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Black Mustard Seeds (Brassica Nigra) 1.45 - 1

Siyah Hardal Tohumu...

Fiyat €1,45 (SKU: MHS 132)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Siyah Hardal Tohumu (Brassica Nigra)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>180 (1g) tohum paketi için fiyat.</strong></span></h2> Ülkemizde son yıllarda popüler hale gelen besinlerden birisi de hardal tohumlarıdır. Tüketimi çok olmasa da hardal tohumu çok merak edilmektedir. Tohumu baharat olarak kullanılan hardal özellikle et ve et türü yemeklerde çok sık tercih edilmektedir. Hardal tohumunun ise bilinen pek çok faydası olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.&nbsp;<br><br>Hardal tohumunun tüketimi ülkemizde pek yapılmamaktadır. Fakat hardal tohumunun tüketimi pek çok açıdan büyük öneme sahiptir. İçerdiği vitaminler sayesinde birçok hastalığa da iyi geldiği bilinmektedir.<br><br>Hardal Tohumunun Faydaları Nelerdir?<br><br>&nbsp;Hardal tohumunun içerisinde bulunan C, K, E ve B vitaminleri insan sağlığı açısından büyük yarar sağlamaktadır. Potasyum ve demir mineralleri bulunan hardal tohumunun faydaları şunlardır:<br><br>&nbsp;- Hardal tohumunun içerisinde magnezyum ve potasyum mineralleri bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle kas ağrılarına iyi gelmektedir.&nbsp;<br><br>&nbsp;- Hardal tohumu kan basıncını düşürerek kan basıncının dengede kalmasına yardımcı olmaktadır.<br><br>&nbsp;- Ani felç ve kalp krizi risklerine karşı önlem sağlamaktadır.<br><br>&nbsp;- Hardal tohumları vücudu toksinlerden arındırır. Böylece daha sağlıklı olmanıza yardımcı olur.<br><br>&nbsp;- Özellikle kadınların menopoz dönemlerinde uykusuzluk problemlerine iyi gelmektedir.&nbsp;<br><br>&nbsp;Siyah Hardal Tohumu Neye İyi Gelir?<br><br>&nbsp;Hardal tohumu çeşitlerinden olan siyah hardal tohumu pek çok kişi tarafından duyulmasa da tüketilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Siyah hardal tohumunun sağlık açısından pek çok yararı bulunur. Özellikle iştahsız ve zayıf kişilerin iştahını açmada büyük yarar sağlamaktadır.&nbsp;<br><br>&nbsp;Bunun dışında zehirlenen kişilerde siyah hardal tohumunun tüketilmesi önerilmektedir. Çünkü siyah hardal otu kusma etkisi göstermektedir. Kış aylarında ise soğuk havalarda soğuk algınlığı veya gribe şifa kaynağı olan siyah hardal tohumunun bazı hastalıklara da iyi geldiği bilinmektedir. Siyah hardal tohumunun faydalarını şu şekilde sıralayabiliriz:<br><br>&nbsp;- İçerdiği potasyum kan akışını dengelemektedir. Felç ve inme riskini azaltır.<br><br>&nbsp;- Vücudun en önemli organlarından olan akciğer zarı hem hava yolu ile hem de beslenmeye ciddi deformeler yaşayabilir. Akciğer zarının tedavisi için siyah hardal tohumu önerilmektedir.<br><br>&nbsp;- Huzursuz bacak sendromunu önler.<br><br>&nbsp;- El ve ayak üşümesinin önüne geçer.<br><br>&nbsp;- Damar tıkanıklığı ve kireçlenmesini önler.<br><br>&nbsp;- Sindirim sistemindeki hücrelerin fonksiyonlarını arttırır.<br><br>&nbsp;Hardal Tohumunun Cilde Faydaları<br><br>&nbsp;Cilt sağlığı şüphesiz herkes için çok önemlidir. Özellikle ciltlerde oluşan sıkıntılar pek çok kişi için sorun teşkil etmektedir. Cilt bakımları için önerilen ürünlerden birisi de hardal tohumlarıdır. Özellikle antioksidan özelliği ile cildin daha parlak ve canlı görünmesini desteklemektedir. Cilt hücrelerini yenileyerek daha temiz ve sağlıklı bir cilde kavuşulmasını sağlamaktadır.&nbsp;<br><br>Gönderilecek Hardal tohumu standart tohumdur. Yani elde ettiğiniz bitkiden aldığınız tohumlarla yine aynı bitkiyi elde edebilirsiniz. Taze tüketime uygun olup Yaprakları salata olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hardal açık alanlarda ve saksılarda rahatlıkla yetiştirebilirsiniz. Yetiştirme dönemi ilkbahar, sonbahar sera ve açık tarla şeklindedir.<br><br>&nbsp;Hardal Tohumu Hakkında Bilmedikleriniz?<br>*Hardal Tohumu Ekim Zamanı :İlkbahar, Yaz(İç mekanda her zaman)<br>*Hardal Tohumu Ekim Bölgeleri:Her Rakım<br>*Hardal Tohumu Ekim Yerleri:Bahçe, Açık Tarla, Saksıda<br>*Hardal Tohumu Ekimi Mesafesi:Sıra üzeri 5-15 cm, Sıra ara sı 20-30 cm ara sı.<br>*Hardal Tohumu Ekim Derinliği:Maksimum 2 cm<br>*Hardal Tohumu Tahmini Çimlenme Zamanı:7-14 gün<br>*Hasat Olgunlaşma Zamanı:70-90 gün<script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 132 (1g)
Black Mustard Seeds (Brassica Nigra) 1.45 - 1

Japonya'dan çeşitli
Burdock – Takinogawa Seeds Japanese Variety

Burdock – Takinogawa Seeds...

Fiyat €1,65 (SKU: MHS 47)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong>Burdock – Takinogawa Seeds Japanese Variety (Arctium lappa)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for a Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Burdock is native to temperate Europe and Asia and a most popular variety root vegetable in Japan. “Takinogawa” is a special, late-variety burdock that is rich in flavour. This important Japanese vegetable is essential to many classic Japanese dishes including "kimpira," made with sautéed burdock and carrots. The tap root can be as long as a metre long (36in), they have a texture similar to parsnips and when cooked quickly, retain their crispiness; the outer skin is very thin, similar to carrots.</p> <p>In England, Burdock is best known as an ingredient in the beverage Dandelion and Burdock, the English equivalent of American root beer. The key flavour profile is anise, perhaps a touch of ginger and spice, but generally a feel of summer, hedgerows and fun!</p> <p>Burdock is a biennial, producing a rosette of leaves in the first year, then completing its life cycle by flowering and seeding in the second year. Mature plant can reach 3 feet in height. It is easily grown from seed it prefers a deep and sandy garden soil in partial shade or full sun. It may be sown directly from early spring on into summer, with plenty of time left to get a good harvest of roots.<br /><br />Burdock is the hardiest root vegetable and winters in the garden easily for spring digging. Work the soil deeply for best crop and cook like carrots. Seeds can be sprouted like bean sprouts; nothing goes to waste with this plant.</p> <p><strong>Sowing:</strong> Sow from early spring on into summer <br />Soak seeds for 2 to 4 hours in warm water then sow the burdock seeds about 7mm (¼ in) deep and pat down the row. Burdock seeds germinate in 1 to 2 weeks. Keep weeded and thin to about 10cm (4in) apart. The plant prefers regular watering. The reason for keeping the plants so close together is that it makes the roots grow long and thin, which is desirable, and it lessens the labour involved in digging, as more roots are dug out of a smaller space.</p> <p><strong>Harvesting Burdock: <br /></strong>Moderate harvest of the leaves throughout the season will not deter root development. The burdock roots are ready to harvest after two to four months. You don’t have to wait until the tops are dormant, but of course to obtain the largest possible roots (which can weigh up to two pounds), then harvest after the tops die back in the autumn.</p> <p>Digging the roots can be difficult, unless the soil is a deep sandy loam. The best technique is to trench down the side of the row with a spade, then push the spade in behind the roots and lever them into the trench, being careful not to break them. Also be careful not to break the spade. (This is the part where you are glad you planted them closely together.) Dig and wash the roots and then split them down the length. A large root should be split into at least 4 pieces. Dry the burdock root pieces on screens in a dark, airy location or use a vegetable/fruit dehydrator. When the pieces snap and are internally dry, they may be ground up to make a tincture or stored in plastic bags or glass jars for later use.</p> <p><strong>Culinary Uses: <br /></strong>Very young roots can be eaten raw, but older roots are usually cooked. Cut root into slivers and stir-fry. Young leaves and stalks are eaten raw or cooked. Seeds can be sprouted like bean sprouts; nothing goes to waste with this plant.</p> <p><strong>Medicinal Uses: <br /></strong>Fresh burdock root or the tincture of dried root is taken internally as a treatment for skin complaints. Often combined with dandelion or yellow dock, burdock root is an effective blood purifier used to treat psoriasis, eczema, oily skin, acne, boils, and gout. The leaf may be picked as needed for tea as soon as it reaches sufficient size. For more information on the use of burdock root in home herbal medicine, see the book “Making Plant Medicine.” by Richard A. Cech ISBN: 9780970031204</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>WIKIPEDIA:</strong></p> <p>Arctium is a genus of biennial plants commonly known as burdock, family Asteraceae.[3] Native to the Old World, several species have been widely introduced worldwide.</p> <p><strong>Description</strong></p> <p>Plants of the genus Arctium have dark green leaves that can grow up to 28" (71 cm) long. They are generally large, coarse and ovate, with the lower ones being heart-shaped. They are woolly underneath. The leafstalks are generally hollow. Arctium species generally flower from July through to October.</p> <p>The prickly heads of these plants (burrs) are noted for easily catching on to fur and clothing (being the inspiration for Velcro®[5]), thus providing an excellent mechanism for seed dispersal.[4] Burrs cause local irritation and can possibly cause intestinal hairballs in pets. However, most animals avoid ingesting these plants.</p> <p>Birds are especially prone to becoming entangled with their feathers in the burrs leading to a slow death, as they are unable to free themselves.</p> <p>A large number of species have been placed in genus Arctium at one time or another, but most of them are now classified in the related genus Cousinia. The precise limits between Arctium and Cousinia are hard to define; there is an exact correlation between their molecular phylogeny. The burdocks are sometimes confused with the cockleburs (genus Xanthium) and rhubarb (genus Rheum).</p> <p>The roots of burdock, among other plants, are eaten by the larva of the Ghost Moth (Hepialus humuli). The plant is used as a food plant by other Lepidoptera including Brown-tail, Coleophora paripennella, Coleophora peribenanderi, the Gothic, Lime-speck Pug and Scalloped Hazel.</p> <p>The green, above-ground portions may cause contact dermatitis in humans due to the lactones the plant produces.</p> <p><strong><em>Uses</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Food and drink</strong></p> <p>The taproot of young burdock plants can be harvested and eaten as a root vegetable. While generally out of favour in modern European cuisine, it remains popular in Asia. Arctium lappa is called (牛蒡), pronounced "gobō" (ごぼう) in Japanese or "niúbàng" in Chinese, in Korea burdock root is called "u-eong" (우엉) and sold as "tong u-eong" (통우엉), or "whole burdock". Plants are cultivated for their slender roots, which can grow about one metre long and two centimetres across. Burdock root is very crisp and has a sweet, mild, and pungent flavour with a little muddy harshness that can be reduced by soaking julienned or shredded roots in water for five to ten minutes.</p> <p>Immature flower stalks may also be harvested in late spring, before flowers appear; their taste resembles that of artichoke, to which the burdock is related. The stalks are thoroughly peeled, and either eaten raw, or boiled in salt water.[7] Leaves are also eaten in spring in Japan when a plant is young and leaves are soft. Some A. lappa cultivars are specialized for this purpose. A popular Japanese dish is kinpira gobō (金平牛蒡), julienned or shredded burdock root and carrot, braised with soy sauce, sugar, mirin and/or sake, and sesame oil. Another is burdock makizushi (sushi filled with pickled burdock root; the burdock root is often artificially coloured orange to resemble a carrot).</p> <p>In the second half of the 20th century, burdock achieved international recognition for its culinary use due to the increasing popularity of the macrobiotic diet, which advocates its consumption. It contains a fair amount of dietary fiber (GDF, 6g per 100g), calcium, potassium, amino acids,[8] and is low in calories. It contains a polyphenol oxidase,[9] which causes its darkened surface and muddy harshness by forming tannin-iron complexes. Burdock root's harshness harmonizes well with pork in miso soup (tonjiru) and with Japanese-style pilaf (takikomi gohan).</p> <p>Dandelion and burdock is today a soft drink that has long been popular in the United Kingdom, which has its origins in hedgerow mead commonly drunk in the mediæval period.[10] Burdock is believed to be a galactagogue, a substance that increases lactation, but it is sometimes recommended to be avoided during pregnancy based on animal studies that show components of burdock to cause uterus stimulation.</p> <p>In Europe, burdock root was used as a bittering agent in beer before the widespread adoption of hops for this purpose.</p> <p>The American composer Christian Wolff composed a work for variable performers entitled "Burdocks" in 1970-71.</p> <p><strong>Traditional medicine</strong></p> <p>Folk herbalists considered dried burdock to be a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent[citation needed]. The seeds of A. lappa are used in traditional Chinese medicine,[citation needed] under the name niubangzi (Chinese: 牛蒡子; pinyin: niúbángzi; Some dictionaries list the Chinese as just 牛蒡 niúbàng.)</p> <p>Burdock is a traditional medicinal herb that is used for many ailments. Burdock root oil extract, also called Bur oil, is currently used in Europe in the belief that it is a useful scalp treatment.[citation needed] Modern studies indicate that burdock root oil extract is rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long-chain EFAs).</p> <p><strong>Burdock and Velcro</strong></p> <p>After taking his dog for a walk one day in the early 1940s, George de Mestral, a Swiss inventor, became curious about the seeds of the burdock plant that had attached themselves to his clothes and to the dog's fur. Under a microscope, he looked closely at the hook system that the seeds use to hitchhike on passing animals aiding seed dispersal, and he realized that the same approach could be used to join other things together. The result of his studies was Velcro.</p> </div>
MHS 47 (10 S)
Burdock – Takinogawa Seeds Japanese Variety
Chinese Mustard Seeds

