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Oroszországból származó fajta

Bosznia-Hercegovinából származó fajta

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Görögországból származó fajta

Olasz fajta

Become our seed supplier Seeds Gallery - 1

Become our seed supplier

Ár 0,00 € (SKU: )
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Become our seed supplier</strong></h2> <h2><strong>What does it take to become our seed supplier?</strong></h2> <p>In order to become our supplier, you need to have a video and pictures of the fruits of the plants you offer us, with your personal details and a date on paper that will be clearly visible (with your name and email address you use for PayPal).</p> <p>If it is a vegetable (tomato, pepper, cucumber ...) you need to know the exact name of the variety, because if you use any other name and we cannot find the information on the internet, then we are not interested in those seeds.</p> <p>You will need to send us a smaller amount of seed (20) so that we can perform seed germination testing. After that, we can arrange a further purchase of the seed from you.</p> <p>We make payments exclusively through PayPal (there is no other payment option).</p> </body> </html>
Become our seed supplier Seeds Gallery - 1

Magyarországi fajta
Rekord Hot Pepper Seeds

Rekord Hot Pepper Seeds

Ár 1,65 € (SKU: PP 14)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Rekord Hot Pepper Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Record is one of the favorite varieties of hot peppers in Hungary. The variety bears throughout the season and produces long and pointed fruits, an extremely high-yielding variety in the open field. Its fruits hang, have a spicy taste and the fruit weighs an average of 18-21 g.</p> <p>Suitable for both fresh consumption and pickling.</p> <h3><strong>Recipe for "Lucena paprika"</strong></h3> <p>Bake the fruit on the grill or stovetop, peel the skin, then add olive or any other oil, vinegar, finely chopped garlic, salt and leave to stand for an hour or two, and enjoy the "Lucena paprika"</p>
PP 14 (10 S)
Rekord Hot Pepper Seeds

Magyarországi fajta

Hot Pepper Seeds Javitott...

Hot Pepper Seeds Javitott...

Ár 1,85 € (SKU: PP 15)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Hot Pepper Seeds Javitott Bogyiszloi</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Hot Pepper Seeds Javított Bogyiszlói is a variety from Hungary that quickly gained popularity, among fans of hot peppers. Fast-growing, spreading bush, 40cm high. Its fruit is white, regular conical, erect, pleasantly pungent. Pepper weighing 50-55g, with excellent taste.</p> <p>Suitable for fresh consumption and pickled processing.</p> <p>Its speed of development is fast. It tolerates drought well.</p> <p>Recommended for outdoor cultivation.</p>
PP 15 (10 S)
Hot Pepper Seeds Javitott Bogyiszloi

Magyarországi fajta
Hungarian chili seeds mixed...

Hungarian chili seeds mixed...

Ár 1,55 € (SKU: C 115 CM)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2>Hungarian chili seeds mixed colors</h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Three types (colors) of favorite Hungarian hot peppers! Pointed hot peppers are medium-tall old varieties, and suitable for cultivation outdoors or in pots. Its drooping fruits ripen from dark green to lemon yellow, orange, and red color. It tastes extremely pungent. Excellent varieties for fresh use, drying, and pickling.</p> <p>Under the color option, select which fruit color you want and add to the basket, if you want all three colors, repeat the process of selecting and adding to the basket.</p> </body> </html>
C 115 CM Y
Hungarian chili seeds mixed colors

Óriás növény (óriás gyümölcsökkel)

Magyarországi fajta
Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos

Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos

Ár 2,15 € (SKU: PP 16)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Hungarian Sweet Pepper variety Feher Kos is definitely one of our favorites, very large (up to 28 cm long), super sweet, crunchy, ideal for fresh use, and pickling. We love it fresh in salads or sandwiches. It is also ideal for making "Lucena paprika" salad.</p> <p>We recommended this variety for open field cultivation and early foil growing (but it will also grow in pots without problems). The plant is <strong>very strong highly productive</strong> and we had no problems with diseases (and we use only organic compost, without any Chemical preparations for protection against diseases).</p> <p>Its fruit is drooping, 22-25 cm long, with curved milky-white fruits (when the fruits are ripe becomes red color), sweet taste, and pointed tips.</p> <p>It is excellent for raw consumption and pickling.</p>
PP 16 (10 S)
Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos

Magyarországi fajta
Hungarian Chili Kalocsa Seeds

Hungarian Chili Kalocsa Seeds

Ár 1,55 € (SKU: C 26 K)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Hungarian Chili from Kalocsa Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>An excellent and highly valued old Hungarian variety of hot pepper. Hot chili peppers with hanging fruit, short stems, medium green leaves. Shrub 35-40 cm tall, plant with closed leaves in the shape of an umbrella. The fruit is 2-3 cm in diameter, spherically flattened. It has a smooth surface and an oval cross-section.</p> <p>The fruits are dark red when ripe, with an average weight of 4-7 g. Dry matter content in mature state 22-24%, mature color content in fruit wall 160-200 ASTA.</p> <p>The capsaicin content in the fruit is 1000-1100 mg/kg (16000-17500 Scoville units).</p> <p>Recommendation: Good tolerance to viral diseases, rapid ripening.<br />The fruits are hard and great for long storage.</p> </body> </html>
C 26 K
Hungarian Chili Kalocsa Seeds

Szerbiából származó fajta
Serbian hot chilli Crvena...

