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Habanero Peach Seeds 2 - 2

Habanero Peach Seeds

Cena 2,00 € (SKU: C 10)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>Habanero Peach Seeds</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 3 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <div>Habanero Peach is a compact plant about 50 cm tall and has high yields of pods after about 80 days. The pods are peach-coloured when mature. They are longer than some other Habanero's, have a nice fruity flavor and are very hot. This variety comes from the Caribbean.</div> <div>Species: Capsicum Chinense</div> <div>Name: Habanero Peach</div> </div>
C 10
Habanero Peach Seeds 2 - 2
  • Tylko online

Habanero White Seeds 1.85 - 6

Habanero White Seeds

Cena 1,85 € (SKU: C 10 W)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>Habanero White Seeds</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 3 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <div>The White Habanero also known as 'Peruvian White Habanero' is a lovely and rare variety that is hard to come by and said to originate from Peru. <span style="font-size:11px;line-height:1.5em;">These fiery hot jelly bean shaped peppers grow on small, but very high yielding bushy pepper plants with the creamy-white coloured pods measuring 5cm (2in) long by 2cm (¾in) in diameter. </span></div> <div> </div> <div>If you like searing hot chillies, this could be the one for you as they have been rated at over 300,000 Scoville heat units. These awesomely hot chillies have a distinctive smoky flavour and the creamy-white fruits make for striking plants. </div> <div>The plant grows to around 45cm tall (18in). They will grow happily outside over the summer in pots, or planted into the garden, but bring them in before the first frosts to prolong fruiting. </div> <div>Maturing in around 90 days, this is a rare and unusual chilli for your collection.</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>Storage of Seeds: </div> <div>Store seeds away from children, sealed in their packaging in a cool, dry, dark place, or in a fridge. Never store them in a freezer as the sudden temperature drop is likely to kill them. Don't leave the seeds in direct sunlight as the heat generated may kill them.</div> <div> </div> <div>Sowing: Sow from mid February to mid June</div> <div>The temperature, moisture, and air circulation all play a role in growing plants from seeds. Too little heat, too much moisture, and lack of air circulation will cause poor results. Do not use jiffy peat pots, plugs, or potting soil as the soil becomes too dry or too wet, which can lead to low germination, disease and fungus.</div> <div> </div> <div>Fill small cells or trays with a good sterile seed compost and sow the seeds on the surface. “Just cover” with a fine sprinkling (3mm) of soil or vermiculite.</div> <div>Keep the compost moist - don't let the top of the compost dry out (a common cause of germination failure) If you wish, spray the surface with a dilute copper-based fungicide.</div> <div>Cover the pot or tray with plastic film or place in a heated propagator, south facing window or a warm greenhouse. </div> <div>The ideal temperature is around 18 to 20°C (65 to 72°F)</div> <div> </div> <div>Transplanting: </div> <div>When the seedlings have produced their first pair of true leaves they can be potted on into individual 7 to 10cm (3 to 4in) pots. Use good quality potting compost and mix in some organic slow release fertiliser. Pot the chilli on again before it becomes root-bound.</div> <div>Water the seedlings regularly, but don't let them become waterlogged as this encourages rot. Don't let them dry out as they rarely recover at this stage. Water the soil, not the foliage. Once the plants have established, it is better to water heavy and infrequently, allow the top inch or so to dry out in between watering.</div> <div> </div> <div>Seedlings should be grown in good light, but should not be exposed to direct sunlight from late spring to early autumn. Weaker sunlight from autumn to spring is unlikely to do them harm. Once seedlings have put on some growth they need lots of light. Growing them under a grow-light produces excellent stocky plants, as will a warm sunny windowsill. Adult chilli plants need lots of light. However, more than 4 hours or so in hot direct sunlight will dry them out quickly.