Varieties from Spain

Sunt 21 produse.

Se afiseaza 1-15 din 21 produs(e)

Varietate din Spania
Spanish Roja Garlic

Spanish Roja Garlic

Pret 2,35 € (SKU: P 416 SRG)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Spanish Roja Garlic Cloves</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for 10 Garlic cloves</strong></span></h2> <p>Spanish Roja garlic is medium in size, averaging 5-7 centimeters in diameter with 8 to 9 cloves bound in a single layer around the scape. The outer wrappers are white, flaky, thin and peel easily. The inner clove wrappers range from tan to violet-blushed and encapsulate large ivory cloves that have a subtly sweet, hot, and robust flavor that lingers for a long time. When cooked, Spanish Roja garlic develops a deep, rich, and complex flavor.</p> <p>Spanish Roja garlic, botanically classified as Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon, is a rocambole, which is the most common hard neck variety. Also known as Greek or Greek Blue garlic, Spanish Roja garlic is sometimes difficult to find, but is sought after for its superior flavor and is consistently ranked high in tastings among garlic connoisseurs and growers.</p> <p>Spanish Roja garlic is an excellent source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese. It is also known for its allicin content which has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.</p> <p>Spanish Roja garlic can be used in both raw and cooked dishes. It is assertive and hot when raw so use sparingly. Chopping coarsely, mincing, and pureeing will release more of its oils providing a sharper flavor than slicing or leaving it whole. A popular raw method is to crush or mix the garlic with olive oil and lemon or with vinegar to create a vegetable and salad dressing. It can also be mixed with butter and brushed on to freshly cooked corn as a rich summer dish. For cooked applications, roast or sauté Spanish Roja garlic for a multidimensional and richer flavor experience. Complimentary pairings for Spanish Roja garlic include acidic fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, cream, robust cheeses, olive oil, soy sauce, starchy pasta, grilled steak, roasted meats, and seafood. Spanish Roja garlic will keep up to five months when stored unpeeled in a cool and dry place.</p> <p>Spanish Roja is listed on Slow Food USA's Ark of Taste, a catalog of important heirloom foods that works to raise awareness of their existence and encourage others to produce them. Spanish Roja is not endangered nor at risk, a common characteristic of items listed on the Ark of Taste, but it is listed because it is only produced on a small scale and is often overlooked. Spanish Roja is difficult to produce on a large scale due to its demand by hand-harvesting procedures and short shelf life. This prevents it from being distributed to large commercial retailers and centralizes it to remaining specialty garlic.</p> <p>Spanish Roja garlic is an heirloom variety that is believed to have originated in Spain. Spanish Roja would eventually travel to the New World and become a true heirloom variety of North America. It was first cultivated in northwest Oregon in the late 1800s and then spread to Washington and other areas of the Pacific Northwest. Today, Spanish Roja is available in small quantities in home gardens and farmers' markets in the United States.</p> </body> </html>
P 416 SRG
Spanish Roja Garlic

Varietate din Spania
Piel de Sapo Seeds (Cucumis melo)

Seminte de pepene galben...

Pret 1,85 € (SKU: V 76)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Seminte de pepene galben Piel de Sapo (Cucumis melo)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Preț pentru pachet de 20 semințe.</strong></span></h2> <p>Piel de Sapo (Piel De Sapo se traduce prin „piele de broască râioasă”) este cunoscut și comercializat ca pepene galben de Moș Crăciun.</p> <p>Un soi tradițional din Spania. Numele său înseamnă „piele de broaște”, iar coaja acestui pepene galben arată de fapt ca acest amfibian, cu pielea sa rotundă, verde, cu pete galbene și riduri când este copt. Pulpa verde deschis aproape albă este dulce, aromată (precum gustul de portocală), suculentă cu o textură excepțional de crocantă. Pepenii sunt ovali și ajung la aproximativ 2,5 Kg.</p>
V 76 (20 S)
Piel de Sapo Seeds (Cucumis melo)