Serbian hot chilli Crvena...

Ár 2,85 € (SKU: C 12 CF (1g))
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Serbian hot chilli "Crvena feferona"</span></strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Price for package of 170+- (1g) seeds.</span></strong></span></h2> <p><span style="font-size: 11pt;">Our "Crvena feferona" chili , originally from Serbia, is a beautiful variety which is very suitable for drying. It does not lose its bright red color after drying. It is interesting that in Serbia, the chili culture is widespread.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 11pt;">It can be grown in a pot, but the most productive plants are grown outdoors.</span></p> </body> </html>
C 12 CF (1g)
Serbian hot chilli Crvena Feferona

Indiából származó fajta
Kasmír chili magok

Kasmír chili magok

Ár 3,85 € (SKU: C 111 KC)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Kasmír chili magok</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Ár csomag 30 (0,2g) magot.</strong></span></h2> <p>A kasmími chili az indiai konyha fő összetevője, amely élénk élénk vörös színéről ismert, enyhe fűszerességgel és kiváló gyümölcsízzel. Az egyik legértékesebb chili a kasmír chili, bár ez a chili inkább a színéről, mint a fűszerességéről ismert.</p> <p>Melegen ajánljuk ezt a chilit szárításra és őrölt chili por készítésére. Semmilyen más chili nem ad színt egy olyan ételnek (főleg házi kolbásznak vagy Kulennek), mint a kasmími chili.</p> <p>SHU: 1 000–2 000 SHU</p> <p>A fűszeresség szintjét tekintve a kasmíri chili nem különösebben fűszeres. Legjobb esetben enyhe fűszerességet nyújt, és tökéletes, ha mérsékelt szintű fűszerességre van szüksége az ételekben. Jobb használni a gyönyörű vörös szín és íz, a remek gyümölcsaroma miatt. Becsléseik szerint a Scoville-skálán 1000-2000 Scoville-hőegységre vonatkoznak. A kasmiri chili melegebb, mint a paprika, és enyhébb, mint a cayenne chili.</p> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
C 111 KC
Kasmír chili magok

Carolina Reaper Seeds Red or Yellow Worlds Hottest 2.45 - 1

100 mag Carolina Reaper

Ár 5,50 € (SKU: C 53 (0,47g))
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>100 mag Carolina Reaper</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>100 (0,47 g) mag csomagolásának ára.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>As you can see from our photos, that the seeds are from our own plants (organically grown) and you know what you will get from the seeds you buy from us... </strong></p> <p>The Carolina Reaper, originally named the HP22BNH7, is a cultivar of chili pepper of the Capsicum chinense species. Bred in the Rock Hill, South Carolina greenhouse by Ed Currie, who runs the PuckerButt Pepper Company in Fort Mill, South Carolina, it has been rated as the world's hottest chili pepper by Guinness World Records since August 7, 2013. The original crossbreed was between a ghost pepper (a former world record holder) and a red habanero. The official Guinness World Record heat level is 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), according to tests conducted by Winthrop University in South Carolina.</p> <p>At the second Annual New York City Hot Sauce Expo on 30 March 2014, Ed Currie was presented with his world record by Guinness World Records and an eating competition was held in which the fastest time to consume three Carolina Reapers was determined for a new Guinness World Records at 12.23 seconds by Russel Todd. This record was beaten in September 2014 by Jason McNabb, who finished three peppers in 10.95 seconds.</p> </body> </html>
C 53 (0,47g)
Carolina Reaper Seeds Red or Yellow Worlds Hottest 2.45 - 1
  • Kiárusítás!
Cayenne Csilipaprika magok...

Cayenne Csilipaprika magok...

Ár 1,95 € (SKU: C 19 MIX)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Cayenne Csilipaprika magok (vegyes színek)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Ár csomag 10 vagy 50 mag.</strong></span></h2> <div> <p>Az erős, egyenes növények nagyvállú, ráncos, kúpos és ívelt gyümölcsöket eredményeznek, amelyek hossza 15 és 20 cm közötti, 3 cm átmérőjű, közepesen vastag húsúak.<br><br>A gyümölcs színe sötétzöld, éréskor sárga, narancssárga, vörös színűvé válik. 30 000 - 40 000 SHU.</p> </div>
C 19 MIX
Cayenne Csilipaprika magok (vegyes színek)

Olasz fajta
Csilipaprika mag Dieghito...

