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Wolfskers zaden (Atropa...

Wolfskers zaden (Atropa...

Prijs € 3,75 (SKU: MHS 58)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Wolfskers zaden (Atropa belladonna)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Prijs voor pakket met 5 zaden.</strong></span></h2> <p>Atropa Belladonna, of <span style="color: #000000;"><strong>duivelskers</strong></span>, wordt al meer dan twee millennia gebruikt als medicijn, cosmetica, gif en heksenplant. Belladonna is een meerjarige, gezaaide, vertakte plant die tot 1,5 meter hoog kan worden, met bladeren van 12-13 cm lang en een paarse stengel. Het sterft in de winter en loopt weer uit in het voorjaar.</p> <p>Eeuwenlang hebben heksen het gebruikt in formules, Venetiaanse vrouwen in het algemeen, en in het bijzonder "nachtdames" voor het verwijden van de ogen, en het wordt momenteel gebruikt als remedie tegen reisziekte, IBS en andere darmaandoeningen. Belladonna werd ook gebruikt om hele legers te vergiftigen in de oorlog. Er wordt gezegd dat Satan persoonlijk voor deze plant en zijn kleine "duivelskersen" zorgde.</p> <p>Bevat psychotrope / giftige / levensreddende alkaloïden, waaronder atropine. Deze plant is een medicijn, een hallucinogeen en een gif. De dood kan (en gebeurt) door slecht geïnformeerde mensen, bijvoorbeeld door te veel rijpe bessen in taarten te eten, dus doe dat niet. De bessen zijn heerlijk (ik heb ze zelf opgegeten en ze zijn best lekker). Dit is een plant die het hoofdbestanddeel is van de geheime formule-drank "Flying Formula" die heksen al eeuwenlang gebruiken.</p> <p>Dit kruid kan je echt het gevoel geven dat je ziel op reis is, maar te veel consumeren kan fataal zijn. Het kan ook worden gebruikt als tegengif voor gasvergiftiging.</p> <h3><strong>Cultuur</strong></h3> <p>Het kan worden vermeerderd door zaden of stekken te zaaien, hoewel het gebruik van zaden meer wordt aanbevolen. De zaden moeten een paar uur voor het zaaien in heet water worden gezet. Ze hebben tijd nodig om te ontkiemen en ze hebben een hoge luchtvochtigheid en warmte nodig, en met behoud van alle noodzakelijke omstandigheden is de ontkieming niet geweldig. Planten zullen het compostsubstraat met mest en een vochtige, schaduwrijke omgeving waarderen. Nitraten en ammoniakzouten zijn de beste meststof om de hoeveelheid alkaloïden te verdubbelen.</p> <h3><strong>WIKIPEDIA:</strong></h3> <p><b>Wolfskers</b><span> </span>(<i>Atropa belladonna</i>) (ook:<span> </span><b>belladonna</b><span> </span>of<span> </span><b>slaapbes</b><sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[1]</sup>) is een<span> </span>vaste plant<span> </span>uit de<span> </span>nachtschadefamilie<span> </span>(<i>Solanaceae</i>). De plant is zeer<span> </span>giftig.</p> <p>Wolfskers komt van nature voor in<span> </span>Europa,<span> </span>Noord-Afrika<span> </span>en<span> </span>West-Azië<span> </span>en is van daaruit verspreid over de hele wereld. In Nederland is de soort zeldzaam en voornamelijk in<span> </span>Zuid-Limburg<span> </span>en<span> </span>Gelderland<span> </span>te vinden, maar hij komt ook voor in parken in de rest van Nederland. Deze plant is in Nederland<span> </span>wettelijk beschermd<span> </span>sinds 1 januari 2017 door de Wet Natuurbescherming. In België is de soort zeldzaam in de<span> </span>Ardennen<span> </span>en nog zeldzamer elders. De standplaats is op beschaduwde plekken, vooral aan de rand van het bos.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Werkzame_stoffen">Werkzame stoffen</span></h2> <p>De hele plant bevat giftige<span> </span>alkaloïden. Bijzonder gevaarlijk zijn de<span> </span>bessen, die de uiterst giftige stof<span> </span>atropine<span> </span>bevatten. Het eten van drie bessen kan dodelijk zijn voor een kind. Voor een volwassene zijn tien tot twaalf bessen vaak fataal. De plant kan tot 1 m hoog worden. Ook de bladeren en wortels zijn zeer rijk aan deze alkaloïden.</p> <p>Verder bevat de plant<span> </span>hyoscyamine,<span> </span>scopolamine,<span> </span>pyridine<span> </span>en<span> </span>choline.<sup id="cite_ref-Furlenmeier_2-0" class="reference"></sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Gebruik">Gebruik</span></h2> <p>De soortaanduiding<span> </span><i>bella-donna</i><span> </span>is Italiaans en betekent 'mooie vrouw'. Vrouwen druppelden tijdens de<span> </span>Renaissance<span> </span>namelijk het atropine bevattende sap uit de plant in hun ogen om de<span> </span>pupillen<span> </span>te verwijden en ze donkerder en glanzender te maken. Dat ze daardoor ook slechter zagen werd voor lief genomen. Ook tegenwoordig gebruiken<span> </span>oogartsen<span> </span>de pupilverwijdende eigenschap van atropine nog steeds bij oogonderzoek. De hoeveelheid atropine die ze gebruiken is wel miniem.</p> <p>De<span> </span>botanische naam<span> </span><i>Atropa</i><span> </span>is afgeleid van<span> </span>Atropos, de naam van een van de drie<span> </span>schikgodinnen<span> </span>uit de<span> </span>Griekse mythologie. Het Oudgriekse woord 'atropos' betekent 'onafwendbaar'. Al in de oudheid werd de plant gebruikt. In de 19e eeuw werden extracten van de wolfskers gebruikt voor de behandeling van<span> </span>geelzucht,<span> </span>roodvonk,<span> </span>kinkhoest,<span> </span>zenuwziektes<span> </span>en<span> </span>epilepsie.</p> <p>In de<span> </span>middeleeuwen<span> </span>werd de plant gebruikt in<span> </span>levenselixers<span> </span>en beschouwd als<span> </span>heksenkruid<span> </span>waarvan heksen<span> </span>heksenzalf<span> </span>maakten. Bij matig inwendig gebruik kunnen er<span> </span>waanvoorstellingen<span> </span>en<span> </span>roestoestanden<span> </span>optreden.</p> <p></p> </body> </html>
MHS 58 (5 S)
Wolfskers zaden (Atropa belladonna)