Varietate din Spania
Cherry Kumato Black Tomato Seeds  - 2

Semințe de tomate Mini KUMATO

Pret 2,35 € (SKU: VT 8 CK)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Semințe de tomate Mini KUMATO</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Preț pentru pachetul de 10, 20 de semințe.</strong></span></h2> <p>Roșia de cireș Kumato este o roșie de soiuri hibride nemodificate genetic, creată din crucea de roșii sălbatice și domestice (soiurile SX387 și / sau OLMECA) de către compania agricolă elvețiană, Syngenta. A fost creat pentru a avea o aromă și o textură superioare în comparație cu alte roșii de pe piață și este comercializat unic pentru utilizare în toate etapele de maturitate. Numele său provine dintr-o melodie George și Ira Gershwin intitulată „Let's Call the Whole Thing Off”. Linia cântecului, „Spui roșie, spun tomate” subliniază în mod jucăuș felul în care Kumato este similar cu roșia, dar în același timp destul de unic.</p> <p>Descriere / Gust</p> <p>Roșia Kumato Cherry se distinge de alte roșii cherry prin pielea sa, care variază de culoare, de la verde-maro închis la tineri până la roșu închis la mahon când este complet matur. Pielea de culoare mai închisă a roșiei cherry Kumato este rezultatul conținutului ridicat de fructoză. Forma roșiei cherry Kumato este foarte rotundă și are o carne interioară extrem de suculentă. Roșiile cherry Kumato oferă o aromă bogată de roșii, care are un gust ușor acru când sunt tinere și când sunt coapte, va dezvolta o aromă excepțional de dulce.</p> <p>Geografie / Istorie</p> <p>O varietate de roșii Kumato a fost cultivată pentru prima dată în Marea Mediterană pe coasta Almeriană. A fost descoperit în creștere la marginea fermei familiale a lui Luis Ortega în anii '70. Ortega a remarcat că roșia era mai întunecată decât o roșie normală și avea o aromă mai dulce. O caracteristică care l-a inspirat să creeze o roșie ca cea a ceea ce găsise, una care avea o aromă autentică, dar superioară de roșii și o culoare unică. Specialiștii de la compania agricolă elvețiană Syngenta au petrecut zece ani experimentând încrucișarea pentru a perfecționa roșiile Kumato și a crea ceea ce este pe piață astăzi. Roșiile vândute sub marca Kumato sunt cultivate în conformitate cu reglementări stricte pentru a asigura o roșie constantă de înaltă calitate. Acestea sunt cultivate astăzi în Spania, Franța, Grecia, Belgia, Olanda, Elveția, Turcia și Canada.</p> </body> </html>
VT 8 CK (10 S)
Cherry Kumato Black Tomato Seeds  - 2

Varietate din Spania
Kumato Tomato Seeds 1.95 - 1

Kumato Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,95 € (SKU: VT 7 O)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Kumato Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10, 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Kumato®  is truly exceptional. Try it and you will experience authentic tomato flavour. Intense and sweet. Welcome to a world of sensations all the year-round. Welcome to Kumato®.</span></p> <p><span><strong>How are Kumato® tomatoes different from traditional tomatoes?</strong></span></p> <p><span>The colour of Kumato® tomatoes varies from dark brown to golden green. This is its natural appearance. Although they may look as if they are unripe and they will be bitter to the taste, this family of tomatoes has an authentic and intense flavour.</span></p> <p><span>They are sweeter than normal tomatoes, with a contrasting slightly sour note, which makes for a unique and clearly defined taste sensation. Furthermore, Kumato® tomatoes are very juicy and firm in texture, which means they are an excellent choice when preparing delicious salads and many tomato-based recipes</span></p> <p><span><strong>What size are Kumato® tomatoes and how much do they weigh?</strong></span></p> <p><span>The Kumato® is fairly standard in size, with a diameter of 5 to 6 cm. It generally weighs between 80 and 120g.</span></p> <p><span><strong>What is the origin of Kumato® tomatoes?</strong></span></p> <p><span>In the 1970s, Luis Ortega would often go with his father to the fields cultivated by his family in the village of Agra, on the Almerian coast. His curiosity led him to discover that the tomatoes at the end of the lines, which received less water, were a different colour, but were much more intense and sweet in flavour. Having observed this, the young farmer set himself a personal challenge: to grow a tomato with an authentic and intense flavour that was a different colour. This was how the Kumato® tomato was born, on the shores of the Mediterranean.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Why are Kumato® tomatoes sweeter than most tomatoes, in spite of their colour?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Quality is dependent on many factors, most importantly the variety and the growing conditions, but never the colour.</span></p> <p><span>Kumato® tomatoes come from special tomato plants that naturally produce dark, extraordinarily sweet fruits. This is due to their "brix level" (fructose content), which is naturally higher than that of traditional red tomatoes.</span></p> <p><span>Moreover, since all the tomatoes marketed under the Kumato® brand grow and ripen under optimum climatic conditions and they are carefully selected before they are commercialised, consumers can rest assured that all the fruits will have the same intensity of taste and concentration of flavour.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Are Kumato® tomatoes genetically modified products?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Not at all! Kumato® is the outstanding result of tireless efforts to apply traditional plant breeding techniques and natural cultivation methods. Its origin can be found in the wild tomatoes which grow spontaneously and which adapted to withstand the dry and salty conditions of the Mediterranean region.</span></p> <p><span>Many excellent varieties have existed naturally for millions of years, and new varieties can be obtained  by means of classic crossing techniques. Many of these varieties have not been cultivated on a large scale to date for several reasons, mainly related with cost and technical difficulties (they are too delicate, they do not have a high yield, they do not adapt easily to different climates, etc.). Kumato® tomatoes reflect the supreme creativity of nature, which we have successfully brought to your table at a reasonable cost and – drawing on our expertise of today’s agronomic techniques and processes – by means of natural cultivation methods!</span></p> <p><span><strong>What is the nutritional content of Kumato® tomatoes?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Kumato® is a very healthy food. Frequent consumption is recommended as part of a healthy diet. It is especially rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamins A and C. Furthermore, it is low in calories (31 kcal per 150 g) and, of course, it has no cholesterol or saturated fats.</span></p>
VT 7 O (10 S)
Kumato Tomato Seeds 1.95 - 1