Csilipaprika mag Dieghito...

Ár 2,45 € (SKU: C 18 D)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Csilipaprika mag Dieghito Jalapeno</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Ár csomag 5 magot.</strong></span></h2> A Dieghito Jalapeno (Capsicum annuum) paprika Olaszországból érkezik hozzánk. A jelentések szerint a Jalapeno Farmers Market és egy ismeretlen fajta keresztezése. Vagy az olaszok egyszerűen nem akarják, hogy megtudjuk, mi ez a másik fajta.<br /><br />2020-tól állítólag F5 generációról van szó. A Dieghito Jalapeno chile zöldtől vörösig érik, repedező vonalakkal vagy parafával a külső bőrén. A paprika egyedülálló, mivel szív vagy kerek alakú. Nagyon lédúsak, a fűszeresség az enyhe és a közepes tartományig terjed.<br /><br />A Dieghito Jalapeno paprika kiválóan alkalmas pörköléshez, töltelékhez, salsa és pácoláshoz.<br /><br />Íze Jalapeno, de több édességgel. A Dieghito Jalapeno chile növények akár 1,2 méter magasak is.<br /><br />A legvastagabb falú paprika, amit valaha láttunk.<br /><br />Nagyon édesek és nagyon enyheek, időnként alig vagy alig fűszeresek. <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
C 18 D (5 S)
Csilipaprika mag Dieghito Jalapeno
100 mag sárga Habanero

100 mag sárga Habanero

Ár 5,95 € (SKU: C 19 Y)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>100 mag sárga Habanero</strong></h2> <h2 class=""><span style="color: #f80000;"><strong>Ár egy csomag 100 mag.</strong></span></h2> <div>The habanero is a variety of chili pepper. Unripe habaneros are green, and they color as they mature. The most common color variants are orange and red, but the fruit may also be white, brown, yellow, green, or purple. Typically, a ripe habanero chili is 2–6 cm (0.8–2.4 in) long. Habanero chilis are very hot, rated 100,000–650,000 on the Scoville scale. The habanero's heat, its flavor, and its floral aroma have made it a popular ingredient in hot sauces and spicy foods.<br><br>The name indicates something or someone from La Habana (Havana). In English, it is sometimes spelled and pronounced habañero, the tilde being added as a hyperforeignism patterned after jalapeño.<br><br><strong>Origin and current use</strong><br>The habanero chili comes from the Amazon, from which it was spread, reaching Mexico. A specimen of a domesticated habanero plant, dated at 8,500 years old, was found at an archaeological site in Peru.[citation needed] An intact fruit of a small domesticated habanero, found in pre-ceramic levels in Guitarrero Cave in the Peruvian highlands, was dated to 6500 BC.<br><br>The habanero chili was disseminated by Spanish colonists to other areas of the world, to the point that 18th-century taxonomists mistook China for its place of origin and called it Capsicum chinense ("the Chinese pepper").<br><br>Today, the largest producer is the Yucatán Peninsula, in Mexico. Habaneros are an integral part of Yucatecan food, accompanying most dishes, either in natural form or purée or salsa. Other modern producers include Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, and parts of the United States, including Texas, Idaho, and California.<br><br>The Scotch bonnet is often compared to the habanero, since they are two varieties of the same species, but they have different pod types. Both the Scotch bonnet and the habanero have thin, waxy flesh. They have a similar heat level and flavor. Both varieties average around the same level of pungency, but the actual degree varies greatly from one fruit to another according to genetics, growing methods, climate, and plant stress.<br><br>In 1999, the habanero was listed by Guinness World Records as the world's hottest chili, but it has since been displaced by other peppers. The Bhut jolokia (or ghost pepper) and Trinidad moruga scorpion have since been identified as native Capsicum chinense subspecies even hotter than the habanero. Breeders constantly crossbreed subspecies to attempt to create cultivars that will break the record on the Scoville scale. One example is the Carolina Reaper, a cross between a Bhut jolokia pepper with a particularly pungent red habanero.<br><br><strong>Cultivation</strong><br>Habaneros thrive in hot weather. Like all peppers, the habanero does well in an area with good morning sun and in soil with a pH level around 5 to 6 (slightly acidic). Habaneros which are watered daily produce more vegetative growth but the same number of fruit, with lower concentrations of capsaicin, as compared to plants which are watered only when dry (every seven days). Overly moist soil and roots will produce bitter-tasting peppers. Daily watering during flowering and early setting of fruit helps prevent flower and immature fruit from dropping, but flower dropping rates are reported to often reach 90% even in ideal conditions.<br><br>The habanero is a perennial flowering plant, meaning that with proper care and growing conditions, it can produce flowers (and thus fruit) for many years. Habanero bushes are good candidates for a container garden. In temperate climates, though, it is treated as an annual, dying each winter and being replaced the next spring. In tropical and subtropical regions, the habanero, like other chiles, will produce year round. As long as conditions are favorable, the plant will set fruit continuously.<br><br><strong>Cultivars</strong><br>Several growers have attempted to selectively breed habanero plants to produce hotter, heavier, and larger peppers. Most habaneros rate between 200,000 and 300,000 on the Scoville scale. In 2004, researchers in Texas created a mild version of the habanero, but retained the traditional aroma and flavor. The milder version was obtained by crossing the Yucatán habanero pepper with a heatless habanero from Bolivia over several generations.</div> <div></div> <div>Black habanero is an alternative name often used to describe the dark brown variety of habanero chilis (although they are slightly different, being slightly smaller and slightly more sphere-shaped). Some seeds have been found which are thought to be over 7,000 years old. The black habanero has an exotic and unusual taste, and is hotter than a regular habanero with a rating between 400,000 and 450,000 Scoville units. Small slivers used in cooking can have a dramatic effect on the overall dish. Black habaneros take considerably longer to grow than other habanero chili varieties. In a dried form, they can be preserved for long periods of time, and can be reconstituted in water then added to sauce mixes. Previously known as habanero negro, or by their Nahuatl name, their name was translated into English by spice traders in the 19th century as "black habanero". The word "chocolate" was derived from the Nahuatl word, xocolātl [ʃoˈkolaːt͡ɬ], and was used in the description, as well (as "chocolate habanero"), but it proved to be unpronounceable to the British traders, so it was simply named "black habanero".<br><br>A 'Caribbean Red,' a cultivar within the habanero family, has a citrusy and slightly smoky flavor, with a Scoville rating ranging from 300,000 to 445,000 Scoville units.</div><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
C 19 Y (100 S)
100 mag sárga Habanero
Sárkány tűz chili paprika mag