Gigantische plant (met gigantische vruchten)

Variëteit uit Hongarije
Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos

Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos

Prijs € 2,15 (SKU: PP 16)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Hungarian Sweet Pepper variety Feher Kos is definitely one of our favorites, very large (up to 28 cm long), super sweet, crunchy, ideal for fresh use, and pickling. We love it fresh in salads or sandwiches. It is also ideal for making "Lucena paprika" salad.</p> <p>We recommended this variety for open field cultivation and early foil growing (but it will also grow in pots without problems). The plant is <strong>very strong highly productive</strong> and we had no problems with diseases (and we use only organic compost, without any Chemical preparations for protection against diseases).</p> <p>Its fruit is drooping, 22-25 cm long, with curved milky-white fruits (when the fruits are ripe becomes red color), sweet taste, and pointed tips.</p> <p>It is excellent for raw consumption and pickling.</p>
PP 16 (10 S)
Sweet Pepper Seeds Feher Kos

Gigantische plant (met gigantische vruchten)

Plant bestand tegen kou en vorst
Goliath Giant Onion Seeds

Goliath Giant Onion Seeds

Prijs € 1,95 (SKU: MHS 155)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Goliath Giant Onion Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">Price for a Package of 20 seeds.</span></strong></h2> <p>A highly productive variety that can be grown from seed. Its breeding time is long. Its bulbs grow very large, so they require a more growing area. The taste is pleasantly sweet, not pungent.</p> <p>It has a low dry matter content, a spherical onion, and a light brown skin. It is suitable for fresh consumption and for making salads, it cannot be stored for a long time.</p> <header class="page-header"> <div class="section-title"> <h2 class="page-title">How to grow onions and leeks</h2> <h1 class="page-title"><strong style="font-size: 14px;">Onions</strong></h1> <p class="page-title">Italian onions are long-day onions. That means that they do best at higher latitudes (above 37 degrees or so — north of a line from southern Virginia to San Francisco).  While you can direct seed in the early spring, you will get the largest bulbs if you grow your own onion seedlings.  However, some varieties have done very well from direct seeding in our trial gardens.  Follow these simple techniques for perfect Italian onions.</p> </div> </header> <section class="section"> <div class="container container-small"> <article class="page-content cms-page"> <p><span><strong>For Transplants:</strong>  </span><span> Start your seedlings 10-12 weeks before the time you plan to set them out.  You can set them out in the early spring about two or three weeks before the last frost date.</span></p> <p><span>To start your seedlings, put a growing mix (either store-bought or homemade from 1/2 finely sifted peat, 1/2 finely sifted compost, and 1/2 handful of lime per bushel of mix) about 4 inches deep in a flat.  Wet mixture thoroughly.  Put your onion seed on top trying to space the seeds about 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart.  Cover with 1/4 inch soil mix or preferably vermiculite.  Water again &amp; set seeds in a warm place.  As soon as they germinate, get them under grow lights.  You can begin to feed them a week or so after they have germinated. </span></p> <p><span>You want them to have plenty of space, so pull and discard any seedlings that are more than about 1/2 inch from the next one.  Allow keeping growing.  If they begin to get too tall, you can give them a 'haircut' with scissors.  Just snip off the top inch or two of the seedlings.  They will do fine.</span></p> <p><span>About a week to ten days before you plan to set them out, begin to harden them off by putting them outside in a sheltered place for a few hours.  