Varietate din Spania
Kumato Tomato 1000 Seeds 85 - 4

Kumato Tomato 1000 Seeds

Pret 85,00 € (SKU: VT 7 O)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Kumato Tomato 1000 Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><strong><span style="color: #ff0000;">Price for Package of 1000 seeds.</span></strong></h2> <p><span>Kumato®&nbsp; is truly exceptional. Try it and you will experience authentic tomato flavour. Intense and sweet. Welcome to a world of sensations all the year round. Welcome to Kumato®.</span></p> <p><span><strong>How are Kumato® tomatoes different from traditional tomatoes?</strong></span></p> <p><span>The colour of Kumato® tomatoes varies from dark brown to golden green. This is its natural appearance. Although they may look as if they are unripe and they will be bitter to the taste, this family of tomatoes has an authentic and intense flavour.</span></p> <p><span>They are sweeter than normal tomatoes, with a contrasting slightly sour note, which makes for a unique and clearly defined taste sensation. Furthermore, Kumato® tomatoes are very juicy and firm in texture, which means they are an excellent choice when preparing delicious salads and many tomato-based recipes</span></p> <p><span><strong>What size are Kumato® tomatoes and how much do they weigh?</strong></span></p> <p><span>The Kumato® is fairly standard in size, with a diameter of 5 to 6 cm. It generally weighs between 80 and 120g.</span></p> <p><span><strong>What is the origin of Kumato® tomatoes?</strong></span></p> <p><span>In the 1970s, Luis Ortega would often go with his father to the fields cultivated by his family in the village of Agra, on the Almerian coast. His curiosity led him to discover that the tomatoes at the end of the lines, which received less water, were a different colour, but were much more intense and sweet in flavour. Having observed this, the young farmer set himself a personal challenge: to grow a tomato with an authentic and intense flavour that was a different colour. This was how the Kumato® tomato was born, on the shores of the Mediterranean.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Why are Kumato® tomatoes sweeter than most tomatoes, in spite of their colour?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Quality is dependent on many factors, most importantly the variety and the growing conditions, but never the colour.</span></p> <p><span>Kumato® tomatoes come from special tomato plants that naturally produce dark, extraordinarily sweet fruits. This is due to their "brix level" (fructose content), which is naturally higher than that of traditional red tomatoes.</span></p> <p><span>Moreover, since all the tomatoes marketed under the Kumato® brand grow and ripen under optimum climatic conditions and they are carefully selected before they are commercialised, consumers can rest assured that all the fruits will have the same intensity of taste and concentration of flavour.</span></p> <p><span><strong>Are Kumato® tomatoes genetically modified products?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Not at all! Kumato® is the outstanding result of tireless efforts to apply traditional plant breeding techniques and natural cultivation methods. Its origin can be found in the wild tomatoes which grow spontaneously and which adapted to withstand the dry and salty conditions of the Mediterranean region.</span></p> <p><span>Many excellent varieties have existed naturally for millions of years, and new varieties can be obtained&nbsp; by means of classic crossing techniques. Many of these varieties have not been cultivated on a large scale to date for several reasons, mainly related with cost and technical difficulties (they are too delicate, they do not have a high yield, they do not adapt easily to different climates, etc.). Kumato® tomatoes reflect the supreme creativity of nature, which we have successfully brought to your table at a reasonable cost and – drawing on our expertise of today’s agronomic techniques and processes – by means of natural cultivation methods!</span></p> <p><span><strong>What is the nutritional content of Kumato® tomatoes?</strong></span></p> <p><span>Kumato® is a very healthy food. Frequent consumption is recommended as part of a healthy diet. It is especially rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamins A and C. Furthermore, it is low in calories (31 kcal per 150 g) and, of course, it has no cholesterol or saturated fats.</span></p><script src="//"></script>
VT 7 O (2g)
Kumato Tomato 1000 Seeds 85 - 4

Varietate din Spania
Montserrat Tomato Seeds 1.95 - 1

Spanish tomato seeds...

Pret 1,95 € (SKU: VT 20)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Montserrat Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The Montserrat tomato is one of the best and most expensive tomatoes sold freshly, it is mainly sold in Catalonia where it is a delicacy. They are also called "rose tomatoes", as when they are cut up they are reminiscent of a rose. These beefsteak tomatoes are flat-round and ribbed, ripen from yellow/pink to red and can weigh up to 200 g. The fruit flesh is very flavourful and slightly sweet. As these tomatoes have cavities, they are particularly suitable for stuffing, but can also be enjoyed in a fresh salad.<span>&nbsp;</span><span><br></span></p> <p><strong>Care:</strong><span>&nbsp;</span>You can grow the Montserrat tomatoes inside the house, in a greenhouse or outdoors. The optimal germination temperature is between 20 and 25°C, and germination occurs after 8 - 14 days. You can speed up the germination process if you leave the seeds to soak overnight in a damp cloth. You should wait until after the last frost to plant your chosen plants.</p> <p>Tomatoes need fresh, well-fertilised, permeable soil which is kept moist (but not wet!). They should be planted in a sunny, protected place with at least 6 hours of sunlight - preferably more.</p> <table border="0" style="height: 180px;"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Type</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">Montserrat&nbsp;Tomatoes</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Optimal germination temperature</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">20 - 25 °C</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Sowing</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">February - April</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Germination period</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">8 - 14 days</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Plant growth habit</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">approx. 150 - 200 cm in height, stake tomatoes</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Fruit appearance</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">red, flat-round, broadly ribbed, approx. 150-200g</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Taste</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">very flavourful, slightly sweet</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Harvest</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">from the beginning of August until the end of September</td> </tr> <tr style="height: 18px;"> <td style="height: 18px; width: 237px;">Origin</td> <td style="height: 18px; width: 402px;">Spain</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><script src="//"></script>
VT 20 (10 S)
Montserrat Tomato Seeds 1.95 - 1