Çin Hardal Tohumu (Brassica...

Fiyat €1,35 (SKU: MHS 131)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Çin Hardal Tohumu (Brassica juncea)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>180 (1g), 900 (5g) tohumluk Paket Fiyatı.</strong></span></h2> <div class=""><span class="VIiyi" jsaction="mouseup:BR6jm" jsname="jqKxS" lang="tr" style="color: #000000; font-size: 18px;"><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="tr" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="4" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$202" jsmodel="SsMkhd"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Brassica juncea, hardal yeşillikleri, Hint hardalı, Çin hardalı veya yaprak hardalı, hardal bitkisinin bir türüdür.</span></span> <span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="tr" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="5" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$203" jsmodel="SsMkhd"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Alt çeşitler arasında, lahana gibi başsız bir lahanayı andıran, ancak belirgin bir yaban turpu-hardal aroması olan güney dev kıvrılmış hardal bulunur.</span></span> <span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="tr" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="6" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$204" jsmodel="SsMkhd"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Yeşil hardal lahanası olarak da bilinir.</span></span></span><span style="color: #000000; font-size: 18px;"> </span></div> <p><strong>Uses </strong></p> <p><strong>Food </strong></p> <p>The leaves, the seeds, and the stem of this mustard variety are edible. The plant appears in some form in African, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and soul food cuisine. Cultivars of B. juncea are grown as greens, and for the production of oilseed. In Russia, this is the main variety grown for production of mustard oil, which after refining is considered[according to whom?] one of the best vegetable oils around and is widely used in canning, baking, and margarine production; and the majority of table mustard there is also made from this species of the mustard plant.</p> <p>The leaves are used in African cooking, and leaves, seeds, and stems are used in Indian cuisine, particularly in mountain regions of Nepal, as well as in the Punjab cuisine of India and Pakistan, where a famous dish called Sarson da saag (mustard greens) is prepared. B. juncea subsp. tatsai, which has a particularly thick stem, is used to make the Indian pickle called achar, and the Chinese pickle zha cai. The mustard made from the seeds of the B. juncea is called brown mustard. The leaves (raai in Gujarati) are used in many Indian dishes.</p> <p>The Gorkhas of Darjeeling and Sikkim prepare pork with mustard greens (also called rayo in Nepali). It is usually eaten with relish with steamed rice, but could also be eaten with chapati (griddle breads).</p> <p>Brassica juncea is more pungent than the closely related Brassica oleracea greens (kale, cabbage, collard greens, et cetera), and is frequently mixed with these milder greens in a dish of "mixed greens", which may include wild greens such as dandelion. As with other greens in soul food cooking, mustard greens are generally flavored by being cooked for a long period with ham hocks or other smoked pork products. Mustard greens are high in vitamin A and vitamin K.</p> <p>Chinese and Japanese cuisines also make use of mustard greens. In Japanese cuisine it is known as Takana and is often pickled and used as filling in onigiri or as a condiment. A large variety of B. juncea cultivars are used, including zha cai, mizuna, takana (var. integlofolia), juk gai choy, and xuelihong (雪里红 or 雪里蕻; var. crispifolia). Asian mustard greens are most often stir-fried or pickled. A Southeast Asian dish called asam gai choy or kiam chai boey is often made with leftovers from a large meal. It involves stewing mustard greens with tamarind, dried chillies and leftover meat on the bone.</p> <p><strong>Food supplement </strong></p> <p>B. juncea can hyperaccumulate cadmium and many other soil trace elements. Specially cultured, it can be used as a selenium, chromium, iron and zinc food supplement.</p> <p><strong>Green manure</strong></p> <p>Vegetable growers sometimes grow mustard as a green manure. Its main purpose is to act as a mulch, covering the soil to suppress weeds between crops. If grown as a green manure, the mustard plants are cut down at the base when sufficiently grown, and left to wither on the surface, continuing to act as a mulch until the next crop is due for sowing, when the mustard is dug in. In the UK, summer and autumn-sown mustard is cut down from October. April sowings can be cut down in June, keeping the ground clear for summer-sown crops.[citation needed] One of the disadvantages of mustard as a green manure is its propensity to harbor club root.</p> <p><strong>Phytoremediation </strong></p> <p>This plant is used in phytoremediation to remove heavy metals, such as lead, from the soil in hazardous waste sites because it has a higher tolerance for these substances and stores the heavy metals in its cells. The plant is then harvested and disposed of properly. This method is easier and less expensive than traditional methods for the removal of heavy metals. It also prevents erosion of soil from these sites preventing further contamination.</p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">all year round</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">1 - 1,5 cm</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">18-20 ° C</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">1-4 weeks</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><br><span style="color: #008000;"><em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena.&nbsp;</em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 131 (1g)
Chinese Mustard Seeds

Dev bitki (dev meyveli)

FLORENCE Fennel Seeds large bulbs 1.85 - 3

Rezene Tohumu (Foeniculum...