Increase the time every day.  </span></p> <p><span>To plant out, have a well-dug bed with good fertility.  Onions benefit from the soil with high phosphorus content.  Plant them about three inches apart in rows set about 10 inches apart.  Keep well watered throughout the growing season.  Onions benefit from good fertile soil, so give your crop several side dressings.</span></p> <p><span><strong>GROWING YOUR OWN ONION SETS. </strong></span><span>This is really easy and makes life easier next spring.  Sow your seed for onion sets about three-four months before your expected hard frost.  Prepare a nice bed.  Add some good compost or 10-10-10 if you do not have any.  Rake well.  Scatter your onion seeds and try and get them about 1/4 inch apart.  Firm them down by hand and cover with 1/4 inch soil.  Keep well watered until they germinate and provide supplemental irrigation.  Just let them grow.  The tops will die back about the time the first frost is due.  After the first good frost, pull your onions, which should be about the size of a marble.  Store them in a cool dry place for a few weeks until they dry well.  Don't wash off any dirt.  Once well dried, pack them in mesh bags (save your old store-bought onion bags).  Don't put too many in a bag;  try about one pound per bad so that there is good air circulation.  Store over the winter in a cool dry place.</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>GROWING ONION FROM SEEDS.  </strong></span><span> In the north, direct seed in a well-prepared bed about four weeks before the last frost date.  Try and get your onion seeds at least an inch apart.  You can either leave them on the surface or cover them with 1/4 inch or so of soil (better).  Onions should germinate in two weeks or so, perhaps earlier depending on the weather.  Keep them well watered.  </span></p> <p><span>Once they have germinated and grown to three or four inches, you can begin to start thinning them out.  Leave at least an inch between onions.  Pull any weeds.  Weeds will be the biggest problem you have grown from seed.  </span></p> <p><span>Barletta onions will be ready in early July, just in time to have them with the last of the spring peas.  Other onions will be ready in August and September.</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span><strong>LEEKS</strong> </span></p> <p><span>Grow your seedlings just like onions.  The only difference is planting out.  Make a trench about four inches deep with your hoe.  Plant the leeks inside the trench.  As the leeks grow, push soil into the trench up against the leek.  When you run out of the trench, begin to mound up soil against the leeks.  You want at least six inches of the plant buried under the soil.  This is what is going to give you that nice white root.  Begin harvesting after the first frost.  Most leeks are incredibly cold hardy.  In zones 7 on up, you can just leave them.  Further North, cover them with some mulch (leaves, straw, etc) before the first hard freeze and you can harvest them all winter.</span></p> </article> </div> </section>
MHS 155 (20 S)
Goliath Giant Onion Seeds

Variëteit uit Italië
Kale Seeds Nero di Toscana

Kale Seeds Nero di Toscana

Prijs € 1,75 (SKU: VE 76)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Kale Seeds Nero di Toscana</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>It has very attractive unusual palm-like, dark green, wrinkled leaves. Easy to grow, for baby leaf or mature winter plants. Excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A and can be eaten raw or cooked. It has great winter hardiness and is perfect for mixed salads due to its texture.</p> <p>Sowing: V-VI. snow at a distance of 50 x 50 cm.<br />Sowing depth: 2 cm.<br />Optimal germination temperature: 12 ° C.</p>
VE 76 (20 S)
Kale Seeds Nero di Toscana
Rice Seeds (Mix Colors...