</div> <div>Acclimatise to outdoor conditions for 2 to 3 weeks before they are moved permanently outside. Plant them into rich moist soil. Flower do not form and fruit will not set if the temperature is much below 17°C (62°F) for most of the day, so wait until June/July for best results with outdoor planting.</div> <div> </div> <div>Fertilising: </div> <div>After the first flowers appear, feed every 1 or 2 weeks with a half-strength liquid tomato feed. You could also add Seaweed extract to the water once a week.</div> <div> </div> <div>Pollinating Flowers: (optional)</div> <div>Chilli plants are self fertile and will generally pollinate themselves. However, if you want to give them a helping hand to ensure that lots of fruit are set indoors, use a cotton wool bud to gently sweep the inside of the flowers, spreading the pollen as you go. The flower's petals will drop off as the green middle part of the flower starts to swell slightly. This is the chilli pepper beginning to grow.</div> <div> </div> <div>Harvesting: Harvest in approx 90 days</div> <div>Harvest any time after they are fully developed but the longer you leave them on the hotter they will become. Harvest peppers as they mature to encourage new buds to form. Use scissors so you don't damage the plant.</div> <div> </div> <div>Storage: </div> <div>After picking eat fresh or dry the peppers by putting them into a mesh bag, hang the bag up in a dry, airy, but not sunny spot. When they are completely dry, you can make paprika by grinding the peppers. Don't grind the stalks. You can regulate the spiciness of the result by including more or less of the seeds and veins.</div> <div> </div> <div>WARNING: </div> <div>Be careful handling chilli seeds as they can cause a painful burning sensation: Avoid contact with the eyes or any sensitive skin before washing your hands thoroughly.</div> <p>These peppers are very hot please make sure whomever tries them knows before-hand !</p> <table class="data-table" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="first odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Packet Size</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">3 Seeds</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Common Name</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Peruvian White Habanero </span><br /><span style="color:#008000;">Very Hot, over 300,000 Scoville units</span></td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Other Common Names</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Chili, Chile or Chilli. Hot Peppers.</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Family</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Solanaceae</span></td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Genus</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Capsicum</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Species</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">chinense</span></td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Cultivar</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">White Habanero</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Synonym</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Peruvian or Yucatan White Habanero</span></td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Hardiness</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Tender Perennial</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Height</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Grows to around 45cm (18 in) tall</span></td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Position</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Grown in good light, but should not be exposed to direct sunlight</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Soil</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Rich moist soil.</span></td> </tr><tr class="odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Time to Sow</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">Sow from mid February to mid June</span></td> </tr><tr class="even"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Harvest</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">The longer you leave them on the hotter they will become</span></td> </tr><tr class="last odd"><td class="label"><strong><span style="color:#008000;">Time to Harvest</span></strong></td> <td class="data last"><span style="color:#008000;">90 days</span></td> </tr></tbody></table>
C 10 W
Habanero White Seeds 1.85 - 6
  • Tylko online
Hot Chili Pepper ANAHEIM seeds (Capsicum Annuum) 1.75 - 5