Fiyat €1,85 (SKU: VE 231)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Rezene Tohumları FLORANSA büyük ampuller</strong></h2> <h2><span><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;" class="">250 (1g) tohum paketi için fiyat.</span></strong></span></h2> <p>Çok büyük oval ampuller, ortalama ağırlığı yaklaşık 600 g, kalın, lezzetli çubuklarla birinci sınıf bir seçim olarak iyi bilinen mevsim rezene.</p> <p><strong>Rezene</strong>&nbsp;(<em>Foeniculum vulgare</em>),&nbsp;maydanozgiller&nbsp;(Apiaceae) familyasından iki metreye kadar boylanan iki yıllık kokulu otsu&nbsp;bitki&nbsp;türü. Anavatanı&nbsp;Akdeniz&nbsp;ve Yakın Doğu'dur.</p> <h2>Morfolojik özellikleri</h2> <p>Yaprakları&nbsp;saplı ve tüysüzdür. Bitkinin gövdeleri dik, içleri boş silindir şeklinde ve tüysüzdür.&nbsp;Çiçekler&nbsp;uzun saplı ve bileşik şemsiye durumundadırlar.&nbsp;Meyveleri&nbsp;silindir şeklinde tüysüz ve yeşilimsi esmer renktedir.&nbsp;Tohumları&nbsp;protein ve yağ bakımından zengin bir besi dokuya sahiptir. Daha çok&nbsp;kayalık&nbsp;ve kurak yerlerde yetişir.</p> <h2>Kullanımı</h2> <p>Baharatı, rezene bitkisinin&nbsp;yapraklarından, kurutulmuş&nbsp;tohumlarından&nbsp;ya da bu tohumların öğütülmesiyle elde edilir.&nbsp;Balık&nbsp;ve&nbsp;tavuk&nbsp;yemeklerinde, salatalarda güzel koku ve tat verme amaçlı kullanılır. Yöresel olarak bazı unlu ve şekerli yiyeceklerin yapımında da kullanılır. Toprak altındaki soğana benzeyen tatlı ve hoş kokulu meyvesinden Kuzey Afrika ve Avrupa ülkelerinde salata yapılır veya meyve olarak da yenebilir.<sup>[1]</sup></p> <h2>Faydaları</h2> <p>Rezene bitkisi anne sütünü arttırır. Gaz söktürücüdür. Bebeklerde iştahı açar ve annenin sütüne çok faydalıdır.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VE 231 (1g)
FLORENCE Fennel Seeds large bulbs 1.85 - 3

Dev bitki (dev meyveli)
Dev Soğan Tohumları - Globemaster  - 4

Dev Soğan Tohumları -...

Fiyat €1,95 (SKU: MHS 31)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Dev Soğan Tohumları - Globemaster (Allium Giganteum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>5 tohum paketi için fiyat.</strong></span></h2> <p>Bu çiçekler kesinlikle çok büyük! Geniş bir 6 - 8 "genişliğindedirler! Bu Allium çeşidi mükemmel bir kuru çiçek yapar. Ayrıca arıların da favorisidir.</p> <p>Wikipedia:</p> <p>Dev Soğan olarak da bilinen Allium giganteum, soğan cinsinin çok yıllık soğanlı bir bitkisidir, çiçekli bir bahçe bitkisi olarak kullanılır ve 2 metreye kadar büyür. Ortak uygulamada en uzun süs Allium'dur. Yaz ortalarının başlarında, yoğun mor çiçek başlarının (umbels) küçük küreleri, ardından çekici tohum başları görülür. Popüler bir çeşit olan 'Globemaster' daha kısadır (80 santimetre), ancak çok daha büyük, derin mor, çiçek başları (15-20 santimetre) üretir. Her iki çeşide de Kraliyet Bahçe Bitkileri Derneği Bahçe Liyakati Ödülü verilmiştir.</p> <p>İSİM: Dev Allium "Globemaster"</p> <p>BİLİMSEL AD: Allium Giganteum</p> <p>RENK: Mor 6-8 ”yuvarlak çiçek başları</p> <p>BLOOM ZAMANI: İlkbahar Sonu - Yaz Ortası</p> <p>SERTLİK BÖLGE: 4-9</p> <p>Yayılma:</p> <p>Her zaman steril ekilen toprak kullanın.</p> <p>Dikim ortamını nemlendirin, ince tohumları toprağa yerleştirin ve hafifçe örtün.</p> <p>Tencereyi plastik bir torbaya yakl. 5 ° C.</p> <p>3-4 hafta sonra, tencereyi çimlenme sıcaklığına, yakl. 15 ° C.</p> <p>1- içinde? aylar tohumlar çimlenir, çimlenme çok yavaş olabilir.</p>
MHS 31
Dev Soğan Tohumları - Globemaster  - 4

Tıbbi veya baharat bitkisi
Jiaogulan Seeds Herb - Plant of immortality

Tohumlar Jiaogulan...

Fiyat €1,85 (SKU: MHS 40)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Tohumlar Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>5 tohum paketi için fiyat.</strong></span></h2> <div>Çinde yapılan araştırmada, geleneksel olarak Jiaogulan yetiştirip tüketen köylerde yaş ortalamasının 100 ün üzerinde olması ve yaşlıların hala dinç ve sağlıklı bir şekilde hayatlarını devam ettirmelerini görmeleri üzerine verilmiştir.<br><br>Benzersiz bir antioksidandır. Antioksidanlar genç yaşlarda doğal olarak vücudumuzda bulunan ve hücrelerimizin sağlıklı şekilde bölünüp çoğalmalarına neden olan radikallerdir. Yaşlandıkça vücut antioksidanları tükettiğimiz yiyecek maddelerinden sağlamaya çalışır. Jiaogulan gibi antioksidan değerleri çok yüksek bitkiler vücudun yeniden sağlıklı hücreler üretip gençken olduğu gibi çalışmasına destek olur.<br><br>Çok hızlı ve kolay yetişen Jiaogulan, güneşli alanda, hafif nemli toprakta ve kolayca tutunup sarılabileceği bir çit yanında yetişir. Dona dayanıksızdır.</div> <div>Dikim Yeri:&nbsp;Güneşli ve yarı gölge</div> <div>Önerilen:&nbsp;Saksı ve çit yanı tarhlar, yer örtücü</div> <div>Toprak:&nbsp;Bahçe toprağında sıkıntısız gelişim gösterir.</div> <div>Büyüme Hızı:&nbsp;Çok hızlı</div> <div>Çiçeklenme Dönemi:&nbsp;Bahar ve Yaz</div> <div>Bitkinin Maks. Eni:&nbsp;100 cm</div> <div>Bitkinin Maks. Boyu:&nbsp;300 cm</div> <div>Dona Dayanıklılık:&nbsp;Donlara dayanıksız</div> <div>İklim Kuşağı:&nbsp;8-10</div> <div>Ömrü:&nbsp;Çok yıllık</div> <div>Diğer:&nbsp;Bitki en az 40 cm boya eriştikten sonra hasata başlayabilirsiniz. En yoğun lezzet çiçek başlarının oluştuğu ve daha açmadığı dönemde toplanan yapraklardan alınır. Yapraklar dalları ile birlikte ortalama 6-10 cm uzunlukta kesilir ve ince bir elek üzerine serilir. Tamamen kuruduklarında, elle öğütülerek cam kavanozlara doldurulur.</div> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 40 (5 S)
Jiaogulan Seeds Herb - Plant of immortality
600 Seeds salad rocket, roquette, rucola, rugula 2.5 - 1

600 Seeds salad rocket,...

Fiyat €2,15 (SKU: MHS 120)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong>Seeds salad rocket, roquette, rucola, rugula, colewort</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 600 seeds (1g).</strong></span></h2> <p>Eruca sativa (syn. E. vesicaria subsp. sativa (Miller) Thell., Brassica eruca L.) is an edible annual plant, commonly known as salad rocket,[1] roquette, rucola, rugula, colewort, and, in the United States, arugula. It is sometimes conflated with Diplotaxis tenuifolia, the perennial wall rocket, another plant of the Brassicaceae family, which in the past was used in the same manner. Eruca sativa, which is widely popular as a salad vegetable, is a species of Eruca native to the Mediterranean region, from Morocco and Portugal in the west to Syria, Lebanon and Turkey in the east.[2][3] The Latin adjective sativa in the plant's binomial is derived from satum, the supine of the verb sero,[4] meaning "to sow", indicating that the seeds of the plant were sown in gardens. Eruca sativa differs from E. vesicaria in having early deciduous sepals.[5] Some botanists consider it a subspecies of Eruca vesicaria: E. vesicaria subsp. sativa.[5] Still others do not differentiate between the two.[6]</p> <p> </p> <p>Other common names include garden rocket,[5] or more simply rocket (British, Australian, Canadian, South African and New Zealand English),[3] and eruca.[3] The English common name, rocket, derives from the French roquette, a diminutive of the Latin word eruca, which designated an unspecified plant in the Brassicaceae family (probably a type of cabbage).[7] Arugula, the common name now widespread in the United States, entered American English from non-standard (dialect) Italian. (The standard Italian word is rucola, a diminutive of the Latin "eruca"). The Oxford English Dictionary dates the first appearance of "arugula" in American English to a 1960 New York Times article by food editor and prolific cookbook writer, Craig Claiborne,</p> <p>Eruca sativa grows 20–100 centimetres (8–39 in) in height. The leaves are deeply pinnately lobed with four to ten small lateral lobes and a large terminal lobe. The flowers are 2–4 cm (0.8–1.6 in) in diameter, arranged in a corymb in typical Brassicaceae fashion; with creamy white petals veined with purple, and with yellow stamens; the sepals are shed soon after the flower opens. The fruit is a siliqua (pod) 12–35 millimetres (0.5–1.4 in) long with an apical beak, and containing several seeds (which are edible). The species has a chromosome number of 2n = 22.</p> <p><strong>Ecology</strong></p> <p>Eruca sativa typically grows on dry, disturbed ground and is also used as a food by the larvae of some moth species, including the Garden Carpet moth. Eruca sativa roots are also susceptible to nematode infestation.</p> <p><strong>Cultivation and history</strong></p> <p>A pungent, leafy green vegetable resembling a longer-leaved and open lettuce, rocket is rich in vitamin C and potassium.[11] In addition to the leaves, the flowers, young seed pods and mature seeds are all edible.</p> <p>Grown as an edible herb in the Mediterranean area since Roman times, it was mentioned by various classical authors as an aphrodisiac,[12][13] most famously in a poem long ascribed to Virgil, Moretum, which contains the line: "et veneris revocans eruca morantuem" ("the rocket excites the sexual desire of drowsy people").[14] Some writers assert that for this reason during the Middle Ages it was forbidden to grow rocket in monasteries.[15] It was listed, however, in a decree by Charlemagne of 802 as one of the pot herbs suitable for growing in gardens.[16] Gillian Reilly, author of the Oxford Companion to Italian Food, states that because of its reputation as a sexual stimulant, it was "prudently mixed with lettuce, which was the opposite" (i.e., calming or even soporific). Reilly continues that "nowadays rocket is enjoyed innocently in mixed salads, to which it adds a pleasing pungency".</p> <p>Rocket was traditionally collected in the wild or grown in home gardens along with such herbs as parsley and basil. It is now grown commercially from the Veneto to Iowa to Brazil, and is available for purchase in supermarkets and farmers' markets throughout the world. It is also naturalised as a wild plant away from its native range in temperate regions around the world, including northern Europe and North America.[3][1] In India, the mature seeds are known as Gargeer.</p> <p>Growing rocket in mild frost conditions stymies the growth of the plant, as well as turning the green leaves red.</p> <p><strong>Uses</strong></p> <p>Rocket has a pungent, peppery flavor that is exceptionally strong for a leafy green. It is frequently used in salads, often mixed with other greens in a mesclun. It is also used raw with pasta or meats in northern Italy and in western Slovenia (especially in the Slovenian Istria). In Italy, raw rocket is often added to pizzas just before the baking period ends or immediately afterwards, so that it will not wilt in the heat. It is also used cooked in Puglia, in Southern Italy, to make the pasta dish cavatiéddi, "in which large amounts of coarsely chopped rocket are added to pasta seasoned with a homemade reduced tomato sauce and pecorino",[20] as well as in "many unpretentious recipes in which it is added, chopped, to sauces and cooked dishes" or in a sauce (made by frying it in olive oil and garlic) used a condiment for cold meats and fish.[20] In the Slovenian Littoral, it is often combined with boiled potatoes,[21] used in a soup,[22] or served with the cheese burek, especially in the town of Koper.</p> <p>A sweet, peppery digestive alcohol called rucolino is made from rocket on the island of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples. This liqueur is a local specialty enjoyed in small quantities following a meal in the same way as a limoncello or grappa.</p> <p>In Brazil, where its use is widespread, rocket is eaten raw in salads. A popular combination is rocket mixed with mozzarella cheese (normally made out of buffalo milk) and sun-dried tomatoes.</p> <p>In Egypt the plant is commonly eaten raw as a side dish with many meals, with ful medames for breakfast, and regularly accompanies local seafood dishes.</p> <p>In West Asia and Northern India, Eruca seeds are pressed to make taramira oil, used in pickling and (after aging to remove acridity) as a salad or cooking oil.[23] The seed cake is also used as animal feed.</p> </div> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 120 (1g)
600 Seeds salad rocket, roquette, rucola, rugula 2.5 - 1
Watercress Seed - Medicinal plant

