نبات عملاق (به ثمار عملاقة)

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Ramiro بذور الفلفل العملاق الحلو  - 5

Ramiro بذور الفلفل العملاق...

السعر 2.05 € (SKU: PP 31)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Ramiro بذور الفلفل العملاق الحلو</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن حزمة من 10 بذور.</strong></span></h2> <p>Ramiro الفلفل الحلو مدببة هي مجموعة متنوعة حلوة من الفلفل المشترك. المحتوى العالي من السكر مذاقها أحلى من الفلفل الطبيعي. لديهم شكل مدبب طويل الأمد ويتواجدون بثلاثة ألوان مختلفة ، الأحمر ، الأصفر ، البرتقالي. مثالية للسلطات ، المشوية أو كطعام الأصابع. أيضا ديكور للغاية كما المقبلات محشوة جبن الفيتا على سبيل المثال.</p> <p>التاريخ</p> <p>جاء راميرو إلى حيز الوجود من خلال معابر الأصناف القديمة. يعتمد على نوع شرق أوروبا وتركيا والفلفل الهندي. أعاد المزارعون الهولنديون اكتشاف هذا التنوع منذ ثلاث سنوات وجعلوه منتجًا ناجحًا.</p> <p>طول الثمرة: 24 - 30 سم</p> <p>وزن الفاكهة: 100 جرام</p> <p>عرض الفاكهة: 4 - 5 سم</p> <p>معلومات التغذية</p> <p>حجم التقديم: 100 جرام</p> <p>السعرات الحرارية: 31</p> <p>البروتين: 0.99 جرام</p> <p>الدهون: 0.30 غرام</p> <p>الكربوهيدرات: 6.03 غرام</p> <p>استخدام نصائح</p> <p>راميرو فلفل محشي</p>
PP 31 Mix (10 S)
Ramiro بذور الفلفل العملاق الحلو  - 5

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Monte Rosa Ribbed Pink Tomato Seeds Seeds Gallery - 8

Monte Rosa Ribbed Pink...

السعر 2.05 € (SKU: VT 92)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="color: #000000;" class=""><strong>“Monte Rosa” Ribbed Pink Tomato Seeds</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #f40202;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds. &nbsp;</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Who am I? I am a new tomato variety I was born on a cool morning in June 2012 in Cabrera de Mar on the Maresme Coast (Catalonia – Spain). My mother is a pear tomato from Girona and my paternal grandfather is a Genovese Costoluto. This mixture of Catalan and Italian blood gives me a truly Mediterranean appearance.</span></p> <p><span>I was born both from the passion to enjoy the Mediterranean diet and from the commitment to recover old tomatoes. We believe that each tomato is an exceptional explosion of color and flavor.</span></p> <p><strong>Taste me and indulge yourself in my infinite nuances.</strong></p> <p><strong>Do not miss the experience!</strong></p> <p><strong>How am I?</strong></p> <p><span>I am asymmetric and ribbed, my skin is velvety and my sepals are very showy, which give me a lush and voluptuous appearance. From the apple green of my youth, I evolve to deep pink in my maturity and I exude a characteristic herbaceous aroma.</span></p> <p><span>The way I look is the prelude to many sensory attributes that will allow you to enjoy balanced and tasty tomatoes. Those who know me more highlight my sweetness and fruity finishing taste. Enjoy me and rediscover the pleasure of an intense garden tomato flavor, which will persist in your mouth and your memory.</span></p> <p><span>My flavor details make me the perfect ingredient to be part of those unforgettable dishes, prepared with love, and in which the delicacy and simplicity of natural ingredients predominate. However, without losing the properties of the tomatoes that enrich the Mediterranean diet the most.</span></p> <p><strong>Description:</strong></p> <p><span><strong>Height</strong>: a plant that can reach over two meters high, depending on the duration of the growth cycle.</span></p> <p><span>The first fruits will be completely ripe around 60 days after the plant is transplanted into the soil. The warmer the weather when the cycle starts, the faster they will ripen. In case the plant is sowed directly in soil (or kept in a pot), the first ripe fruits will be up for harvest in about 90 to 100 days after the seeds are sowed. The first fruits will be the largest ones, and can reach a weight of 400 grams and will be very ribbed.</span></p> <p><span>After that, the weight and size of the fruits will be reduced, to some extent. The warmer it is during the cycle, the faster tomatoes will ripen. If a recently-set fruit is removed (or any of its flowers) in one of the first vines, the result will be more and bigger tomatoes in the following vines, leveling the plant’s production throughout the cycle.</span></p> <p><span>The plant has a medium-high vigor, and thus, it is recommended to remove some stems in order to have enough light on the fruits. Removing stems reduces problems related to humidity (botrytis, etc.). A rich in calcium fertilizer is highly recommended, especially during extremely hot seasons.</span></p> <p><strong>This variety count on several resistances that make it suitable to be grown professionally:</strong></p> <p><strong>– Resistance to Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV)</strong></p> <p><strong>– Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)</strong></p> <p><strong>– Resistance to Verticilium (Vd)</strong></p> <p><span>&nbsp;</span></p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 92 (10 S)
Monte Rosa Ribbed Pink Tomato Seeds Seeds Gallery - 8