Varietate din Spania
RAF Tomato Seeds  - 7

RAF Tomato Seeds

Pret 2,05 € (SKU: VT 30)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>RAF Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The Raf tomato variety is obtained by selecting and crossing different breeds and is cultivated tomatoes in greenhouses, especially in Almería, from where 30% of the tomatoes consumed in Europe come. In this Spanish region, the combination of sun and soil salinity gives these tomatoes their unique characteristics. This variety is found from late autumn until late spring, a period that may be extended if temperatures are low since it does not do well in the heat. The name comes from the acronym of "Resistant to Fusarium"  (fusarium is a type of fungus that affects the tomato) and this explains its wide distribution. It is also known as "Pata Negra tomato." The fruits, green and striped with red, with deep grooves, are fleshy and soft, juicy and sweet.</p> <p><strong>Keeping Raf tomatoes</strong></p> <p>It's always best to just buy the amount you are going to consume. If your busy schedule doesn't allow for a daily shop, you can keep them for several days in a cool and well-ventilated space. You can also slow the ripening down if you keep them in the fridge and take them out a couple of hours before eating till they reach room temperature.</p> <p><strong>Eating Raf tomatoes</strong></p> <p>The Raf tomato is great raw: just cut it into slices, following the grooves, add a pinch of salt and a dash of extra virgin olive oil and it's ready... Delicooks offers several salad recipes that include this tomato.</p>
VT 30
RAF Tomato Seeds  - 7

Planta gigantica (cu fructe gigantice)

Varietate din Spania
Ramiro sweet Giant pepper Seeds  - 5

Ramiro sweet Giant pepper...

Pret 2,05 € (SKU: PP 31)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Ramiro sweet Giant pepper Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Ramiro sweet pointed peppers are a sweet variety of the common pepper. Higher sugar content their taste is sweeter than that of normal peppers. They have a longish pointed shape and exist in three different colours, red, yellow, green. Ideal for salads, grilled or as finger food. Also very decorative as antipasti stuffed with feta cheese for example.</p> <p><strong>History</strong></p> <p>Ramiro came into existence through crossings of old varieties. Probably based on the Eastern-European-Turkish-Indian type of pepper. Dutch growers rediscovered this variety three years ago and made it a success product.</p> <p><strong>Fruit length: </strong>24 – 30 cm</p> <p><strong>Fruit weight:</strong> 100g</p> <p><strong>Fruit width:</strong> 4,5 - 5 cm</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Nutrition Information</strong></p> <p>Serving size: 100 grams</p> <p>Calories: 31</p> <p>Protein: 0.99 grams</p> <p>Fat: 0.30 grams</p> <p>Carbohydrate: 6.03 grams</p> <p><strong><em>Use Tips</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Stuffed Ramiro Peppers</strong></p> <p><em>Ingredients</em></p> <p>½ pepper</p> <p>drizzle of olive oil</p> <p>55g/2oz sausage meat</p> <p>30g/1oz Caerphilly cheese</p> <p>For the sauce</p> <p>pinch of chilli flakes</p> <p>dash of soy sauce</p> <p>1 tbsp tomato ketchup</p> <p>1 tsp sesame oil</p> <p>drizzle of olive oil</p> <p><strong>Method</strong></p> <p>Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.</p> <p>Drizzle the pepper half with olive oil, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 5-6 minutes.</p> <p>Remove from the oven and spoon in the sausage meat and cheese. Return to the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes or until cooked through.</p> <p>To make the sauce, mix the chilli flakes, soy sauce, ketchup, sesame oil and olive oil together in a bowl.</p> <p>Transfer the stuffed pepper to a serving plate and spoon the sauce over to serve.</p>
PP 31 Mix (10 S)
Ramiro sweet Giant pepper Seeds  - 5

Varietate din Spania

Monte Rosa Ribbed Pink Tomato Seeds Seeds Gallery - 8

Monte Rosa Ribbed Pink...