Rice Seeds (Mix Colors...

Prijs € 1,95 (SKU: VE 102 IR (3,6g))
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Rice Seeds (Mix Colors Integral)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 100 (3,6 g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>This pack contains several varieties of different color integral rice (see picture).</p> <p>Integral rice is a whole grain and a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, and manganese, and is high in fiber. White rice, unlike brown rice, has the bran and germ removed, and therefore has different nutritional content.</p> <p>It has been found that germinated grains, in general, have nutritional advantages. Germinated brown rice (GBR), developed during the International Year of Rice, is brown rice that has been soaked for 4–20 hours in warm 40 °C (104 °F) water before cooking. This stimulates germination, which activates various enzymes in the rice, giving rise to a more complete amino acid profile, including GABA. Cooked brown rice tends to be chewy; cooked GBR is softer, and preferred particularly by children.</p> <p>Integral rice generally needs longer cooking times than white rice, unless it is broken. Studies by Gujral and Kumar in 2003 estimated a cooking time between 35 and 51 minutes.</p> </body> </html>
VE 102 IR (3,6g)
Rice Seeds (Mix Colors Integral)

Variëteit uit Servië
Big Sweet Pepper Seeds Skala  - 2

Big Sweet Pepper Seeds Skala

Prijs € 1,95 (SKU: P 46)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Sweet Pepper Seeds Skala</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 60 (0.4g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>An early variety of sweet pepper from Serbia with long and large fruits in the type of gate, in technological maturity the fruits are light yellow in color and in the botanical intensive red. The length of the fruit is from 20 to 24 cm, the width from 4 to 6 cm the thickness of the pericarp is from 4 to 5 mm, and the average weight of the fruit is from 120 to 140 grams. </p> <p>A great choice for fresh use, barbecue, salads. This sweet pepper is also dried whole and then used for stuffed dried peppers.</p> <p>This variety is excellent for year-round production in greenhouses and has also proven excellent for open field cultivation. In favorable growing conditions, it can produce yields over 50 / h.</p>
P 46 (60 S)
Big Sweet Pepper Seeds Skala  - 2

Variëteit uit Servië
Cerovaca Old Serbian Melon Seeds  - 2

Cerovaca Old Serbian Melon...

Prijs € 1,95 (SKU: V 140)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Cerovaca Old Serbian Melon Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 15 seeds</strong></span></h2> <p>Cerovaca is a very old Serbian melon variety, which was once grown massively in Serbia, today this variety is owned only by individuals who knew to appreciate the old variety. It is very sweet and native variety, definitely one of the sweetest melons. </p> <p>It is great for making many sweet specialties. The shape of the fruit of this melon is elongated but can often be round, depending on how the fruit begins to form. The fruit of this variety can reach a weight of 10 kilograms.</p>
V 140 (15 S)
Cerovaca Old Serbian Melon Seeds  - 2

Plant bestand tegen kou en vorst

Italian woodbine seeds (Lonicera caprifolium) 1.95 - 1

Italian woodbine seeds...

Prijs € 1,95 (SKU: MHS 36)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Italian woodbine seeds (Lonicera caprifolium)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Lonicera caprifolium, the Italian woodbine, perfoliate honeysuckle, goat-leaf honeysuckle, Italian honeysuckle, or perfoliate woodbine, is a species of perennial flowering plants in the genus Lonicera of the family Caprifoliaceae. It is native to parts of Europe, and naturalised in South East Britain and northeastern North America. It can readily be distinguished from Europe's most common species, Lonicera periclymenum, by its topmost leaves, which are perfoliate as the Latin name suggests (that is, the stem appears to grow through the centre of the leaf). It is a vigorous, deciduous climber growing up to 8 metres. It bears masses of very fragrant, cream-coloured flowers, tinged with pink, appearing in midsummer.</p> </body> </html>
MHS 36 (10 S)
Italian woodbine seeds (Lonicera caprifolium) 1.95 - 1

Variëteit uit Spanje
Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds 1.65 - 1

Authentic Muchamiel Tomato...