هذا المنتج هو أفضل منتج مبيعا

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Mar Azul tomato seeds 1.75 - 1

بذور طماطم مار ازول

السعر 2.45 € (SKU: VT 1 MA)
5/ 5
<h2 dir="rtl" class=""><strong>بذور طماطم مار ازول</strong></h2> <h2 dir="rtl"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن عبوة من 10 أو 20 بذرة.</strong></span></h2> <strong>هذا العام ، كما هو الحال في كل عام ، نزرع نباتات طماطم مار أزول جديدة. الصور من هذا العام 2021 ولن نغيرها كل عام.</strong><br><br><strong>من المثير للاهتمام أن صنف طماطم مار أزول قوي للغاية وينمو بسرعة. حتى الآن ، لم نشهد نوعًا من الطماطم ينمو أسرع من صنف Mar Azul. يتطور الجذر بسرعة كبيرة ، ومن المثير للاهتمام أن تحصل النباتات على براعم جانبية بالفعل في حاويات.</strong><br><br>طماطم مار أزول هي نوع جديد من الطماطم تم الحصول عليها بتقنيات طبيعية تمامًا. يرجع لون الطماطم المزرق إلى التركيز العالي للأنثوسيانين ، وهي أصباغ نباتية طبيعية توفر فوائد صحية كبيرة.<br><br>يجب أن نشير أيضًا إلى النكهة والرائحة والأحاسيس اللذيذة التي تثيرها الطماطم في الفم.<br><br>لونه بنفسجي مزرق مع داخل أحمر كثيف ولامع عندما ينضج تمامًا.<br><br>هذه طماطم مضلعة الكتف ذات ملمس ناعم ومقرمش قليل الحموضة.<br><br>صحة<br><br>خضعت طماطم مار أزول لدراسات غذائية صارمة لتحديد خصائصها الوظيفية والصحية. قدم قسم علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية في جامعة غرناطة نتائج التحليل الكيميائي الفيزيائي ، المصادق على محتوى الطماطم من فيتامين C و B6.<br><br>ممتاز لجميع أنواع الاستخدام! <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 1 MA (10 S)
Mar Azul tomato seeds 1.75 - 1

نبات عملاق (به ثمار عملاقة)

متنوعة من اسبانيا
تريس كانتوس بذور لحم البقر...

تريس كانتوس بذور لحم البقر...

السعر 1.95 € (SKU: VT 42)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>تريس كانتوس بذور لحم البقر الطماطم</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>ثمن حزمة من 10 بذور.</strong></span></h2> <p>تريس كانتوس الطماطم هي الإرث من تينيريفي. يترجم الاسم "أغاني ثلاثة" من الإسبانية. ينتج عن نبات الورقة المنتظم غير المحدد كميات كبيرة من 500 غ من الطماطم الدائرية والعصير والأحمر مع نكهات الطماطم الجريئة الحمضية قليلاً. الخيار الأمثل للسلطات ، تعليب ، والسوق.</p> <p>طماطم اللحم البقري مبهرة مع قليل من البذور. نكهتها ممتازة ، لذيذا مع توازن كبير من الحمضية والحلو. النباتات قوية النمو ، غزير وسيحتاج قصب طويل القامة للحصول على الدعم. للحصول على أفضل النتائج في الغلة ، أزل براعم جانبية وقصر النبات على جذع رئيسي واحد. أنها مقاومة لمعظم أمراض الطماطم.</p>
VT 42 (10 S)
تريس كانتوس بذور لحم البقر الطماطم

نبات عملاق (به ثمار عملاقة)

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper seeds 1.8 - 1

بذور الفلفل الحلو من Largo...