Pret 2,05 € (SKU: VT 92)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="color: #000000;" class=""><strong>“Monte Rosa” Ribbed Pink Tomato Seeds</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #f40202;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds. &nbsp;</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Who am I? I am a new tomato variety I was born on a cool morning in June 2012 in Cabrera de Mar on the Maresme Coast (Catalonia – Spain). My mother is a pear tomato from Girona and my paternal grandfather is a Genovese Costoluto. This mixture of Catalan and Italian blood gives me a truly Mediterranean appearance.</span></p> <p><span>I was born both from the passion to enjoy the Mediterranean diet and from the commitment to recover old tomatoes. We believe that each tomato is an exceptional explosion of color and flavor.</span></p> <p><strong>Taste me and indulge yourself in my infinite nuances.</strong></p> <p><strong>Do not miss the experience!</strong></p> <p><strong>How am I?</strong></p> <p><span>I am asymmetric and ribbed, my skin is velvety and my sepals are very showy, which give me a lush and voluptuous appearance. From the apple green of my youth, I evolve to deep pink in my maturity and I exude a characteristic herbaceous aroma.</span></p> <p><span>The way I look is the prelude to many sensory attributes that will allow you to enjoy balanced and tasty tomatoes. Those who know me more highlight my sweetness and fruity finishing taste. Enjoy me and rediscover the pleasure of an intense garden tomato flavor, which will persist in your mouth and your memory.</span></p> <p><span>My flavor details make me the perfect ingredient to be part of those unforgettable dishes, prepared with love, and in which the delicacy and simplicity of natural ingredients predominate. However, without losing the properties of the tomatoes that enrich the Mediterranean diet the most.</span></p> <p><strong>Description:</strong></p> <p><span><strong>Height</strong>: a plant that can reach over two meters high, depending on the duration of the growth cycle.</span></p> <p><span>The first fruits will be completely ripe around 60 days after the plant is transplanted into the soil. The warmer the weather when the cycle starts, the faster they will ripen. In case the plant is sowed directly in soil (or kept in a pot), the first ripe fruits will be up for harvest in about 90 to 100 days after the seeds are sowed. The first fruits will be the largest ones, and can reach a weight of 400 grams and will be very ribbed.</span></p> <p><span>After that, the weight and size of the fruits will be reduced, to some extent. The warmer it is during the cycle, the faster tomatoes will ripen. If a recently-set fruit is removed (or any of its flowers) in one of the first vines, the result will be more and bigger tomatoes in the following vines, leveling the plant’s production throughout the cycle.</span></p> <p><span>The plant has a medium-high vigor, and thus, it is recommended to remove some stems in order to have enough light on the fruits. Removing stems reduces problems related to humidity (botrytis, etc.). A rich in calcium fertilizer is highly recommended, especially during extremely hot seasons.</span></p> <p><strong>This variety count on several resistances that make it suitable to be grown professionally:</strong></p> <p><strong>– Resistance to Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV)</strong></p> <p><strong>– Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)</strong></p> <p><strong>– Resistance to Verticilium (Vd)</strong></p> <p><span>&nbsp;</span></p><script src="//"></script>
VT 92 (10 S)
Monte Rosa Ribbed Pink Tomato Seeds Seeds Gallery - 8

Acest produs este cel mai bine vândut produs

Varietate din Spania
Mar Azul tomato seeds 1.75 - 1

Semințe de tomate Mar Azul

Pret 2,45 € (SKU: VT 1 MA)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Semințe de tomate Mar Azul</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Preț pentru pachetul de 10 sau 20 de semințe.</strong></span></h2> <strong>Anul acesta, ca în fiecare an, semănăm noi plante de roșii Mar Azul. Pozele sunt din acest an 2021 și nu le vom schimba în fiecare an.</strong><br><br><strong>Este foarte interesant faptul că soiul de roșii Mar Azul este extrem de puternic și crește rapid. Până acum, nu am văzut un soi de roșii care crește mai repede decât soiul Mar Azul. Rădăcina se dezvoltă extrem de rapid și este interesant faptul că plantele primesc lăstari laterali deja în containere.</strong><br><br>Roșia Mar Azul este o nouă varietate de roșii obținute prin tehnici total naturale. Culoarea albăstruie a roșiei se datorează unei concentrații ridicate de antociani, pigmenți naturali ai plantelor care oferă beneficii semnificative pentru sănătate.<br><br>De asemenea, ar trebui să subliniem aroma, aroma și senzațiile delicioase evocate de roșia din gură.<br><br>Culoare albăstrui-violet cu un interior roșu intens, strălucitor, atunci când este perfect copt.<br><br>Aceasta este o roșie cu umeri cu nervuri, cu o textură ușor crocantă și netedă și aciditate scăzută.<br><br>Sănătate<br><br>Roșia Mar Azul a făcut obiectul unor studii nutriționale riguroase pentru a-i determina proprietățile funcționale și sănătoase. Departamentul de Știință și Tehnologie Alimentară al Universității din Granada a prezentat rezultatele analizei fizico-chimice, certificând conținutul de vitamina C și B6 al roșiilor.<br><br>Excelent pentru toate tipurile de utilizare! <script src="//"></script>
VT 1 MA (10 S)
Mar Azul tomato seeds 1.75 - 1

Planta gigantica (cu fructe gigantice)

Varietate din Spania
Tres Cantos Beefsteak...

Tres Cantos Beefsteak...