Watercress Seeds...

Fiyat €2,45 (SKU: MHS 54)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Watercress Seed - Medicinal plant (Nasturtium officinale)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 100 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Watercress, with the botanical name Nasturtium officinale, is a rapidly growing, aquatic or semi-aquatic, perennial plant native to Europe and Asia, and one of the oldest known leaf vegetables consumed by humans. It is currently a member of the family Brassicaceae, botanically related to garden cress, mustard, radish and wasabi-all noteworthy for their piquant flavor.</p> <p>The hollow stems of watercress are floating, and the leaves are pinnately compound. Small, white and green flowers are produced in clusters.</p> <p><strong>Taxonomy</strong></p> <p>Nasturtium nasturtium-aquaticum (nomenclaturally invalid) and Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticum L. are synonyms of N. officinale. Watercress is also listed in some sources as belonging to the genus Rorippa, although molecular evidence shows the aquatic species with hollow stems are more closely related to Cardamine than Rorippa. Despite the Latin name, watercress is not particularly closely related to the flowers popularly known as nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus); T. majus belongs to the family Tropaeolaceae, a sister taxon to the Brassicaceae within the order Brassicales.</p> <p><strong>Cultivation</strong></p> <p>Cultivation of watercress is practical on both a large-scale and a garden-scale. Being semi-aquatic, watercress is well-suited to hydroponic cultivation, thriving best in water that is slightly alkaline. It is frequently produced around the headwaters of chalk streams. In many local markets, the demand for hydroponically grown watercress exceeds supply, partly because cress leaves are unsuitable for distribution in dried form, and can only be stored fresh for a short period.</p> <p>Watercress can be sold in supermarkets in sealed plastic bags, containing a little moisture and lightly pressurised to prevent crushing of contents. This has allowed national availability with a once-purchased storage life of one to two days in chilled/refrigerated storage.</p> <p>Also sold as sprouts, the edible shoots are harvested days after germination. If unharvested, watercress can grow to a height of 50–120 centimetres (1.6–3.9 ft). Like many plants in this family, the foliage of watercress becomes bitter when the plants begin producing flowers.</p> <p><strong>Distribution</strong></p> <p>In some regions, watercress is regarded as a weed, in other regions as an aquatic vegetable or herb. Watercress has been grown in many locations around the world.</p> <p>In the United Kingdom, watercress was first commercially cultivated in 1808 by the horticulturist William Bradbery, along the River Ebbsfleet in Kent. Watercress is now grown in a number of counties of the United Kingdom, most notably Hertfordshire, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset. The town of Alresford, near Winchester, holds a Watercress Festival that brings in more than 15,000 visitors every year, and a preserved steam railway line has been named after the local crop. In recent years,[when?] watercress has become more widely available in the UK, at least in the southeast; it is stocked pre-packed in some supermarkets, as well as fresh by the bunch at farmers' markets and greengrocers.</p> <p>In the United States in the 1940s, Huntsville, Alabama, was locally known as the "watercress capital of the world" with Alresford in the U.K. is considered to be that nation's watercress capital.</p> <p><strong>Health benefits</strong></p> <p>Watercress contains significant amounts of iron, calcium, iodine, manganese, and folic acid, in addition to vitamins A, B6, C, and K. Because it is relatively rich in vitamin C, watercress was suggested (among other plants) by English military surgeon John Woodall (1570–1643) as a remedy for scurvy. Watercress is also a significant source of omega-3 fatty acids primarily in the form of 16:3n-3(Hexadecatrienoic acid) at 45 mg/100g.</p> <p>Many benefits from eating watercress are claimed, such as that it acts as a stimulant, a source of phytochemicals and antioxidants, a diuretic, an expectorant, and a digestive aid.[6] It also appears to have antiangiogenic cancer-suppressing properties; it is widely believed to help defend against lung cancer. The content of phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) in watercress inhibits HIF, which can inhibit angiogenesis.</p> <p><strong>Side effects</strong></p> <p>Watercress crops grown in the presence of manure can be a haven for parasites such as the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica.[11] Watercress is a known inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 CYP2E1, which may result in altered drug metabolism for individuals on certain medications such as chlorzoxazone.</p> </body> </html>
MHS 54 (100 S)
Watercress Seed - Medicinal plant

Tohumlar sida cordifolia

Fiyat €1,95 (SKU: MHS 48)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Tohumlar Sida cordifolia</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>10 tohum paketi için fiyat.</strong></span></h2> <p>Vikipedi: Sida cordifolia (bala, ülke ebegümeci, kalp yapraklı sida veya pazen otu) Hindistan'a özgü ebegümeci ailesi Malvaceae'nin çok yıllık bir alt çalılığıdır. Dünyada doğallaşmıştır ve Afrika, Avustralya, Güney Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Hawai Adaları, Yeni Gine ve Fransız Polinezyası'nda invaziv bir ot olarak kabul edilir. Belirli bir isim olan cordifolia, kalp şeklindeki yaprağı ifade eder.</p> <p>S. cordifolia, 50 ila 200 cm (20 ila 79 inç) uzunluğa ulaşan, tüm bitkinin ortak isimlerinden biri olan "pazen otu" ndan sorumlu yumuşak beyaz keçe benzeri saçlarla kaplanmış dik bir yıllıktır. Sapları sarı-yeşil, tüylü, uzun ve incedir. Sarı-yeşil yapraklar dikdörtgen-oval, kıllarla kaplıdır ve 3,5 ila 7,5 cm (1,4 ila 3,0 inç) uzunluğunda, 2,5 ila 6 cm (0,98 ila 2,36 inç) genişliğindedir. Çiçekler koyu sarı, bazen koyu turuncu bir merkeze sahip, tüylü 5 loblu kaliks ve 5 loblu corolla.</p> <p>Bir ot olarak, daha fazla istenen türle rekabet eden ve samanı kirleten ekili ve aşırı otlak tarlaları işgal eder.</p> <p>Tıbbi kullanım</p> <p>S. cordifolia Ayurveda tıbbında kullanılır (Sanskritçe -BALA).</p> <p>"Malva branca" olarak bilinen, Brezilya halk tıbbında oral mukoza, blenore, astım bronşiti ve burun tıkanıklığı, stomatit, astım ve burun tıkanıklığının iltihaplanması için kullanılan bir bitkidir [8] ve Afrika'nın birçok yerinde çeşitli rahatsızlıklar için, özellikle solunum problemleri için. Hücre çoğalmasını önlemek ve karaciğerin yeniden büyümesini teşvik etmek için bir anti-enflamatuar olarak araştırılmıştır. Efedrin içeriğinden dolayı, merkezi sinir sistemini ve ayrıca kalbi etkileyen psikostimülan özelliklere sahiptir.</p> <p>Bitki Kimyası</p> <p>Hindistan'da yetişen S. cordifolia'dan aşağıdaki alkaloidler bildirilmiştir: [18] β-fenetilamin, efedrin, psödo-efedrin, S - (+) - Nb-metiltriptofan metil ester, hipaphorin, vazisin, vazisinol, kolin ve betain.</p> <p>Tesisten tanen veya glikozit tanımlanmamıştır. Kökler ve gövdeler normalde gymnosperm cinsi Ephedra'nın farklı çeşitlerinde gözlenen alkaloid efedrin içerir. Son analizler, efedrin ve psödoefedrinin, sitosterol ve palmitik, stearik ve hekzokosanoik asitlerin izlerini de gösteren bitkinin hava kısımlarından ana alkaloidleri oluşturduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Flavonlar: 5,7-dihidroksi-3-izoprenil flavon (1) ve 5-hidroksi-3-izoprenil flavon (2), p-sitosterol ve stigmasterol bitkiden izole edilmiştir. [19] Analjezik alkaloid (5p-Hidroksimetil-lp- (1,2,3,9-tetrahidro-pirolo [2,1-b] kinazolin-1-il) -heptan-1-on) da bulunmuştur. [ 20] Sterülik, malvalik ve koronarik asitler, diğer yağ asitleri ile birlikte tohum yağından izole edilmiştir (Chem. Ind. 1985. 483).</p> <p>Hindistan'ın kurak alanlarında çok yıllık olan odunsu alt çalılar, ılıman iklimlerde yıllık olarak yetiştirilir veya kapalı alanlarda saksılarda kışlanır. Dünyadaki ana konulara özgüdür. Bu sarı çiçekli, tüylü ve çok dallı bitki efedrin içerir. Dikkatle kullanın. Ayurveda uygulamasında kardiyak uyarıcı olarak kullanılan tohumlar. Bitki tam güneşi, sıcak maruziyeti ve hızlı drene olan toprağı tercih eder. Orta tane zımpara kağıdı üzerine sürtünerek tohumu kuvvetli bir şekilde skar edin ve ılık koşullarda ve ılımlı suda hızlı drene toprakta ekin. 10 ila 30 gün içinde çimlenme, haftalarca süren çimlenmeyi gösteren sivilceli çimlenme. Uzay bitkileri 2 feet arayla veya daha büyük tencerelere ayrılabilir. Tohum yüklü bakla yol veren parlak sapları, yumuşak yaprakları ve parlak sarı çiçekleri ile yayılan bir çalı yapar saksı kültüründe mükemmel. 2 feet boyunda büyür.</p>
MHS 48
Basil Seeds MIX 4 different varieties 2 - 6