السعر 1.80 € (SKU: P 43)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>بذور الفلفل الحلو من Largo de Reus</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن حزمة من 10 بذور.</strong></span></h2> <p>Largo de Reus هو فلفل حلو ضخم من إسبانيا. يمكن أن يصل طول الثمار العطرية الحمراء إلى 20 سم وأكثر.</p> <p>يولد الصنف نباتات قوية بارتفاع 50/60 سم ، بأوراق وفيرة من اللون الأخضر الفاتح ، والتي تحمل العديد من الثمار ، والفواكه مدمجة وذات جدران سميكة ومثيرة.</p> <p>تنوع مثالي للاستخدام الخام ، والسلطات ، والتحميص ، والطبخ ، والشوي ، والحشو. النباتات خصبة للغاية ويوصى بالدعم ...</p>
P 43 (10 S)
Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper seeds 1.8 - 1

متنوعة من اسبانيا

Crystal Spanish sweet pepper seeds 1.75 - 1

Crystal Spanish sweet...

السعر 1.75 € (SKU: P 33)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Crystal Spanish sweet pepper seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Plant 70-80 cm high. Early cycle Narrow and elongated fruits, with 12-15 cm in length and 4-5 cm at the base, almost pointed. Thin and sweetmeat, with very thin skin. Very appreciated for use as a fried pepper.</p> <p>It is necessary to emphasize a type of pepper known as the crystal pepper that is characterized by having a fine texture, an elongated and narrow shape, a fragile skin (from these characteristics comes its name since they are so thin and delicate, that they look like glass) And a sweet taste. This type of pepper is a typical variety of Navarra and La Rioja and they are highly prized for being juicy, almost nothing acidic and sweeter than other types of peppers.</p> <p>They are not so common in the market because their elaboration is laborious, since they need to be carefully stripped by hand, work that complicates their extreme finesse, and their presentation is usually in strips.</p> <p>The peppers of the crystal are usually tasted alone, accompanied only by oil or garlic, but they are also perfect to accompany meats or fish, although their exquisite flavor makes them have an entity for themselves and they are usually served in many restaurants without more accompaniment than a Little olive oil.</p> <p>In La Manduca de Azagra (Madrid) these peppers have great popularity and they are usually served grilled on the Sarmiento grill, with oil, garlic and a little salt.</p> <p>In La Rioja, land from which these peppers are native along with Navarra, another restaurant in which its glass peppers enjoy great popularity is in the Asador-Asador Restaurant, where they are peeled by hand, roasted on coals of Sarmiento and serve them with organic oil and wine salt.</p>
P 33 (10 S)
Crystal Spanish sweet pepper seeds 1.75 - 1