Pret 1,95 € (SKU: VT 42)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Tres Cantos tomato seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The Tres Cantos tomato is an heirloom from Tenerife. The name translates ‘Three Songs’ from Spanish. Indeterminate, regular leaf plant produces large amounts of 500 g, round, juicy, red tomatoes with bold, slightly-acidic, tomatoey flavors. Perfect choice for salads, canning, and market.</p> <p>The beefsteak tomatoes are juicy with few seeds. Their flavor is excellent, savory with a great balance of acidic and sweet. The plants are strong growing, prolific and will need tall canes for support. For best results in yield, remove side shoots and restrict the plant to one main stem. They are resistant to most tomato diseases.</p> <ul><li><strong>Type</strong>: Tres Cantos Tomato</li> <li><strong>Optimal germination temperature</strong>: 20 - 25 °C</li> <li><strong>Sowing</strong>: February - April</li> <li><strong>Germination period</strong>: 8 - 14 days</li> <li><strong>Plant height</strong>: approx. 150-180 cm in height, stake tomato</li> <li><strong>Fruit appearance</strong>: red, flat-round, 500 g, juicy beefsteak</li> <li><strong>Taste</strong>: aromatic, sweet and juicy</li> <li><strong>Harvest</strong>: from August to October</li> <li><strong>Origin</strong>: Tenerife / Spain</li> </ul>
VT 42 (10 S)
Tres Cantos Beefsteak Tomato Seeds

Planta gigantica (cu fructe gigantice)

Varietate din Spania
Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper seeds 1.8 - 1

Largo de Reus sweet bell...

Pret 1,80 € (SKU: P 43)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Largo de Reus from Spain is a huge sweet bell pepper from Spain. The aromatic, red pods can reach lengths up to 20 cm.</p> <p>The variety generates vigorous plants 50/60 cm high, with abundant foliage bright green in color, and bearing numerous fruits, the fruits are compact thick-walled, and juicy.</p> <p>They are ideal as raw food in the salad, for roasting, stewing, grilling, and stuffing. The plants are prolific and support is recommended…</p> <hr /> <h3><i><b>About Capsicum annuum</b></i></h3> <p><i><b>Capsicum annuum</b></i><span> is a species of the plant genus </span><i>Capsicum</i><span> (chillies or peppers and capsicums or bell peppers) native to southern </span>North America<span> and northern </span>South America<span>.</span><sup id="cite_ref-GRIN_1-1" class="reference">[1]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[4]</sup><span> This species is the most common and extensively cultivated of the five domesticated capsicums. The species encompasses a wide variety of shapes and sizes of peppers, both mild and hot, such as </span>bell peppers<span>, </span>jalapeños<span>, </span>New Mexico chile<span>, and </span>cayenne peppers<span>. Cultivars descended from the wild American bird pepper are still found in warmer regions of the Americas.</span><sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference">[5]</sup><span> In the past, some woody forms of this species have been called </span><i>C. frutescens</i><span>, but the features that were used to distinguish those forms appear in many populations of </span><i>C. annuum</i><span> and are not consistently recognizable features in </span><i>C. frutescens</i><span> species.</span></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Characteristics">Characteristics</span></h2> <p>Although the species name<span> </span><i>annuum</i><span> </span>means “annual” (from the<span> </span>Latin<span> </span><i>annus</i><span> </span>"year"), the plant is not an<span> </span>annual<span> </span>but is frost tender.<sup id="cite_ref-rhs_7-0" class="reference">[7]</sup><span> </span>In the absence of winter frosts it can survive several seasons and grow into a large, shrubby<span> </span>perennial<span> </span>herb.<sup id="cite_ref-SpicePages_8-0" class="reference">[8]</sup><span> </span>The single flowers are an off-white (sometimes purplish) color while the stem is densely branched and up to 60 cm (24 in) tall. The fruit are<span> </span>berries<span> </span>that may be green, yellow, orange or red when ripe.<sup id="cite_ref-Development2006_9-0" class="reference">[9]</sup><span> </span>While the species can tolerate most frost-free climates,<span> </span><i>C. annuum</i><span> </span>is especially productive in warm and dry climates.<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact">[<i><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (December 2017)">citation needed</span></i>]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Pollination">Pollination</span></h2> <p>While generally self-pollinating, insect visitation is known to increase the fruit size and speed of ripening, as well as to ensure symmetrical development. Pepper flowers have nectaries at the base of the corolla, which helps to attract pollinators. The<span> </span>anthers<span> </span>do not release pollen except via<span> </span>buzz pollination, such as provided by<span> </span>bumble bees.<sup id="cite_ref-10" class="reference">[10]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Uses">Uses</span></h2> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Culinary">Culinary</span></h3> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper Seeds" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="98" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3280" data-file-height="1456" title="Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper Seeds" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Five colors of peppers in an Israeli supermarket</div> </div> </div> <p>The species is a source of popular sweet peppers and hot chilis with numerous varieties cultivated all around the world, and is the source of popular spices such as<span> </span>cayenne,<span> </span>chili, and<span> </span>paprika<span> </span>powders.</p> <p>Common naming in English falls generally in line with the flavor and size of the variant. Larger, sweeter variants are called "capsicums" in Australia and New Zealand and red or green peppers,<sup id="cite_ref-11" class="reference">[11]</sup><span> </span>or<span> </span>"bell peppers"<span> </span>in the United States and Great Britain.<sup id="cite_ref-12" class="reference">[12]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-morrisons_13-0" class="reference">[13]</sup><span> </span>The smaller, hotter varieties are called chillis,<sup id="cite_ref-14" class="reference">[14]</sup><span> </span>chilies, chile, or chili peppers, or in parts of the US, "peppers".</p> <p>Capsinoid<span> </span>chemicals provide the distinctive tastes in<span> </span><i>C. annuum</i><span> </span>variants. In particular,<span> </span>capsaicin<span> </span>creates a burning sensation ("hotness"), which in extreme cases can last for several hours after ingestion. A measurement called the<span> </span>Scoville scale<span> </span>has been created to describe the hotness of peppers and other foods.</p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Traditional_medicine">Traditional medicine</span></h3> <p>Hot peppers are used in<span> </span>traditional medicine<span> </span>as well as food in<span> </span>Africa.<sup id="cite_ref-prota_15-0" class="reference">[15]</sup><span> </span>English botanist<span> </span>John Lindley<span> </span>described<span> </span><i>C. annuum</i><span> </span>in his 1838<span> </span><i>Flora Medica</i><span> </span>thus:<sup id="cite_ref-16" class="reference">[16]</sup></p> <blockquote class="templatequote"> <p>It is employed in medicine, in combination with<span> </span><i>Cinchona</i><span> </span>in intermittent and lethargic affections, and also in atonic<span> </span>gout,<span> </span>dyspepsia<span> </span>accompanied by<span> </span>flatulence,<span> </span>tympanitis,<span> </span>paralysis<span> </span>etc. Its most valuable application appears however to be in<span> </span><i>cynanche maligna</i><span> </span>(acute<span> </span>diphtheria) and<span> </span><i>scarlatina maligna</i><span> </span>(malignant<span> </span>Scarlet fever, used either as a<span> </span>gargle<span> </span>or administered internally.)</p> </blockquote> <p>In<span> </span>Ayurveda,<span> </span><i>C. annuum</i><span> </span>is classified as follows:</p> <ul> <li><i>Guna</i><span> </span>(properties) –<span> </span><i>ruksha</i><span> </span>(dry),<span> </span><i>laghu</i><span> </span>(light) and<span> </span><i>tikshna</i><span> </span>(sharp)</li> <li><i>Rasa</i><span> </span>(taste) –<span> </span><i>katu</i><span> </span>(pungent)</li> <li><i>Virya</i><span> </span>(potency) –<span> </span><i>ushna</i><span> </span>(hot)</li> </ul> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Ornamental">Ornamental</span></h3> <p>Some cultivars grown specifically for their aesthetic value include the<span> </span>U.S. National Arboretum's<span> </span>'Black Pearl'<sup id="cite_ref-17" class="reference">[17]</sup><span> </span>and the 'Bolivian Rainbow'. Ornamental varieties tend to have unusually colored fruit and foliage with colors such as black and purple being notable. All are edible, and most (like 'Royal Black') are hot.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Host_plant">Host plant</span></h2> <p>The potato tuber moth (<i>Phthorimaea operculella</i>) is an oligophagous insect that prefers to feed on plants of the family Solanaceae such as pepper plants. Female<span> </span><i>P. operculella</i><span> </span>use the leaves to lay their eggs and the hatched larvae will eat away at the mesophyll of the leaf.</p>
P 43 (10 S)
Largo de Reus sweet bell pepper seeds 1.8 - 1