Basil Seeds MIX 4 different...

Fiyat €1,85 (SKU: MHS 44)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Basil Seeds MIX 4 different varieties</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 100 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>1.African Blue Basil:</strong> (Ocimum kilimandscharicum × basilicum 'Dark Opal'): African blue basil (Ocimum kilimandscharicum × basilicum 'Dark Opal') is native to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, and Ethiopia.</p> <p>It is one of a few types of basil that is perennial. It is a sterile hybrid of two other breeds of basil, unable to produce seeds of its own, and is propagated by cuttings.</p> <p>Ocimum kilimandscharicum has a strong camphor scent, inherited from Ocimum kilimandscharicum (camphor basil), its East African parent. The concentration of camphor is 22% (compared with 61% for O. kilimandscharicum). The concentration of the other major aroma compounds, linalool (55%), and 1,8-cineole (15%) is comparable to many basil cultivars.</p> <p>It has similarities to both Thai and sweet basil, yet has a flavor all its own. Its long, pink flowers also make a striking garnish. Although not yet widely known as a useful culinary herb, it shows potential for wider popularity. When added to a dish, it can taste like more than one herb has been used.</p> <p>The leaves of African blue basil start out purple when young, only growing green as the given leaf grows to its full size, and even then retaining purple veins. Based on other purple basils, the color is from anthocyanins, especially cyanidin-3-(di-p-coumarylglucoside)-5-glucoside, but also other cyanidin-based and peonidin-based compounds.</p> <p>It blooms profusely like an annual, but being sterile can never go to seed. It is also taller than many basil cultivars. These blooms are very good at attracting bees and other pollinators.</p> <p><strong>2.</strong></p> <p><strong>Greek Bush Basil</strong>: Greek Basil is an improved variety of 'Bush'. It has a tight compact growing habit and forms a perfectly spherical bush appearing as though having been pruned.</p> <p>The plant is composed of a countless number of tiny, brilliant green, piquant leaves, each less than 1cm (¼ in) in length.</p> <p>Greek basil is subtler, sweeter than its Italian counterpart. Aromatic, lightly fresh and pleasantly spicy, the taste is somewhat like anise or cloves.</p> <p>It is wonderful not only for Italian dishes but also great in other recipes. Both the leaves and their essential oils are used as flavouring agents.</p> <p>This shape and scent make the plant suitable for growing in virtually any horticultural department:- kitchen or herb garden, beds, borders and path edging not forgetting window boxes and patios!</p> <p><strong>3.</strong></p> <p><strong>Italian Basil</strong>: Basils are loaded with volatile oils, responsible for the heady aroma and strong flavor so essential to cooking. The composition of oils varies greatly in different basil types, thus accounting for the wide range of scents available. Large Leaf basil is regarded as the essential variety for true Neapolitan cuisine, especially pesto.</p> <p>Pick the extra-large leaves and use fresh or dried in tomato dishes, pasta sauces, vegetables and soups. You can also use basil in the garden as a companion plant to repel aphids, mites, and tomato hornworms.</p> <p>This Genovese-type basil grows 18 to 24 inches high and 12 to 15 inches wide. The dark green, shiny leaves grow up to 3 inches long on a tall, erect plant that is slow to bolt. Small terminal racemes of pink flowers are borne in summer.</p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Genus</p> </td> <td> <p>Ocimum</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Species</p> </td> <td> <p>basilicum</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Variety</p> </td> <td> <p>Italian</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Bloom Start to End</p> </td> <td> <p>Early Summer - Late Summer</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Habit</p> </td> <td> <p>Upright</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>PlantHeight</p> </td> <td> <p>18 in - 24 in</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>PlantWidth</p> </td> <td> <p>12 in - 15 in</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Additional Characteristics</p> </td> <td> <p>Edible, Flower, Herbs, Indoor Growing</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Bloom Color</p> </td> <td> <p>White</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Foliage Color</p> </td> <td> <p>Medium Green</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Light Requirements</p> </td> <td> <p>Full Sun</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Moisture Requirements</p> </td> <td> <p>Moist,  well-drained</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Soil Tolerance</p> </td> <td> <p>Normal,  loamy</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Uses</p> </td> <td> <p>Cuisine, Ornamental, Outdoor</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <p><strong>4.</strong></p> <p><strong>The big leaf Basil:</strong> Large plant with medium-dark green leaves up to 4" long. Compared to Genovese, the scent and taste are sweeter.</p> <p><strong>Growing Basil:</strong></p> <p>All basils are tender herbs that prefer daytime temperatures of around 25 to 30°C (77 to 86°F), they cannot withstand frost and will only thrive with night temperatures above 12°C (54°F). This tender perennial is usually grown as an annual but can be successfully grown indoors throughout the year.</p> <p>Basil can be grown indoors on a sunny windowsill or outdoors in containers or soil. It should be grown in a position that receives sunlight for around 6 to 8 hours a day. The dark varieties need a significant amount of full sun to achieve their deep and distinctive coloration. Position the plants in a sheltered spot that avoids cold winds. You can bring basil inside as a window herb if you plant the seeds during the warm weather in pots and bring inside to grow in a bright and sunny window.</p> <p><strong>Prepare the site:</strong></p> <p>If growing outdoors, Basil likes a fertile soil that has been well dug to allow good soil air circulation. Introducing well rotted organic compost or manure into the soil a month or so before sowing will help this. Before sowing ensure that the compost or soil is weed free and moist.</p> <p>If growing in pots then a general purpose compost is a suitable soil solution. Ensure that adequate drainage is allowed from the base of the pot.</p> <p><strong>Sowing:</strong></p> <p>It is vital that Basil is not exposed to the last spring frosts so if sowing outside be patient and sow in late March. Sow at any time if the plant is to be kept indoors. If sowing inside and planting outside, you can sow in late February.</p> <p>Sow the seed thinly and if growing in pots sow enough for a few plants in each pot. Cover with 6mm of compost and firm gently. Basil seeds usually germinate in 7 to 14 days at temperatures around 22°C (70°F). Once the seedlings have developed two pairs of true leaves, thin out the weakest seedlings, leaving each pots strongest.</p> <p><strong>Cultivation:</strong></p> <p>Once established, basil needs very little care. If growing indoors in pots then weeds shouldn't be a problem. If growing outdoors then you can add an organic mulch around the plants to help aid soil moisture retention and prevent weed establishment. Add a small amount of fertilizer every month or so to any pot plants. Water at the base of the plant avoiding showering the leaves and stems.</p> <p>Basil, once it flowers tends to produce a more bitter taste in the leaves. Pinching off the flowers is recommended unless you are specifically looking to harvest the seeds.</p> <p>Basil takes about 80 days to flower. In summer remove about 2/3rds of the plant leaving just enough for regeneration, this gives an abundance of basil leaves and elongates the growing period. Dry or freeze any excess leaves for later use. It is also a good time to sow another batch of seeds, this will see you through the season.</p> <p>Basil will grow all year round indoors but outdoor plants should be dug up and brought indoors before the first fall frosts if you want to extend the plants growing season.</p> <p><strong>Harvesting:</strong></p> <p>Light-harvesting of leaves may begin after plants have become established. It is best done in the early morning when the temperature is cooler, and the leaves are less likely to wilt.</p> <p>Basil is a cut and comes again crop. Harvest the topmost leaves first, taking a few leaves from a number of plants. Use scissors to snip off the leaves, the leaves are easily bruised so handle with care.</p> <p>Basil should be harvested periodically to encourage regrowth, A full harvest should be done just before plants start to flower. Cut the entire plant 10 to 15cm (4 to 6in) above the ground to promote a second growth. It is especially important to do a final harvest before the temperature drops, as the plant is not hardy.</p> <p><strong>Storing:</strong></p> <p>After harvesting, many gardeners prefer to freeze the herb, rather than dry it, because the flavor and color are better preserved. One can simply strip, clean and freeze the leaves on baking sheets before transferring them to bags.</p> <p>Alternatively, chop the leaves with olive oil and freeze in bags. You can also process the leaves with olive oil or a little water and freeze initially in ice cube trays, then transfer them to bags.</p> <p>To dry, cut the stems at soil level and bind stems of several plants together, hang the bunches up to air dry in a warm room for about a week, then remove them from the stems. Store them in a dry airtight container for up to 12 months.</p> <p><strong>Medicinal Uses:</strong></p> <p>Basil has anti-inflammatory properties that may provide relief for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel syndrome. It is a very good source of vitamin A since it is high in beta-carotene. An excellent source of vitamin K, basil also provides significant amounts of magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and vitamin C.</p> <p><strong>Culinary Uses:</strong></p> <p>Fresh Mediterranean basil leaf is a principal component of pesto alla Genovese (green pesto) and also appears in pesto rosso (red pesto), which includes tomatoes as well. The leaf is also used as a seasoning in tomato sauce, pizza, Insalata Caprese, salad dressing, and cooked vegetable dishes. Dried leaf is found in the mixed spice called "Italian seasoning," and sometimes is a component of bouquet garni. Thai basils, which differ from Mediterranean varieties, are used in Thai green curry and as a garnish.</p> <p>Basil is also used in desserts, including ice cream and sorbet, custard and zabaglione. The seeds are used to thicken the consistency of certain Thai foods. The essential oil is used in perfumes.</p> <p>Since the oils in basil are highly volatile, it is best to add the herb near the end of the cooking process, so it will retain its maximum essence and flavor.</p> <p><strong>Companion Planting:</strong></p> <p>When interplanted, basil is said to improve the taste of tomatoes and peppers, as well as repelling tomato hornworms and aphids. Basil is also the one herb reputed to repel mosquitoes around its growing place.</p> <p><strong>Origin:</strong></p> <p>Basil is native to India, Asia and Africa but now grows in many regions throughout the world. It is prominently featured in varied cuisines throughout the world including Italian, Thai, Vietnamese and Laotian.</p> <p>There are now more than 60 distinct varieties of basil, each with a distinctive flavor, aroma, color, shape, and its own essential oil composition. While the taste of sweet basil is bright and pungent, other varieties also offer unique tastes: lemon basil, anise basil, and cinnamon basil all have flavors that subtly reflect their name.</p> <p><strong>Nomenclature:</strong></p> <p>The genus name ‘basil’ is derived from the old Greek word basilikohn, which means 'royal,' reflecting that ancient culture's attitudes towards an herb that they held to be very noble and sacred. The tradition of reverence of basil has continued in other cultures. Many traditions about the herb's powers have to do with love and the afterlife.</p> <p>In India, basil was cherished as an icon of hospitality, while in Italy, it was a symbol of love.</p>
MHS 44 (100 S)
Basil Seeds MIX 4 different varieties 2 - 6
Bittersweet Seeds (Solanum dulcamara) 1.75 - 5