Hot Chili Pepper ANAHEIM...

Cena 1,55 € (SKU: C 85)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong>Hot Pepper ANAHEIM seeds (Capsicum Annuum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The Anaheim Chile Pepper is a classic, open pollinated pepper variety that matures in 70-90 days. Vigorous bushy upright plants grow 24" to 30" tall and provide good cover. Tapered fruits are 6" to 8" by 1.5" and dark green in color turning red at maturity. This popular, mildly hot pepper is used for canning, drying and fresh market.<br /><br />SHU of 900 to 3500. Average: 80 days</p> <h3><strong>Detailed planting instructions:</strong></h3> <p>Sow seeds indoors, 1/4 inch deep in flats, peat pots or cellpacks, 8-10 weeks before you anticipate transplanting outside. Seed germinates best when soil temperature is 80 F or higher. It will not germinate below 55 F.<br />Keep plants indoors in a warm (70 F during the day, 65 F at night), sunny location. Lack of light will produce leggy, unproductive transplants.<br />Don't be in a rush to transplant outside. Cold temperatures can weaken plants and they may never fully recover. A few days at 60 F to 65 F with reduced water will help harden plants and reduce transplant shock. Over-hardened plants grow slowly after transplanting.<br />Set plants out 2 to 3 weeks after average last frost when the soil has warmed and the weather has settled. Plant them 12 to 24 inches apart, in rows 24 to 36 inches apart, or spaced about 14 to 16 inches apart in raised beds.<br />Use black plastic and/or row covers to speed soil warming and early growth. Use caution with row covers not to overheat plants and cause them to drop their blossoms.<br />If not using black plastic, mulch plants after they are well established and the soil has warmed to retain moisture and control weeds.<br />Peppers can be temperamental when it comes to setting fruit if temperatures are too hot or too cool. Nighttime temperatures below 60 F or above 75 F can reduce fruit set.<br />Too much nitrogen fertilizer may promote lush vegetative growth but fewer fruits. Peppers usually responds well to phosphorus fertilizer.<br />Stake tall varieties for earlier and heavier harvest.<br />Peppers need even moisture for best performance. An even supply can reduce blossom end rot, a disorder caused by lack of calcium.<br />Do not plant in same spot more than once every 4 years.</p> <h3><strong>HARVESTING</strong></h3> <p>Make sure the peppers are firm and shiny with a crisp texture. Use garden shears to clip the fruits from the plant instead of pulling them off.<br /><br />Store peppers at 50 degrees and at least 90 percent humidity, if possible. They should be stored away from other fruits and vegetables because they are sensitive to ethylene gas, which causes them to age faster.</p> <h3><strong>SAVING SEEDS</strong></h3> <p>Cut your favorite variety of pepper in half. All of the seeds inside are most likely viable and you can use them to grow the same variety of pepper in containers or in a sunny garden spot. Collect the seeds and lay them flat on a paper towel for 24 hours.<br /><br />Label the plastic bag with the permanent marker with the name or variety of the pepper seeds. Place the seeds inside for planting.</p> <p>Keep the seeds in a cool, but not cold, dark area until you are ready to start them in early spring.</p> </div>
C 85
Hot Chili Pepper ANAHEIM seeds (Capsicum Annuum) 1.75 - 5
Hot pepper seed ‘‘Dzinka‘‘ Serbian variety 2.5 - 1

Hot pepper seed DZINKA...

Cena 2,25 € (SKU: C 63)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Hot pepper seed ‘‘Dzinka‘‘ Serbian variety</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.<br /></strong></span></h2> <p>Hot pepper Dzinka is a large hot pepper. Hot pepper Dzinka is very popular among producers in the south of Serbia.</p> <p>The plant is very lush and tall and the fruits are about 20-25 cm long, the average weight of the fruit is 40-50 grams. It is twice as large as Niška Šipka.</p> <p>Young fruits are light green to yellow and when ripe they are red. It gives the best yields in greenhouses where it is harvested throughout the season but can be successfully grown outdoors and in pots.</p> <p>Fruits are quite Hot about 5000 HSU.</p> <div><strong>Fruit Length:</strong> 20-25 cm </div> <div><strong>Fruit weight:</strong> 40-50 g</div> </body> </html>
C 63 DZ
Hot pepper seed ‘‘Dzinka‘‘ Serbian variety 2.5 - 1
Hot Pepper Seeds NISKA SIPKA Serbian Variety 2.25 - 3

Hot Pepper Seeds NISKA...

Cena 2,25 € (SKU: C 83)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hot Pepper Seeds NISKA SIPKA Serbian Variety</span></em></strong></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <p>Niska Sipka is hot pepper elongated, intended for growing in greenhouses and outdoors. In greenhouse grow up to 130 cm, and provides more than 100 fruits per plant for the season. The fruit long is 20 to 30 cm.</p> </div>
C 83
Hot Pepper Seeds NISKA SIPKA Serbian Variety 2.25 - 3
Hungarian Hot Wax Chili Pepper Seed 2 - 1

Hungarian Hot Wax Chili...