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds 1.75 - 1

Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds

السعر 1.75 € (SKU: VT 144)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Early, small fruits of 80 g approx., round-crushed form, gathered in clusters that allow to be hung, thus facilitating its long conservation. Excellent quality to make "bread with tomato" for its thin skin and lots of pulp.</p> <h2><strong>A century-old variety turned into a gourmet object.</strong></h2> <p>Hanging tomato is a perfect product to make a large number of dishes. Its texture and flavor make it a unique ingredient.</p> <p>If the town of Alcalà de Xivert is known for something, apart from a rich archaeological testimony that goes back to the great Mediterranean cultures of antiquity, it is for cultivating and producing the Tomato de Colgar, in Valencian 'Tomata de Penjar' or 'de ramet'. Its difference with other kinds of tomatoes lies in its size, skin, color and long duration, in addition to a special feature to which it owes its name and which is none other than its artisanal way of being sewn with a thread and attached in a string.</p> <p>Although the existence of this tomato is centuries-old and has an old seed, without any genetic modification, its history in terms of handling and conservation dates back to the Spanish postwar period. It was then that the families in the area, and as a philosophy of subsistence, began to stock up and store this vegetable in such a characteristic way that we know today.</p> <p>This tomato is ideal to consume it raw although it can also be cooked. Its most traditional and widespread use consists of spreading it on bread and accompanying it with a little olive oil and salt. It is also usually eaten in salad and is very suitable for making sauces due to its abundance in pulp and water. Roast is an exquisite accompaniment for meats, fish or vegetables giving added value to any dish.</p> <p>But what are the properties of the territory that make the production of this gourmet product possible? Experts say it is due to its condition as a rich and diverse landscape. A place of orchards, that extends between the beaches of the coast and the mountains of Irta and Murs, rich in waters whose level of salt is the precise one to grant to these tomatoes, which ripen to the intense sun and the breeze of a temperate Mediterranean climate , its particular flavor. In addition, its cultivation is respectful with the ecosystem and debtor of a centennial inheritance that harvest after harvest has allowed to obtain the seeds of the best tomatoes. In this sense, these lands are subject to traditional crop planning whose purpose is to prevent various pests and diseases. The alternation of the tomato with the artichoke is the most common of this rotation system, in which the succession of vegetables from the same family as the tomato, such as peppers, eggplants or potatoes, is always avoided. The soil is also fertilized with fertilizers of animal origin, since in this way its natural biological activity is favored.</p> <p>Thus, the Alcalà de Xivert Hanging Tomato is marketed and consumed as a fresh product throughout the year due to its long preservation. It is harvested in summer and lasts hung without refrigeration until March / April with the peculiarity that it is in these months when it intensifies its flavor.</p> <p>But how is it possible to keep it practically all year without cold stores? The key is that the tomato does not present any cut or fissure, for which two product selections are made, one before hanging and another shortly after doing so. But, in addition, it must be kept in a cool place (maximum 24 degrees), shaded and airy, with little temperature change and without exposure to high heat, excessive humidity or bad odors.</p> <p>It was 10 years ago when farmers in the area joined to create the current Association of Producers and Marketers of Tomato de Penjar de Alcalà de Xivert with the aim of revaluing this unique vegetable. But their commitment was not there and in 2008 they managed to obtain the Quality Mark of the Valencian Community.</p> <p>A quality brand that makes sure that we are facing a Premium tomato. Of course, its nutritional properties do not differ from those of a conventional one. It is an abundant source of antioxidants, it has vitamins A, C and K, in addition to abundant potassium and iron. In fact, its main substance, lycopene, is linked to the prevention of diseases such as lung and prostate cancer, digestive tract tumors, atherosclerosis and heart attacks.</p>
VT 144 (10 S)
Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds 1.75 - 1

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds 1.65 - 1

Authentic Muchamiel Tomato...

السعر 1.85 € (SKU: VT 122)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Red tomato with a globose shape and slightly flat, fleshy and with deep red flesh. Medium-sized fruits (200 - 250 grams) of hard skin resistant to cracking.</p> <p>Variety of medium cycle market and excellent productivity. Indeterminate and vigorous growth. Fruits of red color, green neck, globose shape lying down.</p> <p>The Muchamiel or Mutxamel tomato is a tomato variety native to this Alicante town, it has always had a recognized prestige in the market for its smell and taste of real tomato being a very traditional variety known and cultivated throughout Spain. Very rustic and with big and boring fruits. The plant is characterized by being very resistant to unfavorable conditions.</p> <p>The Tomato de Muchamiel (“Tomato Mutxamelero”) is one of the most emblematic and recognized varieties in the province of Alicante from where it originates, specifically from the town of Mutxamel, although its cultivation has been abandoned due to susceptibility to different types of virus. In addition, consumers report the loss of flavor in the hybrids currently marketed, demanding the recovery of the traditional variety.</p> <p>The Muchamiel tomato stands out for its large size, its green neck, its thin skin, and it is very fleshy and sweet. The strong, vigorous and rustic tomato is of indeterminate growth.</p> <p>Undoubtedly for people who like to eat a good tomato and appreciate the nutritional value of these “the tomato is a food rich in vitamins and mineral salts, they are very rich in vitamin C and also in vitamin A, among the minerals that contain, it is possible to emphasize the presence of potassium ”, the Muchamiel tomato is an excellent option to grow in the garden.</p> <p>The Muchamiel tomato is indeterminate and very productive growth when talking about indeterminate growth we mean that it is not known how much it will grow, its development does not stop until the cold reaches the garden and its growth ends.</p> <p>It is a variety of tomatoes that you can easily grow in an urban garden at home in pots.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 122
Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds 1.65 - 1