Bittersweet Seeds (Solanum...

Fiyat €1,75 (SKU: MHS 51)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Bittersweet Seeds (Solanum dulcamara)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Solanaceae: semi-woody herbaceous perennial vine, which scrambles over other plants, capable of reaching a height of 4 m where suitable support is available, but more often 1–2 meters high. The leaves are 4–12 cm long, roughly arrowhead-shaped, and often lobed at the base. The pretty flowers are in loose clusters of 3–20, 1–1.5 cm across, star-shaped, with five purple petals and yellow stamens and style pointing forward. The fruit is an ovoid bright red berry about 1 cm long, soft and juicy, with the aspect and odour of a tiny tomato, some reports suggest that the red berries are edible when ripe, but poisonous when green and unripe, and other literature suggests that they are deadly poisonous either red or green, I have never be tempted to find out for myself. Native to Britain, northern Africa, Europe and Asia.</p> <p> </p> <p>Bittersweet is a poisonous plant that has a long history of use in the treatment of skin diseases, warts, tumours, felons etc., all parts of the plant are alterative, anodyne, depurative, mildly diuretic, emetic, expectorant, hepatic, mildly narcotic and purgative. it should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner, this is a poisonous plant that, in excess, paralyzes the central nervous system, slows the heart and respiration, and lowers temperature, causing vertigo, delirium, convulsions and death.</p> <p> </p> <p>Sow seeds in spring, a soak in Ga3 will help, when they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and plant them out into their permanent positions in the summer. If you have sufficient seed then it can be sown outdoors in situ in the spring.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> There is a lot of disagreement over whether or not the leaves or fruit of this plant are poisonous. Views vary from relatively poisonous to perfectly safe to eat. The plant is cultivated as a food crop, both for its fruit and its leaves, in some parts of the world and it is probably true to say that toxicity can vary considerably according to where the plant is grown and the cultivar that is being grown. The unripe fruit contains the highest concentration of toxins.</p> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%"> <h3><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></h3> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Seeds</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">all year round</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Just lightly cover with substrate</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">min. 20 ° C</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">until it germinates </span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color:#008000;"><strong> </strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><br /><span style="color:#008000;"><strong><em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. </em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em></strong></span></p> </td> </tr></tbody></table>
MHS 51 (5 S)
Bittersweet Seeds (Solanum dulcamara) 1.75 - 5

Hindistan'dan çeşitli
Black Cardamom Seeds 1.95 - 1

Black Cardamom Seeds

Fiyat €1,95 (SKU: MHS 57 B)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Black Cardamom Seeds (Elettaria cardamomum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Elettaria cardamomum, commonly known as green or true cardamom, is a herbaceous perennial plant in the ginger family, native to southern India. It is the most common of the species whose seeds are used as a spice called cardamom. It is cultivated widely in tropical regions and reportedly naturalized in Réunion, Indochina and Costa Rica.</p> <p><strong>Growth</strong></p> <p>Elettaria cardamomum is a pungent aromatic herbaceous perennial plant, growing about to 2–4 m in height. The leaves are alternate in two ranks, linear-lanceolate, 40–60 cm long, with a long pointed tip. The flowers are white to lilac or pale violet, produced in a loose spike 30–60 cm long. The fruit is a three-sided yellow-green pod 1–2 cm long, containing several black and brown seeds.</p> <p><strong>Uses</strong></p> <p>The green seed pods of the plant are dried and the seeds inside the pod are used in Indian and other Asian cuisines, either whole or ground. It is the most widely cultivated species of cardamom; for other types and uses, see cardamom.</p> <p>Cardamom pods as used as a spice</p> <p>Ground cardamom is an ingredient in many Indian curries and is a primary contributor to the flavour of masala chai. In Iran, cardamom is used to flavour coffee and tea. In Turkey, it is used to flavour the black Turkish tea, kakakule in Turkish.</p> <p>As well as in its native range, it is also grown in Nepal, Vietnam, Thailand, and Central America. In India, the states of Sikkim and Kerala are the main producers of cardamom; they rank highest both in cultivated area and in production. It was first imported into Europe around 1300 BC.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 57 B
Black Cardamom Seeds 1.95 - 1
Caper Spurge or Paper Spurge Seeds 2.45 - 3