Cena 2,00 € (SKU: C 87)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hungarian Hot Wax Chili Pepper Seed</span></em></strong></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <p>Yellow hot pepper with 5 1/2" x 1 1/2" smooth, waxy fruits tapering to a point. Easy to stuff and to peel after roasting; thick-fleshed for frying. Its sunset-ripening peppers change from yellow to orange to red, and make attractive pickled peppers. Definitely, but not overly, hot.</p> </div>
C 87
Hungarian Hot Wax Chili Pepper Seed 2 - 1
Italian PEPERONCINI Hot Chili Seeds 1.55 - 1

Italian PEPERONCINI Hot...

Cena 1,85 € (SKU: C 67)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Italian PEPERONCINI Hot Chili Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The famous Italian hot Chili. Although it is an old Italian variety, it is now generally found only in the southern part of Italy. The plants grow up to some 40-50 centimeters in height and give truly plentiful fruits that grow upwards and are very hot.</p> <p>The fruits are about 3 cm long and change color from green to red when ripe. We personally brought this Chili from Italy whose fruits we naturally dried in the sun and we can tell you that this variety is great for drying and grinding. Otherwise, given that the plant is small compact, this Chili is also great for growing in pots.</p> <p>If you bring the pot inside the house before winter - next year you will already have the ripe fruits of this excellent and hot Chili in May ...</p>
C 67
Italian PEPERONCINI Hot Chili Seeds 1.55 - 1

Odmiana ze Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki
Large Red Cherry Chili Seeds

Duża Czerwona Wiśnia -...

Cena 4,65 € (SKU: C 46)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Duża Czerwona Wiśnia - Nasiona Chili</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Cena za pakiet 10, 50 nasion.</strong></span></h2> Ostra papryka Large Red Cherry to bardzo ozdobna odmiana, duże owoce (od 20 do 50 gramów), prawie odpowiednio okrągłe i bardzo czerwone. Odmiana ta licznie owocuje. Owoce dojrzewają po 60 do 75 dniach. Należy do średnio ostrych papryczek chili (około 5000-35000 HSU).<br><br>Wyjątkowa odmiana do suszenia i stosowania jako pieprz mielony.<br><br>Dobrze rośnie na otwartym polu, szklarni oraz w doniczce na balkonie lub w innym miejscu.<br><br>Papryka roczna<br>Kraj pochodzenia: USA<script src="//"></script>
C 46 (50 S)
Large Red Cherry Chili Seeds


Cena 2,00 € (SKU: C 91)
5/ 5
<h2><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">MUSHROOM YELLOW Chilli seeds</span></em></strong></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <p><span style="font-size:10pt;">Also called Yellow squash pepper although there are other squash type capsicum annuum types that grow in Jamaica and parts of the Caribbean. The Jamaican Yellow Mushroom chile plant has the heat level of a Scotch Bonnet but can grow larger. Used in salsa, sauces and can be stuffed. Related to the Jamaican Red Mushroom but not as hot. Real fruity flavor!</span></p>
C 91
Orozco Chilli Pepper Seeds 1.3 - 1

Orozco Chilli Pepper Seeds

Cena 1,30 € (SKU: C 41)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong><em>Orozco Chilli Pepper Seeds</em></strong></span></h2> <h3><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">Price for Package of 5 seeds.<br /></span></strong></h3> <div>A stunningly attractive plant with purple/black stems producing upright fruits, turning from light green to purple (almost black), yellow, orange, then red. The foliage is purple almost black on the front and green on the back. This chilli is a great looker and deserves a place in any chilli plant collection. From eastern Europe.</div> </div>
C 41
Orozco Chilli Pepper Seeds 1.3 - 1
Prairie Fire Chilli Seeds 1.5 - 4