Prijs € 1,85 (SKU: VT 122)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Red tomato with a globose shape and slightly flat, fleshy and with deep red flesh. Medium-sized fruits (200 - 250 grams) of hard skin resistant to cracking.</p> <p>Variety of medium cycle market and excellent productivity. Indeterminate and vigorous growth. Fruits of red color, green neck, globose shape lying down.</p> <p>The Muchamiel or Mutxamel tomato is a tomato variety native to this Alicante town, it has always had a recognized prestige in the market for its smell and taste of real tomato being a very traditional variety known and cultivated throughout Spain. Very rustic and with big and boring fruits. The plant is characterized by being very resistant to unfavorable conditions.</p> <p>The Tomato de Muchamiel (“Tomato Mutxamelero”) is one of the most emblematic and recognized varieties in the province of Alicante from where it originates, specifically from the town of Mutxamel, although its cultivation has been abandoned due to susceptibility to different types of virus. In addition, consumers report the loss of flavor in the hybrids currently marketed, demanding the recovery of the traditional variety.</p> <p>The Muchamiel tomato stands out for its large size, its green neck, its thin skin, and it is very fleshy and sweet. The strong, vigorous and rustic tomato is of indeterminate growth.</p> <p>Undoubtedly for people who like to eat a good tomato and appreciate the nutritional value of these “the tomato is a food rich in vitamins and mineral salts, they are very rich in vitamin C and also in vitamin A, among the minerals that contain, it is possible to emphasize the presence of potassium ”, the Muchamiel tomato is an excellent option to grow in the garden.</p> <p>The Muchamiel tomato is indeterminate and very productive growth when talking about indeterminate growth we mean that it is not known how much it will grow, its development does not stop until the cold reaches the garden and its growth ends.</p> <p>It is a variety of tomatoes that you can easily grow in an urban garden at home in pots.</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 122
Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds 1.65 - 1
Jinguenga, Heaven Fruit Seeds (Aframomum alboviolaceum) 3.45 - 1

Jinguenga, Heaven Fruit...

Prijs € 3,45 (SKU: V 66)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Jinguenga, Heaven Fruit Seeds (Aframomum alboviolaceum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 3 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Species in the ginger family, with delicious fruits and seeds used as a spice. Aframomum alboviolaceum or ginguenga as is commonly known at its place of origin, it is a perennial herbaceous plant with crawling rhizomes deep in the soil. The fruits are red with the white and sweet juicy pulp (taste is unique, impossible to describe) and very tasty.</p> <p>Habitat of origin is tropical Africa, with reach from sierra leone to Sudan, south Zambia to Angola, Malawi, and Mozambique.</p> <p>The plant has its traditional use as food, in medicine and in spices.</p> <p>Seeds are used as a spice, in food and in production of various alcoholic beverages. Leaves are also used in food and as a spice.</p> <p>"Ginger" with edible, juicy and very tasty red fruits.</p> <p>Seeds should be placed in water for 24 hours before planting.</p>
V 66 (3 S)
Jinguenga, Heaven Fruit Seeds (Aframomum alboviolaceum) 3.45 - 1
Burmese Blue Banana Seeds (Musa itinerans) 3.05 - 1

Burmese Blue Banana Seeds...

Prijs € 4,50 (SKU: V 125)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Burmese Blue Banana Seeds (Musa itinerans)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 3 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>This rare and moderately sized banana is found in Burma, northern Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. It was formerly associated with both the musa acuminata and the balbisian musa, but it is now believed to be more closely related musa and similar to the recently described variety m. guangdongensis, but it is not the same one that grows considerably larger and develops new buds (stolons). 2 to 3 meters away from the main plant (parent plant).</p> <p>The ripe fruits are bluish to purple, small and are much appreciated locally in Thai cuisine.</p> <p>It is currently not known in cultivation, but is unlikely to pose any particular challenges to cultivation in tropical and / or temperate climates.</p> <p>It is a more cold-resistant variety, occurring in its original habitat at altitudes that can range from 200 - 1800 meters along steep roads, ravines and slopes. It can withstand seasonal frost, quickly emerging new leaves in early spring.</p> <p>Note: This species has been treated by some as the newly discovered musa guangdongensis, but it is not the same species.</p> <p>Tip:</p> <p>In cultivation, it requires conditions that suit ferns rather than ordinary and regular banana trees; due to its native habitat.</p>
V 125 (3 S)
Burmese Blue Banana Seeds (Musa itinerans) 3.05 - 1
White Water Rose Seeds (Nymphaea alba) 1.95 - 1

White Water Rose Seeds...

