Seeds Gallery EU,
<h2 style="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #333333;"><strong>Syn. Cecei Hungarian Heirloom Pepper Seeds</strong></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2>
<p>The plant is strong, continuous medium growth, 40-50 cm tall. The development speed is medium and not sensitive to lack of light. The fruit is white, sweet with a pointed tip, slightly ribbed, hanging, conical (about 70 to 100 grams weight). Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. It is recommended for outdoor cultivation and shoot under the unheated film. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing.</p>
<p><strong>In Hungary, this variety is used for stuffed peppers and is one of the favorite varieties for this type of use in the kitchen.</strong></p>
P 27 (20 S)