Prairie Fire Chilli Seeds

Cena 1,50 € (SKU: C 48)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>Prairie Fire Chilli Seeds</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">Price for Package of 7 seeds.<br /></span></strong></h3> <div><strong></strong>Prairie Fire is a compact chilli pepper that not only makes an attractive plant for the kitchen windowsill but is great for cooking with aswell, just pick a few pods and use fresh whilst cooking. <span style="line-height:1.5em;">Prairie Fire is a bushy dwarf variety that grows to 20cm high by 30cm wide. It produces lots of little chilli peppers that measure 1.5cm long by 0.5cm wide and mature through a range of colours from yellow to orange and finally dark red. It has a reading of 70,000 SHU so of mild to medium heat levels.</span></div> <div>Prairie Fire is one of the quicker varieties to mature and the pods just keep growing so long as the pods harvested frequently. <span style="line-height:1.5em;">The Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit (AGM) helps gardeners make informed choices about plants. This award indicates that the plant is recommended by the RHS. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">(Capsicum annuum)</span></div> <div>Organic seeds: Yes</div> </div>
C 48
Prairie Fire Chilli Seeds 1.5 - 4
  • Tylko online
Purple Pepper Chili Seeds

Purple Pepper Chili Seeds

Cena 2,50 € (SKU: C 42)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>Purple Pepper Chili Seeds</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong> Price for Package of 10 seeds.<br /></strong></span></h3> <div>The fruit of the Purple Pepper is a favorite for its dark purple color. The fruit of this pepper turns a beautiful shade of dark purple and stays that way for a long time before finally ripening to red.  Purple pepper are somewhat larger than regular tabasco, but with the same thick walls and fiery heat. <span style="line-height:1.5em;">These peppers are great used in Salsas or pickled with a variety of other colored pepper.</span></div> <div></div> <div><span style="line-height:1.5em;">Storage of Pepper Seeds: </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">Store seeds away from children (the seeds themselves can be hot when in contact with skin or consumed!). Keep pepper seeds sealed in their packaging and in a cool, dry, dark place, or in a fridge. Never store them in a freezer as the sudden temperature drop is likely to kill them. Do not leave pepper seeds in direct sunlight as the heat generated may also kill them or decrease their germination rate.</span></div> <div>Additional Details</div> <div>Family: Solanaceae (so-lan-AY-see-ee)</div> <div>Genus: Capsicum (KAP-sih-kum)</div> <div>Species: annuum (AN-yoo-um)</div> <div>Seed Type: Open Pollinated</div> <div>Height: 5-25 cm</div> <div>Spacing: 18-24 in (45-60 cm), 24-36 in (60-90 cm)</div> <div>Germination Time: days</div> <div>Days to Maturity: 55-80 days</div> <div>Sun Exposure: Full Sun</div> <div>Heat (Pungency): Mod (1,000 to 5,000 Scoville Units)</div> <div>Bloom Color: White</div> <div>Fruit Shape:Tapered</div> <div>Fruit Size: Small (under 2"length) to Med (4" to 6" length)</div> <div>Fruit Color: Purple turning to Red</div> <div>Soil Requirements: 5.6 to 6.0 (acidic), 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic), 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)</div> <div>Propagation Methods: From seed, sow indoors before last frost or direct sow outdoors after last frost.</div> <div>Other Details: Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater. Suitable for growing in containers</div> </div>
C 42
Purple Pepper Chili Seeds
  • Tylko online
Riot Chili Seeds Organically Grown  - 5

Riot Chili Seeds...

Cena 2,25 € (SKU: C 49)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Riot Chili Seeds Organically Grown</em></span></strong></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;">Price for Package of 5 or 10 seeds.</span></h3> <div>Very beautiful small ornamental chili plant, Medium Hot <span style="line-height:1.5em;">Very productive. Plants are relatively compact . The pods resemble small purple spherical marbles which grow upright. Matures to orange and finally to red. </span><span style="line-height:1.5em;">Capsicum annuum </span></div> <div><span style="line-height:1.5em;">Organic seeds: Yes</span></div> <div><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span style="font-size:12pt;color:#0000ff;"><strong><span style="line-height:1.5em;"></span></strong></span></a></div> </div>
C 49
Riot Chili Seeds Organically Grown  - 5

