مجموعة متنوعة من روسيا

Tomato Seeds Persimmon Orange

1.85 €
شامل للضريبة
Tomato Seeds Persimmon Orange
Price for Package of 10 seeds.
This plant produces good yields golden-orange tomatoes weighing from 1-2 lbs. This fruit has a mild sweet flavor, meaty in texture, and have relatively few seeds. This variety originated in Russia. Determinate. Plant reaches 3 ft in height. 80 days.
البذور في حزمة:

Tomato Seeds Persimmon Orange

Price for Package of 10 seeds.

This plant produces good yields golden-orange tomatoes weighing from 1-2 lbs. This fruit has a mild sweet flavor, meaty in texture, and have relatively few seeds. This variety originated in Russia. Determinate. Plant reaches 3 ft in height. 80 days.
VT 161
6549 عناصر


بذور منتقاة بعناية؟
Handpicked seeds
بذور العضوية؟
Organic Seeds
العضوية / الطبيعية؟
Organic/Natural: Yes
صالح للأكل؟
الطماطم متنوعة؟
بذر عمق؟
عمق البذر 3 مم
النبات مناسب للنمو؟
The plant is suitable for growing in a greenhouse
The plant is suitable for outdoors cultivation
ارتفاع النبات ؟
Plant height (about) 150 - 200 cm
وزن الفاكهة؟
Fruit Weight : 500 - 1000 g
بلد المنشأ من مجموعة متنوعة؟
Variety from: Russia
الاسم العلمي:
Solanum lycopersicum
Sun Exposure ?
Light shade when young
Growth Rate ?
Medium Growth Rate
Vegetable Seeds
اسم شائع:
Planting Time?
Planting Time: Spring
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Soil Type?
Soil Type: Any
Watering: High
Cultivating Difficulty?
Cultivating Difficulty: Very easy

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