Organic Cat Grass Seeds (Dactylis glomerata) 1.75 - 1
  • Organic Cat Grass Seeds (Dactylis glomerata) 1.75 - 1
  • Organic Cat Grass Seeds (Dactylis glomerata) 1.75 - 2

Organic Cat Grass Seeds (Dactylis glomerata)

1,95 €

Organic Cat Grass Seeds (Dactylis glomerata)

Price for Package of 100 seeds.

Cat grass (or catgrass) is a type of cereal grass such as oat grass or wheatgrass which can be grown indoors from seeds. Once sprouted, the leaves of the cat grass plant can be fed to your cat or other pet

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Organic Cat Grass Seeds (Dactylis glomerata)

Price for Package of 100 seeds.

Cat grass (or catgrass) is a type of cereal grass such as oat grass or wheat grass which can be grown indoors from seeds. Once sprouted, the leaves of the cat grass plant can be fed to your cat or other pet as a treat to help satisfy their craving for greens.

Why do cats need Cat Grass?

Here are some of the wheatgrass benefits for pets

    Nutritionally complete food

    Studies by scientists have shown it to never be toxic in animals or humans

    Gives energy & stamina

    Reverses illness

    Protection of toxins- including aging and combats free radicals

    Rejuvenates blood

    Helps shed pounds by detoxifying the body

    DNA repair

    Blood cleansing and building abilities of chlorophyll

    Builds blood and stimulates circulation

    Stimulates and regenerates the liver

    Deodorizes body

Wheatgrass is absolutely safe for pets. All pets. This includes dogs, cats, hamsters, etc. In fact, because it has so many nutrients and a high concentration of chlorophyll it will do nothing but good for them. Cats and dogs can digest the wheatgrass fiber well, unlike humans, which bodies do better with wheatgrass juice.

Wheatgrass is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that keep your mind and body healthy and vibrant. Taking a "shot" of juiced wheatgrass as part of your morning breakfast routine is considered a healthy way to start the day, but it can get very expensive. If you want to make wheatgrass a regular part of your diet, try growing it yourself at home instead of buying it already juiced.

Prepare the seeds for soaking.

Measure out enough seeds to create a light layer on the seed tray you use to grow the grass.

    Rinse the seeds in cool, clean water using a colander with very small holes or a strainer. Drain them well and put them in a bowl.

Soak the seeds. Soaking the seeds initiates germination. By the end of the process, the seeds will have sprouted small roots.

    Pour cold water, preferably filtered, into the bowl of seeds. Add about 3 times as much water as you have seeds. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and place it on the counter to soak for about 10 hours, or overnight.

    Drain the water from the seeds and replace it with more cold, filtered water - again, about 3 times as much water as you have seeds. Let it soak for another 10 hours.

    Repeat the process one more time, for a total of three long soaks.

    By the end of the last soak, the seeds should have sprouted roots. This means they are ready to plant. Drain them and set them aside until you're ready to plant them.

Prepare the seed tray for planting. Line the seed tray with paper towels, to prevent the wheatgrass roots from growing through the holes in the bottom of the tray. Spread an even two-inch layer of organic compost or potting soil in the seed tray.

    If possible, use paper towels that have not been treated with chemicals or dyes. Recycled, chemical-free paper towels are available at health food stores.

    Use pre-moistened compost or potting soil free of pesticides or other chemicals. It's important to use organic soil to get the most benefit from your wheatgrass.

Plant the seeds. Spread the seeds in an even layer across the top of the compost or potting soil. Lightly press the seeds into the soil, but don't completely bury them.

    It's fine if the seeds are touching each other, but make sure there's not a pile of seeds in one area. Each seed needs a little room to grow.

    Water the tray lightly, making sure each seed gets a sprinkle.

    Cover the tray with a few moistened sheets of newspaper to protect the seedlings.

Keep the seeds moist. It's important to make sure the seeds don't dry out in the first few days after you plant them. Keep them damp as they root themselves in the seed tray.

    Lift the newspaper and water the tray thoroughly in the morning so that the soil is wet, but not completely waterlogged.

    Use a spray bottle filled with water to lightly mist the soil in the evening before you go to bed, so the seedlings don't dry out overnight. Spray the newspaper, too, so it keeps them wet.

    After four days, remove the newspaper. Continue watering the sprouted grass once a day.

Keep the grass in partial sunlight. Direct sun will damage the grass, so make sure it is always in a shady place in your home.

UT 10 (3,5g)
110 Przedmioty


Zbierane ręcznie nasiona?
Ręcznie zbierane nasiona
Organic Seeds ?
Organic Seeds
Organic/natural ?
Organic/Natural: Yes
Edible ?
Pretreatment of sowing ?
Soak in water before sowing 12-24 h
Suitable for growing in flower pot ?
Suitable for pot: Yes
Medicinal Plant ?
Medicinal Plant: Yes

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