Tohumlar Euphorbia lathyris

Fiyat €2,45 (SKU: MHS 30)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Tohumlar Euphorbia lathyris</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>10 tohum paketi için fiyat.</strong></span></h2> <p>Euphorbia çok büyük ve çeşitlidir cins arasında çiçekli bitkiler yaygın olarak adlandırılan, sütleğen sütleğen içinde, ailenin ( Euphorbiacae ). "Euphorbia" bazen topluca (gözönünde bulundurularak Euphorbiaceae tüm üyelerine atıfta bulunmak için sıradan İngilizce olarak kullanılan tip cinsinin sadece cinsinin üyeleri,). Bazı euphorbias gibi ticari yaygın olarak bulunmaktadır poinsettias Noel'de. Bazı yaygın süs olarak yetiştirilen veya toplanan ve son derece tür dikenler bitki (tacı olarak kendilerine özgü çiçek yapılarının, estetik görünümünde değerlenir Euphorbia milii ). Güney çöllerinden euphorbias Afrika ve Madagaskar fiziksel özellikleri ve benzer formlar evrimleşmiş kaktüsler Kuzey ve Güney Amerika, bu yüzden (bitkilerin çeşitli başka türlü birlikte) genellikle yanlış kaktüs olarak adlandırılır. Bazı için güzel ya da çarpıcı genel formları ve kuraklık ve ısı toleransı, peyzaj süs olarak kullanılır.</p> <p>Euphorbias minik aralığı yıllık bitkilerde büyük ve uzun ömürlü ağaçlara. Cins o biri haline üzerinden veya yaklaşık 2.000 üyesi bulunan çiçekli bitkilerin büyük cins . Aynı zamanda en büyük aralıkları birine sahip kromozom sayımları birlikte Rumex ve Senecio . Euphorbia Antiquorum cinsinin tip türdür Euphorbia . İlk tarif edilmiştir Carl Linnaeus içinde 1753 yılında Türler Plantarum .</p> <p>Bitkiler zehirli bir, sütlü, beyaz, sahip özelliğini paylaşan lateks benzeri öz ve sıradışı ve eşsiz çiçek yapıları. Cinsi üyelerinin gen dizilerinin özellikleri tarafından tarif edildiği gibi veya şekil ve form ile (edilebilir morfolojisi çiçeklerin başları). Bir bütün olarak bakıldığında, çiçek kafa, tek bir çiçek (a benziyor pseudanthium ). Bu adlandırılan pseudanthium eşsiz tür vardır cyathium kafasındaki her çiçek eşeyli üreme için gerekli olan barest önemli bir parçası indirgenir. Bireysel çiçekler sadece düşürüldü erkek çiçekler, erkek veya kadın olan stamen için, kadınlarda dişi organ . Bu çiçekler hiç sahip çanak , yaprakları bitkilerin diğer tür çiçek karakteristik veya diğer bölümleri. Yapılar çiçek baş destekleme ve altındaki nektar ile pollinatorsu çekmeyi geliştiğini ve şekil ve yön işlev renklerle yaprakları diğer çiçek yapmak ve diğer çiçek parçaları. Bu fotosentez, her üç çeşit bitki tek cinsidir CAM , C3 , ve C4 .</p> <p>Cins tüm dünyada bulunabilir. Formlar arasında değişir yıllık bitkilerde iyi gelişmiş uzun boylu ağaçlar, yerde yatan. Madagaskar ve güney Afrika'da çöllerinde, yakınsak evrim kaktüsler Kuzey ve Güney Amerika çöllerinde yaptığı gibi bitkiler aynı ekolojik niş işgal kaktüs benzeri formlarda yol açmıştır. Cins öncelikle bulunur tropikal ve subtropikal değil, aynı zamanda içinde, Afrika ve Amerika bölgelerinde ılıman bölgelerde dünya çapında. Sulu türler Afrika'nın, Amerika'nın ve Madagaskar çoğunlukla kaynaklanmaktadır. Geniş bir dar türleri bulunabilir.</p> <p>kaktüsler gibi misidentification<br />Meslekten olmayan kişiler arasında, Euphorbia türleri en sık karıştırılmaması bitki taksa arasındadır kaktüs özellikle, kök sulu meyveler . Euphorbias lateks ile bir yapışkan, süt gibi beyaz bir sıvı salgılar, ancak kaktüs yok. Euphorbias Bireysel sık sık çiçekler fevkalade gösterişli çiçekler var kaktüsler aksine yaprakları ve çanak yaprakları, olmadan, genellikle küçük ve (bireysel çiçeklerin etrafında yapılar olmayabilir rağmen) tanımlanamaz. Kaktüs benzer büyüme formları ile çöl habitatları euphorbias sahip dikenleri kaktüs dikenler farklıdır.</p> <p>etimoloji<br />Ortak adı "sütleğen" türetilmiştir Orta İngilizce / Eski Fransızca espurge nedeniyle olarak bitkinin özsuyu kullanımı ile ( "tasfiye etmek") purgatif . Botanik adı Euphorbia kaynaklanmaktadır Euphorbos , Yunan kral ve hekim Juba II arasında Numidya Anthony ve Kleopatra kızı ile evlendi - (23 AD 52-50 BC). Juba dahil olmak üzere çeşitli konularda, üzerinde üretken bir yazardı doğal tarih . Euphorbos kaktüs benzeri euphorbias (artık ismi biri olduğunu yazdı Euphorbia obtusifolia ssp. Regis-jubae ) güçlü olarak kullanıldı müshil . Olarak 12 M.Ö. Juba, onun doktor Euphorbos sonra bu bitkiyi adlı Augustus Sezar Euphorbos kardeşi, bir heykel adanmış olan Antonius Musa Augustus özel doktoru oldu. 1753 yılında botanikçi ve taksonomisti Carl Linnaeus adı verilen Euphorbia hekimin onuruna tüm cins için.</p> <p>Açıklama<br />Bitkiler yıllık , iki yılda bir veya çok yıllık bir kostik, zehirli sütlü lateks ile otlar, odunsu çalılar veya ağaçları. Kökler , ince veya kalın ve etli veya yumru bulunmaktadır. Birçok türün az ya da çok, etli dikenli veya silahsız. Ana sap ve sulu türlerin çok aynı zamanda yan kollar 15-91 sm (6-36 olarak) uzun, kalın ve etli. Yaprak döken yapraklar olabilir karşısında , alternatif veya içinde whorls . Sulu türler, yapraklar çok küçük ve kısa ömürlüdür. Stipules , çok küçük kısmen dönüştürülmüş olan dikenler veya bezleri veya eksik.</p> <p>Çiçek ve meyve<br />aile Euphorbiaceae tüm üyeleri gibi, spurges cinsli çiçekler var.</p> <p>In Euphorbia , çiçekler bir baş denilen meydana cyathium (çoğul cyathia). Erkekler de cyathium kafasında her erkek veya kadın çiçek, sadece temel cinsel parçası vardır erkeklik organı , kadınlarda dişilik organı . Çiçekler yok çanak , yaprakları veya nektar bitkinin diğer nonflower parçaları benzer rolleri olan bir görünüm ve nektar bezleri olmasına rağmen, polen çekmek için. Euphorbias çiçek başının bu tür bilinen tek bitkilerdir.</p> <p>Polen çekmek Nektar bezleri ve nektar involucre aşağıdan bir cuplike parçası ve cyathium kafasını destekleyen düzenlenmektedir. Cins içinde ( "involucre" Euphorbia (denilen bracts topluluğudur aile Asteraceae üyelerinde "involucre" ile karıştırılmamalıdır değildir phyllaries çevreler ve açılmamış çiçek başını örten), daha sonra bunun altında priz desteklemek çiçek kafa açar sonra.)</p> <p>İnvolucre yukarıda tarafından desteklenen gonca yaprağı (genellikle çiftler halinde) yaprak yapıları modifiye benzeri cyathophylls' ya cyathial yaprakları adı. Cyathophyll genellikle çiçeğin olmanın yaprakları yüzeysel görünüme sahiptir.</p> <p>Euphorbia çiçek küçük ve farklı form ve renkleri ile farklı polen (ve insan gözü), çekme varyasyonu, bu bağlanmış bezleri gibi cyathium, involucre, cyathophyll veya ek parça olarak gerçekleşir.</p> <p>Birçok çiçek toplama bazen denilen şekilli ve tek bir birey çiçek olarak topluca görünmesini düzenlenebilir pseudanthium Asteraceae içinde ve aynı zamanda Euphorbia .</p> <p>Türün çoğunluğu monoecious bazı olmasına rağmen, (aynı bitki üzerinde erkek ve dişi çiçek rulman) dioik erkek ve dişi çiçek farklı bitkiler üzerinde meydana gelen. Bir merkez cyathia için olağandışı değildir Kyme saf erkek olmak, ve yan cyathia için her iki cinsiyet de taşımaktır. Bazen genç bitkiler veya elverişsiz koşullarda büyüyen olanlar sadece erkek vardır ve olgunlukla cyathia veya yetişme koşulları iyileştirmek olarak dişi çiçekleri üretmek sadece.</p> <p>Tek bir pistil indirgenmiş dişi çiçek genellikle her ucunda iki tepeciklere ile genellikle, üç bölüme bölünür. Erkek çiçekler genellikle ikişer ikişer anter var. Nektar bezleri genellikle biri kadar az olabilir, beşli meydana gelir ve bir "U" şeklinde birleştirilebilir. cyathophylls genellikle ikişer ikişer, yaprak gibi ortaya çıkar ve böceklerin daha gösterişli ve parlak renkli ve çekici olabilir veya ancak görünür küçük ölçeklere azaltılabilir.</p> <p>Meyveler, üç ya da nadiren iki bölmeli olan kapsüller , bazen etli, ancak hemen hemen her zaman daha sonra açık bazen böler odunsu kabına olgunlaşma, patlama . Tohumlar , dört köşeli, oval ya da küre şeklinde ve bazı türler vardır karünkül .</p> <p>Xerophytes ve sulu meyveler<br />Cins olarak Euphorbia , türlerde sulu olma genellikle divergently ve farklı derecelerde gelişmiştir. Bazen, karar vermek zordur ve bir tür gerçekten etli veya "sadece" olup olmadığını, yorumlama meselesidir kserofitik . Bazı durumlarda, özellikle birlikte geofitlerden yakından kaktüsedüşenleri ilgili bitkiler, normal otlar vardır. Yaklaşık 850 tür sağın anlamında etli bulunmaktadır. Bir hafif sulu ve kserofitik türler içerir, bu rakam tüm yaklaşık% 45'ini temsil etmektedir, yaklaşık 1000 yükselir Euphorbia türleri.</p> <p>irritanlar<br />( "Lateks" olarak adlandırılır) spurges sütlü sap karşı engelleyici bir evrimleşmiş otçul . Bu dışında, kuru iken, beyaz ve saydam E. abdelkuri sarı bir. Basınçlı özsuyu ufak yaradan sızan ve havada birkaç dakika sonra donar. Cilt tahriş edici ve aşındırıcı etkileri büyük ölçüde değişen miktarlarda kaynaklanır diterpenlerin . Triterpenler gibi betulin ve karşılık gelen esterler lateks diğer önemli bileşenleridir. Mukozaya (göz, burun, ağız) ile temas halinde, lateks çok acı verici üretebilir iltihabı . Bu nedenle, spurges dikkatle ele alınmalıdır ve çocukların ve evcil hayvanlardan uzak tuttu. Ciltte Lateks derhal büyük bir dikkatle yıkanmalıdır. Katılaşan lateks suda çözünmez, ama süt veya sabun gibi bir emülsiyon yapıcı ile temizlenebilir. İnflamasyon özünden maruz kaynaklanabilir kalıcı körlüğe dahil ciddi göz hasarı gibi meydana gelirse bir hekime danışılmalıdır. Bir serada büyük etli spurges kesilir zaman buharlar uzak gözler ve boğaz birkaç metreye kadar tahrişe neden olabilir. Uygun havalandırma içeren tedbirler, gereklidir.</p> <p>Kullanımları<br />Çeşitli spurges aralarında bahçe bitkileri olarak büyütülür Atatürk çiçeği ( E. pulcherrima ) ve sulu E. Trigona . E. pekinensis ( Çin : 大戟 ; pinyin : dàjǐ ) kullanılan geleneksel Çin tıbbı o biri olarak kabul edilir, 50 temel otlar . Çeşitli Euphorbia türleri gıda bitkileri olarak kullanılan larvalara bazı Lepidoptera sütleğen şahin güveler (olduğu gibi, (kelebek ve güveler) Hyles euphorbiae ve Hyles tithymali ), hem de dev pars güve .</p> <p>İngenol mebutate , tedavi etmek için kullanılan bir ilaç aktinik keratoz , bir olduğunu Diterpenoid bulundu Euphorbia peplus .</p> <p>Euphorbias genellikle Afrika'nın birçok yerinde bitkileri hedging olarak kullanılır.</p> <p>Euphorbia kendi eski subtribe, ne tekabül Euphorbiinae . Bu 2000'den fazla türü vardır. Morfolojik bir cyathium varlığını kullanılarak açıklama üyelerinin yaklaşık% 10 test nükleer ve kloroplast DNA sekansı verileri ile tutarlıdır (bakınız yukarıdaki bölüm). Bu test, en iyi dahil olmak üzere bu tek cins, yerleştirilmeden olarak eski diğer cinslerin dahil destekler Chamaesyce , Monadenium , Pedilanthus ve Atatürk çiçeği ( E. pulcherrima ).</p> <p>Genetik testler cins içindeki benzer çiçek kafa yapıları veya formlar, cins içindeki yakın soy anlamına olabileceğini göstermiştir. genetik bilgi cins içinde, çiçeklenme yapıların yakınsak evrim ilgili olmayan ata alt birime kadar olabileceğini göstermektedir. cins ayrıca alt cins gruplama için sorunlu hale dahilinde Yani morfolojiyi kullanarak. Euphorbia Gezegen Biyoçeşitlilik Envanter proje web sayfasında belirtildiği gibi -</p> <p>Cins içinde subgenerasının veya bölümlerin Önceki morfolojik temelli Delimitasyonlar doğru kabul edilmemelidir. Cins aslında morfolojik önemli örneklerindendir ile yaygın olduğunu yakınlaşma tüm grubun uygun bir filogenetik anlayış elde etmek cins okuyan global bir yaklaşımla haklı cyathial ve vejetatif özellikleri, .... İşin özeti şu ki daldaki bir dizi farklı zamanlarda içinde veya Euphorbia dışında yerleştirilmiş olan ... altcins circumscriptions birkaç DNA dizi analizi altında tutun.</p> <p>Üzerine yapılan çalışmaları 2002 yayınına göre DNA dizisi büyük cins etrafında küçük "uydu cins" çoğu verilerine Euphorbia derin ikincisi içinde yuva. Sonuç olarak, bu takson , yani asla genel kabul görmüş cinsi Chamaesyce yanı sıra daha küçük cins Cubanthus , Elaeophorbia , Endadenium , Monadenium , Synadenium ve Pedilanthus nakledildi Euphorbia . Tüm subtribe Euphorbiinae artık sadece cinsinin oluşur Euphorbia .</p> <p>Melezler<br />Euphorbia yoğun olmuştur hibritlenmiş birçok bahçe kullanımı için çeşitlerin ticari olarak temin edilebilir. Ayrıca, bazı hibrid bitkiler, örneğin, vahşi büyüyen bulunmuştur E. x martini Rouy, bir enine E. amygdaloides x E. characias subsp. characias , Güney Fransa'da bulunan.</p> <p>alt türler<br />Cins Euphorbia çiçekli bitkilerin en büyük ve en karmaşık cins biridir ve birkaç botanikçiler sayısız küçük cins içine cins alt gruplara ayırmak başarısız girişimde bulundu. Son göre filogenetik çalışmalar, Euphorbia her birkaç yeterince incelemeden henüz içeren dört subgenerasının ayrılabilir bölümleri ve grupları. Bunlardan, Esula en çok bazal . Chamaesyce ve Euphorbia muhtemelen kardeş takson , ama çok yakından ilgilidir Rhizanthium . Kapsamlı xeromorph olasılıkla uyarlamalar gelişti birkaç kez; kaktüs benzeri ortak atası ise bilinmemektedir Rhizanthium ve Euphorbia soyları xeromorphic-ki bu durumda daha normal bir morfolojisi, yani yeniden geliştiğini olur olduğu Chamaesyce geniş xeromorphism tamamen olup -veya polyphyletic da subgenerasının seviyesine .</p> <p></p>
MHS 30 (10 S)
Caper Spurge or Paper Spurge Seeds 2.45 - 3
Clary Sage Seeds Medicinal Plant (Salvia sclarea) 1.25 - 1