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Piquillo pepper seeds 1.65 - 4

Piquillo pepper seeds

السعر 1.65 € (SKU: P 24)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Piquillo pepper seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The piquillo pepper is a variety of chili, Capsicum annuum, having a sweet taste with no heat, fruits about 7-10 cm long, well suited for growing in pots, that is traditionally grown in Northern Spain near the town of Lodosa. Its name is derived from the Spanish for "little beak".</p> <p><strong>Preparation</strong></p> <p>Typically, the peppers are hand-picked during two harvests between September and December. They are roasted over embers, which gives them a distinctly sweet, spicy flavor, more akin to bell peppers than chili peppers, despite their small size. They are then peeled and again grilled in grill bar for extra flavor and texture then marinated with salt, pepper and olive oil and then de-seeded by hand, before being packed into jars or tins for sale.</p> <p>Piquillo peppers are often stuffed with meat, seafood, or cheese, and served as tapas.</p>
P 24 (10 S)
Piquillo pepper seeds 1.65 - 4

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Maor Sweet Pepper Seeds 1.65 - 1

Maor Sweet Pepper Seeds

السعر 1.65 € (SKU: PP 25)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Maor Sweet Pepper Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Maor is a popular medium maturing California Wonder type sweet pepper due to its high yield potential and excellent quality fruit. Maor is ideal for open field production and bulk packaging. Maor has a very high percentage of large fruit 9 x 9 cm. Fruit is heavy (app. 160 g) and has thick fruit walls with color being green going to red. Plants are uniform, strong and sturdy. Maor has high resistance to Tobacco mosaic (TMV).</p>
PP 25 (10 S)
Maor Sweet Pepper Seeds 1.65 - 1

متنوعة من اسبانيا
Authentic Alicante Tomato Seeds  - 2

Authentic Alicante Tomato...

السعر 1.55 € (SKU: VT 143)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Authentic Alicante Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Alicante is a Spain heirloom tomato variety. It is aromatic, deep red fruits have dark red skin and round shape. Their soft flesh is juicy and meaty, offering a robust and tangy flavor. The vigorous plants reach an average of up to 2 meters tall and produce masses of the 100-200 grams fruits throughout the season. Alicante tomatoes are open-pollinated</p> <p>Alicante tomatoes can be used in raw and cooked applications, like grilling or broiling. They are known as an old, Spain preserving tomato, and are particularly well suited for canning and juicing. They are popular for making tomato sauce because of their rich, acidic flavor.</p> <p>Alicante tomatoes have been treasured in Spain for generations, and are a popular ingredient in family recipes for pasta sauce and paste.</p> <p>Alicante tomatoes have been passed down for generations in Spain, dating back to the early 18th century.</p>
VT 143 (10 S)
Authentic Alicante Tomato Seeds  - 2

متنوعة من ايطاليا
ستراتو دي نابولي بذور كوسة

ستراتو دي نابولي بذور كوسة

السعر 1.95 € (SKU: VG 60)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>ستراتو دي نابولي بذور كوسة</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن عبوة 10 بذور.</strong></span></h2> <p>كوسة مبكرة رائعة من إيطاليا ، خطوط خضراء داكنة ، نكهة ممتازة. غالبًا ما ينتج هذا النوع من الكوسا عالي القيمة والإنتاجية أكثر من 5 كجم من الفاكهة المخططة لكل نبات. الثمار غنية بالنكهة وتنضج خلال 45 يومًا.</p> <p>غالبًا ما تؤكل أزهار الكوسة في إيطاليا. إنها لذيذة. يجب أن يتم قطف الزهور في الصباح.</p> <p> <script type="text/javascript"></script> </p> </body> </html>
VG 60 (10 S)
ستراتو دي نابولي بذور كوسة

متنوعة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
Banana Legs Tomato Seeds 1.85 - 1