Sárkány tűz chili paprika mag

Ár 1,95 € (SKU: C 55)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Sárkány tűz chili paprika mag</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #f80000;"><strong>Ár egy csomag 10 magot.</strong></span></h2> A Carolina Reaper és a Capsicum chinense család másik chilijének (a mi titkunk) keresztezésével sikerült stabil chili fajtát kapnunk 4 év után. Bár hossza (legfeljebb 4 cm) és súlya (legfeljebb 3 g) kicsi chili, forrósága semmiképpen sem marad el a Carolina Reaper mögött. A növény erős, kb. 150 cm magas és sok gyümölcsöt hoz, egy betakarítás során akár 450 gyümölcs is betakarítható.<br /><br />Ideális chili szárításhoz, konzerváláshoz és friss használatra. Ideális forró mártások készítéséhez más chilipaprikával együtt.<br /><br />Kiváló gyümölcsös íz és illat.<br /><br />A színopció alatt válassza ki a kívánt gyümölcs színét. <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
C 55 Y (10S)
Sárkány tűz chili paprika mag

Carolina Reaper por egy...

Carolina Reaper por egy...

Ár 1,35 € (SKU: Z 5 CRPTT)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Carolina Reaper por egy kémcsőben</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #e03e2d;"><strong>1,8 gramm por kémcsőben.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>Nagyon praktikus a használata, bármikor magaddal viheted és ízesítheted az ételt, ahogy szeretnéd ????<br>Mint minden évben, 2021-ben is 1200 növényünk lesz, amelyekből magokat és őrölt Carolina Reapert is kínálunk.</strong></p> <p>Extremely spicy Carolina Reaper is great for meats, rubs, fish, soups, and much more! The small-sized packets are an excellent way to try out how spicy they are.</p> <p>The Carolina Reaper, originally named the HP22BNH7, is a cultivar of chili pepper of the Capsicum chinense species. Bred in the Rock Hill, South Carolina greenhouse by Ed Currie, who runs the PuckerButt Pepper Company in Fort Mill, South Carolina, it has been rated as the world's hottest chili pepper by Guinness World Records since August 7, 2013. The original crossbreed was between a ghost pepper (a former world record holder) and a red habanero. The official Guinness World Record heat level is 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), according to tests conducted by Winthrop University in South Carolina.</p> <p>At the second annual New York City Hot Sauce Expo on 30 March 2014, Ed Currie was presented with his world record by Guinness World Records and an eating competition was held in which the fastest time to consume three Carolina Reapers was determined for a new Guinness World Records at 12.23 seconds by Russel Todd. This record was beaten in September 2014 by Jason McNabb, who finished three peppers in 10.95 seconds.</p> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
Carolina Reaper por egy kémcsőben