية؟
Organic/Natural: Yes
صالح للأكل؟
المعالجة من بذر؟
Pour hot water over the seeds
Soak in water before sowing: 24-48 h
بذر عمق؟
Sowing depth 1 cm
نبات معمر؟
Perennial plant : Yes
مقاومة للبرودة والصقيع؟
Cold resistant: to −6 °C
مناسبة للنمو في وعاء الزهور؟
Suitable for pot: Yes
ارتفاع النبات ؟
Plant height (about) 5 - 10 m
معرض البذور يوصي هذا النبات؟
Seeds Gallery recommend this plant!
نبات طبي ؟
Medicinal Plant: Yes

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