Banana Legs Tomato Seeds

السعر 1.85 € (SKU: VT 17)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Banana Legs Tomato Seeds Organically Grown</strong></h2> <h2 class=""><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>It looks like a banana Sweet pepper, banana tomatoes are also known as sausage tomatoes. Bright yellow and pointed. An extremely prolific variety producing 10 cm long yellow fruits with thick meaty flesh, with few seeds and fruiting late in the season (until the first frost). The fruits have a slightly pointed end, ideal for salads or as a paste tomato. Plants reach a height from over 2 meters. We advise you to use support for this tomato since 1 plant can give 40 kg of tomatoes.</p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Sow in spring under glass or on a windowsill 1/16 inch deep. &nbsp;Germination takes around 6- 14 days at 65- 75F. </span><span style="color: #000000;">Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 3-inch pots.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Grow on under cooler conditions and when about 8 inches tall, either plant in their growing position in the greenhouse or gradually acclimatize them to outdoor conditions and </span><span style="color: #000000;">plant out 18 inches apart in a warm and sunny spot in moist, fertile well-drained soil and keep watered.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000000;">What's the difference between "indeterminate" and "determinate" tomatoes?</span></strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Determinate tomatoes, or "bush" tomatoes, are varieties that grow to a compact height (generally 3 - &nbsp;4'). Determinates stop growing when fruit sets on the top bud. All the </span><span style="color: #000000;">tomatoes from the plant ripen at approximately the same time (usually over a period of 1- &nbsp;2 weeks). They require a limited amount of staking for support and are perfectly suited </span><span style="color: #000000;">for container planting.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Indeterminate tomatoes will grow and produce fruit until killed by frost. They can reach heights of up to 12 feet although 6 feet is normal. &nbsp;Indeterminates will bloom, set new fruit </span><span style="color: #000000;">and ripen fruit all at the same time throughout the season. They require substantial staking for support and benefit from being constrained to a central growing stem.</span><span style="color: #000000;"></span></p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 17 (10 S)
Banana Legs Tomato Seeds 1.85 - 1

متنوعة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds 2.5 - 1

INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds

السعر 2.50 € (SKU: VT 12)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds Organically Grown</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>Indigo Rose Blue Tomato, YES, IT'S BLUE AND IT TASTE GOOD.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Yes, this is the extremely rare Indigo Rose BlueTomato, one of the best and rarest tomatoes we know of.</p> <p>The flavor is sweet and rich, a firm juicy taste treat.</p> <p>The very attractive fruit is perfect for salads or as a fresh taste treat, right from the vine. As they start to ripen on the vine the tops of the fruits are a vivid blue, which darkens. The more sun they receive, the bluer they become. Definitely a variety that won’t be missing from our garden. We believe you’ll feel the same way also after your first taste.</p> <p>All of the seeds we list are grown by us in our own organic garden. The seeds we sell are cleaned and saved by us, from our own organically grown plants. We don’t use pesticides or chemicals in gardening, everything is grown naturally, the way it was intended to be.</p> <p>"'Super Tomato' was bred specifically to contain high levels of antioxidants called anthocyanins that turn the tomatoes purple. Blueberries also contain anthocyanins, which, you guessed it, are responsible for their high level of antioxidants and purplish hue."</p> <p>"You might be wondering, why go through all the trouble to breed a new tomato when blueberries already contain higher levels of the same antioxidants? The researchers explained that tomatoes are eaten extremely often in the world, almost on a daily basis per person. They also rank top five for most popular fresh vegetable, trailing potatoes, lettuce, and onions."</p> <p>Ripening time: 75 days from transplanting.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 12 (10 S)
INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds 2.5 - 1

متنوعة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
Blue Tomato Seeds "Bosque Blue" 2.5 - 1

Blue Tomato Seeds "Bosque...

السعر 2.50 € (SKU: VT 11)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Amazing Bosque Blue Tomato Seeds Organically Grown</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Parent plants were grown organically. The Bosque Blue tomato is a select &nbsp;strain bred here from the Oregon State Universit y P20 Blue tomato. The dark blue is t he result &nbsp;of antioxidant compounds (Ant hroc ynan) in the tomatoes skin, (like a blueberry), so not &nbsp;onl its beautiful, it is good for you! The more sun the fruit gets, the more blue color becomes. The fruit is perfect for salads, about &nbsp;2" in diameter.</p> <p>Ripe fruit &nbsp;in about &nbsp;65- 70 days from transplant . Seeds are from open pollinated plants. You can save your seeds year after year to have the true Heirloom Tradition</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 11 (10 S)
Blue Tomato Seeds "Bosque Blue" 2.5 - 1