Odmiana z Peru

Rocoto Manzano Brown Seeds 2.5 - 1

Rocoto Manzano Brown Seeds

Cena 2,50 € (SKU: C 3 B)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><em><strong><em><strong>Rocoto Manzano Brown Seeds - </strong></em>Fresh Organic Seeds</strong></em></strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.<br /></strong></span></h3> <div>These plants produce HUGE chilies the size of racquetballs! The heat is similar to a habanero but these have MUCH BETTER FLAVOR (almost like a spicy butternut squash). Their thick flesh makes an amazing stuffed or grilled pepper! The plants leaves grow "hairy" and they produce beautiful purple leaves. </div> <div>Capsicum pubescens is a species of the genus Capsicum (pepper), known as rocoto (Quechua: ruqutu) and locoto (Aymara: luqutu), which is found primarily in Central and South America. It is known only in cultivation. The species name, pubescens, means hairy, which refers to the hairy leaves of this pepper. The hairiness of the leaves, along with the black seeds, distinguish this species from others.[4] As they reach a relatively advanced age and the roots lignify quickly, sometimes they are called tree chili. Of all the domesticated species of peppers, this is the least widespread and systematically furthest away from all others. It is reproductively isolated from other species of the genus Capsicum.[3] A very notable feature of this species is its ability to withstand cooler temperatures than other cultivated pepper plants,[5] but cannot withstand frost.</div> <div><strong>Vegetative characteristics</strong></div> <div>Like all other species of the genus Capsicum, plants of the species Capsicum pubescens grow as a shrub, but sometimes as climbing plants. They grow into four-meter woody plants relatively quickly, and live up to 15 years, which gives them, especially with age, an almost tree-like appearance.[6] After a first impulse is formed, the plant branches at a height of about 30 cm for the first time, and forms during growth by further dividing into a bushy appearance. More shoots develop from the leaf axils. Some varieties have purple discoloration on the branches, as can be observed in other Capsicum species. The leaves have a 5–12 mm long petiole and a leaf blade ovate to 5–12 cm long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, tapering at the top and the base is wedge-shaped.</div> <div>In addition to the relatively long life, Capsicum pubescens differs in many other characteristics from related species.</div> <div>Flowers</div> <div>The flowers appear singly or in pairs (rarely up to four) on the shoots, and the branches are at about 1 cm long flower stems, which extend on the fruit to around 4–5 cm. The calyx has five triangular pointed teeth, which have in the fruit a length of about 1 mm. A characteristic different from other cultivated species of the genus Capsicum is the blue-violet-colored petals, brighter in the centre. The anthers are partly purple, partly white.</div> <div>Distribution</div> <div>Capsicum pubescens is found in cultivation primarily in north-western South America, as well as southern Central America.[citation needed] It is believed to have evolved from other, more primitive Capsicum species also occurring in the same area.[citation needed] C. pubescens grows at higher elevations than other species, and cannot survive the tropical heat in the lowlands.</div> <div>There are several cultivars of C. pubescens; most are rarely cultivated, and are now relatively scarce.</div> <div>Cultivars include 'Canario' (yellow), 'Manzano' (red), 'Peron' (pear-shaped), and 'Rocoto Longo' (which was developed in the Canary Islands).</div> </div> </body> </html>
C 3 B
Rocoto Manzano Brown Seeds 2.5 - 1
Royal Black Chili Seeds

Royal Black Chili Seeds

Cena 2,35 € (SKU: C 43)
5/ 5
<h2><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Royal Black Chili Seeds</span></em></strong></h2> <h3><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">Price for Package of 10 seeds.<br /></span></strong></h3> <div>Royal Black – one of the most elegant chillies you can grow in your garden, adding a lovely oriental accent to a patio or flowerbed.  The plant is tall and bushy, with dark purple foliage that has the occasional leaf tip of white and green.  The bullet-shaped pequin pods are both flavoursome and hot, starting out a dark purple shade and ripening to bright red.</div> <div>Organic seeds: Yes</div> <div><span style="font-size:12pt;color:#0000ff;"><strong><em><a href=";feature=plcp" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span style="color:#0000ff;">;feature=plcp</span></a></em></strong></span></div>
C 43
Royal Black Chili Seeds