Prijs € 1,95 (SKU: MHS 27)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>White Water Rose, </strong><strong>White Water-Lily Seeds (Nymphaea alba)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Nymphaea alba, also known as the European white water lily, white water rose or white nenuphar, is an aquatic flowering plant of the family Nymphaeaceae. It is native to North Africa, temperate Asia, Europe and Tropical Asia (India).</p> <p>It grows in water that is 30–150 cm (12–59 in) deep and likes large ponds and lakes.</p> <p>The leaves can be up to 30 cm (12 in) in diameter and take up a spread of 150 cm (59 in) per plant.[3] The flowers are white and they have many small stamens inside.</p> <p>They are found all over Europe and in parts of North Africa and the Middle East in fresh water.[5] In Africa, it is found in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. In temperate Asia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Siberia, Iran, Iraq, Israel and Turkey. It is found in tropical Asia, within the Indian provinces of Jammu and Kashmir. Lastly, within Europe, it is found in Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, France, Portugal and Spain.</p> <p>It contains the active alkaloids nupharine and nymphaeine, and is a sedative and an aphrodisiac/anaphrodisiac depending on sources.[citation needed] Although roots and stalks are used in traditional herbal medicine along with the flower, the petals and other flower parts are the most potent. Alcohol can be used to extract the active alkaloids, and it also boosts the sedative effects. The root of the plant was used by monks and nuns for hundreds of years as an anaphrodisiac, being crushed and mixed with wine. In the earliest printed medical textbooks, authors maintained this use, though warning against consuming large and frequent doses.</p><script src="//"></script>
MHS 27 (10 S)
White Water Rose Seeds (Nymphaea alba) 1.95 - 1
Carrot seeds, long blunt, xylem free (heart) 2.35 - 1

Carrot seeds, long blunt,...

Prijs € 1,85 (SKU: MHS 159)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Carrot seeds, long blunt, xylem free (heart)</strong></h2><h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" data-mce-style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>The price is for a pack of 800-1200 Seeds (1g).</strong></span></h2><p>Late variety. Orange-red root, 22-24 cm long. Without Xylem ("woody heart") which is actually, and makes it great for preparing all kinds of dishes because it is not <span>woody</span>. Great taste, very sweet variety that is suitable for sowing both outdoors and greenhouses ...</p><script src="//" type="mce-no/type" data-mce-src="//"></script>
MHS 159 (1g)
Carrot seeds, long blunt, xylem free (heart) 2.35 - 1

Plant bestand tegen kou en vorst
Evergreen Oak, Holly Oak Seeds (Quercus ilex) 4.85 - 4

Steeneik zaden (Quercus ilex)