Clary Sage Seeds

Fiyat €1,95 (SKU: MHS 24)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Clary Sage Seeds Medicinal Plant (Salvia sclarea)</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong> Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <div>Salvia sclarea, clary, or clary sage, is a biennial or short-lived herbaceous perennial in the genus Salvia. It is native to the northern Mediterranean, along with some areas in north Africa and Central Asia. The plant has a lengthy history as a medicinal herb, and is currently grown for its essential oil.</div> <div>Description</div> <div>S. sclarea reaches 3 to 4 ft (0.91 to 1.2 m) in height, with thick square stems that are covered in hairs. The leaves are approximately 1 ft (0.30 m) long at the base, .5 ft (0.15 m) long higher on the plant. The upper leaf surface is rugose, and covered with glandular hairs. The flowers are in verticils, with 2-6 flowers in each verticil, and are held in large colorful bracts that range in color from pale mauve to lilac or white to pink with a pink mark on the edge. The lilac or pale blue corolla is approximately 1 in (2.5 cm), with the lips held wide open. The cultivar S. sclarea 'Turkestanica' bears pink stems, petiolate leaves, and white, pink-flecked blossoms on spikes to 30 inches tall (75 cm).</div> <div>History</div> <div>Descriptions of medicinal use of the plant goes back to the writings of Theophrastus (4th century BCE), Dioscorides (1st century CE), and Pliny the Elder (1st century CE).</div> <div>Uses</div> <div>Clary seeds have a mucilaginous coat, which is why some old herbals recommended placing a seed into the eye of someone with a foreign object in it so that it could adhere to the object and make it easy to remove. This practice is noted by Nicholas Culpeper in his Complete Herbal (1653), who referred to the plant as "clear-eye".[3]</div> <p>The distilled essential oil is used widely in perfumes and as a muscatel flavoring for vermouths, wines, and liqueurs.[1] It is also used in aromatherapy for relieving anxiety and fear, menstrual-related problems such as PMS and cramping, and helping with insomnia.</p> <table style="width: 500px;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">all year round</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Cover lightly with substrate</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">15-20°C</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">21 - 45 days</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span style="color: #008000;"> </span></td> <td valign="top"> <p align="center"><br /><span style="color: #008000;"> <em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. </em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
MHS 24 (10 S)
Clary Sage Seeds Medicinal Plant (Salvia sclarea) 1.25 - 1
Tohumlar Keten (Linum...

Tohumlar Keten (Linum...

Fiyat €1,35 (SKU: VE 215)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Tohumlar Keten (Linum usitatissimum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>120 (1g) tohum paketi için fiyat.</strong></span></h2> <p><b>Keten</b><span>&nbsp;</span>(Latince<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Linum usitatissimum</i>),<span>&nbsp;</span>Ketengiller<span>&nbsp;</span>familyasından<span>&nbsp;</span>keten<span>&nbsp;</span>cinsinin en yaygın türüdür. Haziran-Ağustos ayları arasında ipek gibi, mavimsi veya sarı renkli<span>&nbsp;</span>çiçekler<span>&nbsp;</span>açan bir<span>&nbsp;</span>bitkidir.</p> <p>15–60&nbsp;cm boylanabilir.<span>&nbsp;</span>Tohumu<span>&nbsp;</span>ve<span>&nbsp;</span>lifi<span>&nbsp;</span>için yetiştirilen bitkinin doğal ve kültür formları bulunur. Yaprakları sapsız, grimsi-yeşil renkli, dik veya yatık gövde üzerinde sıralanmışlardır. Ketenin kimyasal yapısında; %80<span>&nbsp;</span>selüloz, %3<span>&nbsp;</span>pektin, %10 su bulunur.</p> <p>Tohumları<span>&nbsp;</span>%40-45 yağ içerir ve yağ eldesinde kullanılır. Keten yağı<span>&nbsp;</span>omega 3<span>&nbsp;</span>yağ asitleri bakımından zengindir, "bezir yağı" olarak bilinen bu yağ boyacılıkta da kullanılır. Yağı alınan tohumlar hayvan yemi olarak kullanılır.</p> <p>Keten her çeşit toprakta yetişebilir.<span>&nbsp;</span>Lif ketenleri<span>&nbsp;</span>nemli havayı,<span>&nbsp;</span>yağ ketenleri<span>&nbsp;</span>ise güneşli havayı sever. Anadolu'da keten yazlık ve güzlük olarak ekilmektedir. Kışlık ketenler Ağustos-Eylül, yazlık ketenler ise Mart ve Nisan aylarında ekilir. Lif ketenlerinin uzun boylu olanları makbuldür ve gübreli toprakta yetişir. Yağ ketenleri, iyice olgunlaştıktan sonra toplandığı halde, lif ketenleri olgunlaşmadan toplanır. Keten tohumları kapsülden dövülerek çıkarılır ve elenerek temizlenir. Gövdeler iyice ezilerek içinden lifleri çıkarılır. Demet haline getirilerek havuzlara daldırılır. Bir müddet bekletildikten sonra çıkarılıp kurutulur. Taraklardan geçirilerek düzeltilir ve yumaklar halinde hazırlanır.</p> <div class="thumb tleft"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Tohumlar Keten (Linum usitatissimum)" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Grand-Reng_JPG01.jpg/200px-Grand-Reng_JPG01.jpg" decoding="async" width="200" height="150" class="thumbimage" srcset="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Grand-Reng_JPG01.jpg/300px-Grand-Reng_JPG01.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/92/Grand-Reng_JPG01.jpg/400px-Grand-Reng_JPG01.jpg 2x" data-file-width="2272" data-file-height="1704" title="Tohumlar Keten (Linum usitatissimum)"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Keten tarlası (Belçika)</div> </div> </div> <p>Keten en eski kültür bitkilerindendir. Keten, 4000-5000 yıldan beri<span>&nbsp;</span>Yakın Doğu<span>&nbsp;</span>ve Akdeniz bölgelerinde<span>&nbsp;</span>lifi<span>&nbsp;</span>ve tohumları için yetiştirilmekte; dünyanın çok yerinde üretilmektedir.<span>&nbsp;</span>Mısır'da<span>&nbsp;</span>MÖ 4. yüzyılda<span>&nbsp;</span>keten yetiştirildiği, mabetler ve mezarlar üzerine yapılan resimlerden anlaşılmıştır. Dünya'da keten üretiminde ilk sırayı<span>&nbsp;</span>Rusya<span>&nbsp;</span>ve ikinci sırayı<span>&nbsp;</span>Polonya<span>&nbsp;</span>alır<span>&nbsp;</span><sup class="noprint Inline-Template">[<i><span title="">kaynak belirtilmeli</span></i>]</sup>. Memleketimizde bazı keten türleri tabii olarak yetişir. Türkiye'de Batı, İç Anadolu ve Karadeniz'de daha fazla olmak üzere Anadolu'nun çoğu yeridir.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VE 215 (1g)
Tohumlar Keten (Linum usitatissimum)