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Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon 1.55 - 1
  • Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon 1.55 - 1
  • Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon 1.55 - 2
  • Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon 1.55 - 3
  • Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon 1.55 - 4

Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon


Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon

Price for Package of 20 (1g) seeds.

Variety that is grown in the border region of Evros for centuries, only ecologically without fertilizers, pesticides etc. variety "Golden Head" or Thrace melon is unique in appearance and taste. This plant produces beautiful late relatively large fruits, 

Paketteki tohumlar:

Golden Head or Thrace Melon Seeds – Best Greek Melon

Price for Package of 20 (1g) seeds.

Variety that is grown in the border region of Evros for centuries, only ecologically without fertilizers, pesticides etc. variety "Golden Head" or Thrace melon is unique in appearance and taste.

This plant produces beautiful late relatively large fruits, weighing up to 3 kg, globular fruit, have the characteristic "nose". The wrinkled yellow rind with green-black stripes - points, the flesh is white and very sweet and aromatic.

This is the best Greek melon!

V 137 (20 S)
559 Öğeler

Bilgi kartı

Tohum Elle aldı?
Tohum Elle Aldı
Organik Tohumlar?
Organik Tohumlar
Organik / Doğal ?
Organik / Doğal: Evet
Yenilebilir ?
Ekim derinliği?
Sowing depth 5 mm
Bitki büyümek için uygundur ?
Bitki açık havada yetiştiriciliği için uygundur
Bitki bir serada büyümeye uygundur
Üretici firma ?
Manufacturer: Seeds Gallery
Meyve Ağırlığı ?
Fruit Weight: 2.5 - 3 kg
Tohumların kökeni?
Origin of Seeds: Greece
Bitki Çeşitlerinin Kökeni Ülke?
Variety from: Greece
Seeds Gallery bu bitki tavsiye ?
Seeds Gallery recommend this plant!
Bilimsel ad:
Cucumis melo

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