Prijs € 6,95 (SKU: T 83)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Steeneik zaden (Quercus ilex)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Prijs voor pakket met 10 zaden.</strong></span></h2> <p>De<span> </span><b>steeneik</b><span> </span>(<i>Quercus ilex</i>) is een<span> </span>boom<span> </span>uit de<span> </span>napjesdragersfamilie<span> </span>(<i>Fagaceae</i>). Deze van nature in<span> </span>Zuid-Europa<span> </span>voorkomende,<span> </span>groenblijvende<span> </span>eik wordt veel aangeplant als sierboom en ter beschutting, vooral in kuststreken. De boom is bestand tegen de zilte zeewind en de luchtvervuiling in de stad. In Nederland en Vlaanderen is de boom matig<span> </span>winterhard. De boom kan dertig meter hoog worden, maar blijft meestal veel lager. In rotsachtige gebieden blijft de eik vaak<span> </span>struikvormig.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Kenmerken">Kenmerken</span></h2> <p>De steeneik heeft een dichte, brede, koepelvormige<span> </span>kroon. Meestal zijn de<span> </span>takken<span> </span>opgaand. De<span> </span>schors<span> </span>is bruinachtig zwart tot zwart. De schors is tot vierkante platen gebarsten.</p> <p>De steeneik heeft slanke, dof grijsachtig bruine<span> </span>twijgen<span> </span>die zijn voorzien van wollige<span> </span>haartjes. Op de twijgen zitten kleine, geelbruine<span> </span>knoppen. De eindknop heeft ongekrulde borsteltjes.</p> <p>De<span> </span>bladeren<span> </span>variëren in<span> </span>vorm<span> </span>van lang en smal tot eirond. Ze zijn dik, leerachtig en lijken wel wat op bladeren van de<span> </span>hulst<span> </span>(<i>Ilex aquifolium</i>). De bladeren aan de jonge loten hebben een getande rand als bescherming tegen vraat; naarmate de twijg ouder wordt worden de bladranden meer gegolfd, en uiteindelijk glad. De bovenzijde van het blad is ruw en glanzend groen. De onderzijde is grijsachtig groen. De bladsteel is wollig behaard en 1–2 cm lang.</p> <p>Er zijn bleke, goudgele<span> </span>katjes<span> </span>van 4–7 cm lang. De steeneik heeft lichtgroene<span> </span>eikels<span> </span>die 1,5–2 cm lang zijn. Er zijn diepe<span> </span>napjes<span> </span>met viltige schubben.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Gebruik">Gebruik</span></h2> <p>De steeneik levert zeer hard, zwaar hout, in kleine afmetingen, dat<span> </span><i>azijnhout</i><span> </span>genoemd wordt, waarschijnlijk afgeleid van<span> </span><i>azinheira</i>, de naam van de boom in het Portugees. Het leent zich voor onderdelen die zwaar belast worden zoals in de<span> </span>wagenmakerij<span> </span>en in<span> </span>windmolens<span> </span>voor de kammen van de wielen. Het hout wordt ook als<span> </span>brandhout<span> </span>zeer gewaardeerd.</p> <p>De<span> </span>bast<span> </span>wordt gebruikt voor het<span> </span>looien<span> </span>van huiden.</p> <p>De vruchten van de steeneik zijn, wanneer ze zijn geroosterd, eetbaar. Verder worden ze in Spanje en Portugal gebruikt als voer voor het Iberische<span> </span>varken, dat naar zeggen zijn smaak ontleent aan de eikels waarmee het wordt gevoerd.</p> </body> </html>
T 83
Evergreen Oak, Holly Oak Seeds (Quercus ilex) 4.85 - 4

Gigantische plant (met gigantische vruchten)
Giant Long Luffa Sponge Seeds (Luffa aegyptiaca) 2.15 - 1

Giant Long Luffa Sponge...

Prijs € 2,45 (SKU: VE 41)
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<h2><strong>Giant Long Luffa Sponge Seeds (Luffa aegyptiaca)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>This is the largest and the longest luff that exists.</strong> The original luffa sponge variety producing large fruits on vigorous climbing vines which can be dried for your own home grown sponges. &nbsp;Although slow to start, when established and with warm weather these are vigorous plants and can reach 20ft. &nbsp;Sturdy support is vital as the fruits are heavy and must be kept clear of the ground to prevent rotting.</p> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Soak seeds overnight before planting.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Sow in warmth (65 degrees +) ½”- ¾” deep from 4 weeks prior to the last frost under cover. (18-22 days to germinate)</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Remove weaker seedlings, as they do not transplant well.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; When 3-4 inches high gradually acclimatise outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Site the plants in a warm sheltered position with good drainage, these will need full sun and warmth to thrive and sturdy support. (110 days from germination)</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Plant out at least 24”apart and avoid feeding or the crop will be reduced. They will start slow and when established and with warmer weather will quickly accelerate.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Keep moist throughout the summer and stop watering in autumn as fruits mature.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; In autumn, mature gourds will begin to turn brown and dry turning yellow/brown, feel light with the outside skin loose.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Harvest remaining fruit before the first frost and mature in a warm well-ventilated position.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; When fully dry the blossom end cap can be broken off, and a vascular</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; bundle can be pulled up the side of the gourd like a zipper. The sponge will pop out and be very wet and white.</div> <div>· &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Quickly rinse the sponge in water to prevent the plant juices from oxidizing on the sponge and remove the seeds at this time.</div> <div>The sponges can be rinsed in a 10% bleach solution to whiten them.</div><script src="//"></script>
VE 41 (5 S)
Giant Long Luffa Sponge Seeds (Luffa aegyptiaca) 2.15 - 1