Lettuce Seeds May Queen
Lettuce Seeds May Queen (Lactuca sativa)
Price for package of 1000 (1g) seeds.
MAY QUEEN LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa), more modernly called May King, is a 19th English heirloom butterhead was grown in the great glasshouses of the Victorian era. Early maturing, tender,
Lettuce Seeds May Queen (Lactuca sativa)
Price for package of 1000 (1g) seeds.
MAY QUEEN LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa), more modernly called May King, is a 19th English heirloom butterhead was grown in the great glasshouses of the Victorian era. Early maturing, tender, with a sweet flavor, it is still a favorite across the Pond for growing in greenhouses and cold frames and in the garden as it can withstand ground frosts. The leaves are lime green with a reddish tinge and the small firm creamy hearts have a pink tinge. Very fetching on the salad plate! 50 days. 50 seeds.
GROWING TIPS: Lettuces are my absolute favorite - I dedicate a lot of space to them in my garden because I like variety and they can be really beautiful kissed by the sun. Direct sow in early spring and late summer. The more space each lettuce has to grow the larger it becomes. If you are sowing for quick greens, don't bother to thin - just use your scissors to clips what you need for dinner as it will continue to grow.
Lettuces love cool (not cold) weather and respond to well-prepared soil and regular weeding and watering. Relatively pest-free, with the exception of slugs (easily combatted with a barrier of ashes or copper wire) and furry invaders (chicken ware cloches work best there).
- Válogatott magok?
- Válogatott magvak
- Yes
- Organic Seeds ?
- Organic Seeds
- Edible ?
- Edible
- Origin Country of Variety ?
- Variety from: United Kingdom