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4000 Sementes de Repolho Futog  - 5
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  • Sementes de Repolho Futog
  • 4000 Sementes de Repolho Futog  - 4

4000 Sementes de Repolho Futog

9,95 €

Sementes de Repolho Futog 4000 sementes

Preço por pacote de 4000 sementes (20g).

Cabbage is cultivated in Futog from the times of 18 century, from the ages of crowning of the empress Maria Theresia. From the year of 1760 there exist the written documents describing

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Sementes em pacote :

Sementes de Repolho Futog 4000 sementes

Preço por pacote de 4000 sementes (20g).

Cabbage is cultivated in Futog from the times of 18 century, from the ages of crowning of the empress Maria Theresia. From the year of 1760 there exist the written documents describing the export of cabbage to Vienna. During the decades of cultivation of cabbage in Futog, a population was created that was different  according their quality properties from the others. Producers have beginned in each harvest year to keep only the specified plants for seeds.
The long-durating selection was responsible for the creation of
the population called “Futoški kupus” (the Futog cabbage), 
which was important for the fresh consumption, and for souring,
as well.
To the creation of this population, of course, contributed the convenient agroecological conditions and geographic location of  district of Futog. Geographic region where the fresh Futog cabbage, as well as the sour Futog cabbage are produced is the cadastral comunity 
of Futog.  
The geographic region
Futog is the settlement located of the most fertile part of Panonian lowland, on the left coast of 
Danube, in Serbia. It is located in the middle of the course of the river of Danube, at it’s 1270 km. It is located about 10 km upstream, on the west side of Novi Sad, capital city of the autonomous province of Vojvodina.
Geographic region
Owing to the influence of the speciffic geographic climate and to the traditional approaches which are applied during growing and souring, speciffic sensorial properties are obtained, which make the Futog cabbage, either fresh of sour, different with respect to the other related samples.
VE 25 (20g)
9836 Itens

Ficha informativa

Sementes escolhidas manualmente?
Sementes colhidas manualmente
sementes orgânicas ?
Sementes Orgânicas
Orgânico ?
Perene ?
Planta perene : sim
Resistente ao frio e da geada ?
Resistente ao frio e ao gelo
Origem das sementes?
Origem das sementes: Sérvia
País de origem da variedade ?
Variedade de: Serbia
Nome científico:
Brassica oleracea

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