Varietate din Spania

Crystal Spanish sweet pepper seeds 1.75 - 1

Crystal Spanish sweet...

Pret 1,75 € (SKU: P 33)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Crystal Spanish sweet pepper seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Plant 70-80 cm high. Early cycle Narrow and elongated fruits, with 12-15 cm in length and 4-5 cm at the base, almost pointed. Thin and sweetmeat, with very thin skin. Very appreciated for use as a fried pepper.</p> <p>It is necessary to emphasize a type of pepper known as the crystal pepper that is characterized by having a fine texture, an elongated and narrow shape, a fragile skin (from these characteristics comes its name since they are so thin and delicate, that they look like glass) And a sweet taste. This type of pepper is a typical variety of Navarra and La Rioja and they are highly prized for being juicy, almost nothing acidic and sweeter than other types of peppers.</p> <p>They are not so common in the market because their elaboration is laborious, since they need to be carefully stripped by hand, work that complicates their extreme finesse, and their presentation is usually in strips.</p> <p>The peppers of the crystal are usually tasted alone, accompanied only by oil or garlic, but they are also perfect to accompany meats or fish, although their exquisite flavor makes them have an entity for themselves and they are usually served in many restaurants without more accompaniment than a Little olive oil.</p> <p>In La Manduca de Azagra (Madrid) these peppers have great popularity and they are usually served grilled on the Sarmiento grill, with oil, garlic and a little salt.</p> <p>In La Rioja, land from which these peppers are native along with Navarra, another restaurant in which its glass peppers enjoy great popularity is in the Asador-Asador Restaurant, where they are peeled by hand, roasted on coals of Sarmiento and serve them with organic oil and wine salt.</p>
P 33 (10 S)
Crystal Spanish sweet pepper seeds 1.75 - 1

Varietate din Spania
Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds 1.75 - 1

Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,75 € (SKU: VT 144)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Early, small fruits of 80 g approx., round-crushed form, gathered in clusters that allow to be hung, thus facilitating its long conservation. Excellent quality to make "bread with tomato" for its thin skin and lots of pulp.</p> <h2><strong>A century-old variety turned into a gourmet object.</strong></h2> <p>Hanging tomato is a perfect product to make a large number of dishes. Its texture and flavor make it a unique ingredient.</p> <p>If the town of Alcalà de Xivert is known for something, apart from a rich archaeological testimony that goes back to the great Mediterranean cultures of antiquity, it is for cultivating and producing the Tomato de Colgar, in Valencian 'Tomata de Penjar' or 'de ramet'. Its difference with other kinds of tomatoes lies in its size, skin, color and long duration, in addition to a special feature to which it owes its name and which is none other than its artisanal way of being sewn with a thread and attached in a string.</p> <p>Although the existence of this tomato is centuries-old and has an old seed, without any genetic modification, its history in terms of handling and conservation dates back to the Spanish postwar period. It was then that the families in the area, and as a philosophy of subsistence, began to stock up and store this vegetable in such a characteristic way that we know today.</p> <p>This tomato is ideal to consume it raw although it can also be cooked. Its most traditional and widespread use consists of spreading it on bread and accompanying it with a little olive oil and salt. It is also usually eaten in salad and is very suitable for making sauces due to its abundance in pulp and water. Roast is an exquisite accompaniment for meats, fish or vegetables giving added value to any dish.</p> <p>But what are the properties of the territory that make the production of this gourmet product possible? Experts say it is due to its condition as a rich and diverse landscape. A place of orchards, that extends between the beaches of the coast and the mountains of Irta and Murs, rich in waters whose level of salt is the precise one to grant to these tomatoes, which ripen to the intense sun and the breeze of a temperate Mediterranean climate , its particular flavor. In addition, its cultivation is respectful with the ecosystem and debtor of a centennial inheritance that harvest after harvest has allowed to obtain the seeds of the best tomatoes. In this sense, these lands are subject to traditional crop planning whose purpose is to prevent various pests and diseases. The alternation of the tomato with the artichoke is the most common of this rotation system, in which the succession of vegetables from the same family as the tomato, such as peppers, eggplants or potatoes, is always avoided. The soil is also fertilized with fertilizers of animal origin, since in this way its natural biological activity is favored.</p> <p>Thus, the Alcalà de Xivert Hanging Tomato is marketed and consumed as a fresh product throughout the year due to its long preservation. It is harvested in summer and lasts hung without refrigeration until March / April with the peculiarity that it is in these months when it intensifies its flavor.</p> <p>But how is it possible to keep it practically all year without cold stores? The key is that the tomato does not present any cut or fissure, for which two product selections are made, one before hanging and another shortly after doing so. But, in addition, it must be kept in a cool place (maximum 24 degrees), shaded and airy, with little temperature change and without exposure to high heat, excessive humidity or bad odors.</p> <p>It was 10 years ago when farmers in the area joined to create the current Association of Producers and Marketers of Tomato de Penjar de Alcalà de Xivert with the aim of revaluing this unique vegetable. But their commitment was not there and in 2008 they managed to obtain the Quality Mark of the Valencian Community.</p> <p>A quality brand that makes sure that we are facing a Premium tomato. Of course, its nutritional properties do not differ from those of a conventional one. It is an abundant source of antioxidants, it has vitamins A, C and K, in addition to abundant potassium and iron. In fact, its main substance, lycopene, is linked to the prevention of diseases such as lung and prostate cancer, digestive tract tumors, atherosclerosis and heart attacks.</p>
VT 144 (10 S)
Spanish Hanging Tomato Seeds 1.75 - 1

Varietate din Spania
Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds 1.65 - 1

Authentic Muchamiel Tomato...

Pret 1,85 € (SKU: VT 122)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Red tomato with a globose shape and slightly flat, fleshy and with deep red flesh. Medium-sized fruits (200 - 250 grams) of hard skin resistant to cracking.</p> <p>Variety of medium cycle market and excellent productivity. Indeterminate and vigorous growth. Fruits of red color, green neck, globose shape lying down.</p> <p>The Muchamiel or Mutxamel tomato is a tomato variety native to this Alicante town, it has always had a recognized prestige in the market for its smell and taste of real tomato being a very traditional variety known and cultivated throughout Spain. Very rustic and with big and boring fruits. The plant is characterized by being very resistant to unfavorable conditions.</p> <p>The Tomato de Muchamiel (“Tomato Mutxamelero”) is one of the most emblematic and recognized varieties in the province of Alicante from where it originates, specifically from the town of Mutxamel, although its cultivation has been abandoned due to susceptibility to different types of virus. In addition, consumers report the loss of flavor in the hybrids currently marketed, demanding the recovery of the traditional variety.</p> <p>The Muchamiel tomato stands out for its large size, its green neck, its thin skin, and it is very fleshy and sweet. The strong, vigorous and rustic tomato is of indeterminate growth.</p> <p>Undoubtedly for people who like to eat a good tomato and appreciate the nutritional value of these “the tomato is a food rich in vitamins and mineral salts, they are very rich in vitamin C and also in vitamin A, among the minerals that contain, it is possible to emphasize the presence of potassium ”, the Muchamiel tomato is an excellent option to grow in the garden.</p> <p>The Muchamiel tomato is indeterminate and very productive growth when talking about indeterminate growth we mean that it is not known how much it will grow, its development does not stop until the cold reaches the garden and its growth ends.</p> <p>It is a variety of tomatoes that you can easily grow in an urban garden at home in pots.</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 122
Authentic Muchamiel Tomato Seeds 1.65 - 1