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Planta gigantica (cu fructe gigantice)

Varietate din Japonia
  • Gigantic Japanese Cabbage Seeds
  • Gigantic Japanese Cabbage Seeds
  • Gigantic Japanese Cabbage Seeds
  • Gigantic Japanese Cabbage Seeds

Japanese Giant Cabbage Seeds

2,65 €

Japanese Giant Cabbage Seeds

Price for Package of 20 seeds.

It is a gigantic Japanese cabbage, which grows to an enormous size. Interestingly, he does not need any more time than ordinary cabbage to reach that size. Surely there will be vegetables

Semințe în pachet:

Japanese Giant Cabbage Seeds

Price for Package of 20 seeds.

It is a gigantic Japanese cabbage, which grows to an enormous size. Interestingly, he does not need any more time than ordinary cabbage to reach that size.

Surely there will be vegetables in your garden that will attract passersby views.

VE 222 (20 S)
18 Produse

Fisa tehnica

Semințe culese manual?
Semințe culese manual
Organic Seeds ?
Organic Seeds
Edible ?
Sowing depth ?
Sowing depth 1 mm
Origin Country of Variety ?
Variety from: Japan
Medicinal Plant ?
Medicinal Plant: Yes
Scientific name:
Brassica oleracea

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