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هذا المنتج هو أفضل منتج مبيعا

نبات عملاق (به ثمار عملاقة)

متنوعة من اليونان

نبات مقاوم للبرد والصقيع
بذور شجرة الزيتون - اليونان...

بذور شجرة الزيتون - اليونان...

السعر 1.95 € (SKU: V 116)
5/ 5
<h2 dir="rtl" class=""><strong>(Olea europaea) بذور شجرة الزيتون - اليونان متنوعة</strong></h2> <h2 dir="rtl"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن عبوة من 5 أو 10 بذور.</strong></span></h2> <p dir="rtl" class=""><strong>لماذا نقول أن هذا الزيتون مقاوم للشتاء؟</strong><br><strong>هذا الزيتون ، الذي نمتلكه بأنفسنا وننمو في إناء زهور كبير ، يعيش في الهواء الطلق (في الفناء) منذ أربع سنوات حتى الآن دون أي مشاكل مع الشتاء وفي درجات حرارة تصل إلى -15 درجة مئوية.</strong><br><br><strong>نعتقد أنه سيتحمل حتى درجات حرارة تصل إلى - 25 درجة مئوية ، وربما أكثر ...</strong><br><br>زيتون كالاماتا<br>زيتون الكالاماتا هو زيتون ارجواني كبير ناعم، ذي نسيج لحمي سُمي على مدينة كالاماتا في جنوب بيلوبونيز، اليونان. يستخدم عادةً كزيتون مائدة، وعادةً ما يتم الاحتفاظ بهِ في خل أو زيت زيتون.<br><br>زيتون الكالاماتا ينمو في كالاماتا &nbsp;بميسينيا وأيضًا في أماكن مجاورة للاكونيا، وكلاهما يقعان في شبه جزيرة بيلوبونيز. حبة زيتون كالاماتا تشبه اللوز، ممتلئة، وذات لون أرجواني غامق ينمو من شجرة يميزها عن غيرها من أشجار الزيتون حجم أوراق، التي تنمو مرتين أكثر من أشجار الأصناف الأخرى للزيتون. الأشجار قليلة الاحتمال للبرد وتكون عرضة للذبول الكبكوبي لكنها مقاومة لتدرن اغصان الزيتون ولذبابة ثمار الزيتون.<br>زيتون الكالاماتا، والذي لا يمكن جنيه وهو أخضر، ينبغي أن يتم جنيه باليد من أجل تجنب الكدمات على ثمرة الزيتون<br><br><br>التحضير<br>يوجد إسلوبان لإعداد زيتون الكالاماتا، يعرفان بالأسلوب الطويل والقصير. الأسلوب القصير يقضي بإزالة مرارته بنقع الزيتون في ماء أو ماء أجاج مخفف لحوالي الأسبوع. بعد إتمام ذلك، يقومون بعد ذلك بتعبئته في محلول ملحي وخل مع طبقة من زيت الزيتون وشريحة من الليمون أعلاه. وعادةً ما يُحدث شق في ثمرة الزيتون لتقليل وقت المعالجة. الأسلوب الطويل يتضمن شق الزيتون ووضعهم في ماء مملح من أجل إزالة مرارته، هذه العملية يمكنها أن تأخذ وقتًا طويل يصل لثلاقة أشهر. وتبقى مستويات من البوليفينول في الزيتون حتى بعد معالجتها، ما يمنحها بعض المذاق المر قليلاً.<br><br>The olive tree is a member of the Oleaceae family and a plant that is native to coastal areas in the Mediterranean. Olive trees are beautiful additions to any yard or indoor environment and can be grown<br>relatively easily from their seed state.</p> <p>Olives are now cultivated in many regions of the world with Mediterranean climates, such as South Africa, Chile, Peru,Australia, and California and in areas with temperate climates such as New Zealand, under irrigation in the Cuyo region in Argentina which has a desert climate. They are also grown in the Córdoba Province, Argentina, which has a temperate climate with rainy summers and dry winters .</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Plant name - Olea europaea&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; Common name - Olive - Kalamata variety</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; Plant type - Evergreen</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; Vegetation type - Perennial</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; Growth rate - Slow</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; Leaf / Flower color - Green / White</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; Other names - Olive</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" width="100%"> <p><span>Sowing Instructions</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Propagation:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Seeds / Cuttings</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Pretreat:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Break seed coat gently, without hurting the seed inside.</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Stratification:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Sowing Time:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>all year round</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Sowing Depth:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Light germinator! Just sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + gently press</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Sowing Mix:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Germination temperature:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>&nbsp;about 20-25 ° C</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Location:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Germination Time:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>&nbsp;2-4-8 Weeks</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">Watering:</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="white-space: normal;">&nbsp;</span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><br><span>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. All Rights Reserved.</span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br><br> <h2 class=""><strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKvfA8a3Ag0" title="How to sow Olive Seeds" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How to sow Olive Seeds&nbsp;</a></strong></h2> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
V 116 (5 S)
بذور شجرة الزيتون - اليونان متنوعة (Olea europaea)
Green Rose Flower Seeds

Green Rose Flower Seeds

السعر 2.50 € (SKU: F 4)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Green Rose Flower Seeds Lover's Gift</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div> <p>Extremely beautiful and still rare Green Rose Seeds.</p> </div> <div>Roses are best known for their flowers. Roses are popular garden shrubs, as flowering shrubs. They are also grown as cut flowers, as one of the most popular and commonly sold florists' flowers. <span style="font-size:11px;line-height:1.5em;">A few roses are grown for scented foliage (such as Rosa rubiginosa, ornamental thorns, Rosa sericea or their ornamental fruit Rosa moyesii).</span></div> <div> <p>Rose hips are occasionally made into jam, jelly, and marmalade, or are brewed for tea, primarily for their high vitamin C content. They are also pressed and filtered to make rose hip syrup. Rose hips are also used to produce Rose hip seed oil, which is used in skin products and some makeup products.</p> </div> <div>The leaves of most species are 5–15 centimetres long, pinnate, with (3–) 5–9 (–13) leaflets and basal stipules; the leaflets usually have a serrated margin, and often a few small prickles on the underside of the stem. The vast majority of roses are deciduous but a few (particularly in South east Asia) are evergreen or nearly so.</div> <div><strong>Symbolism</strong></div> <div>The rose has always been valued for its beauty and has a long history of symbolism. Roses are ancient symbols of love and beauty. 'Rose' means pink or red in a variety of languages (such as Romance languages, Greek, and Polish). The rose was sacred to a number of goddesses (including Isis and Aphrodite), and is often used as a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with their goddesses of love referred to as Aphrodite and Venus. In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where secret or confidential matters were discussed. The phrase sub rosa, or "under the rose", means to keep a secret — derived from this ancient Roman practice.</div> <div><strong>China</strong></div> <div>The China roses, based on Rosa chinensis, were cultivated in East Asia for centuries and finally reached Western Europe in the late 1700s. They are the parents of many of today's hybrid roses, and they brought a change to the form of the flower. Compared with the aforementioned European rose classes, the Chinese roses had less fragrant, smaller blooms carried over twiggier, more cold-sensitive shrubs. Yet they possessed the amazing ability to bloom repeatedly throughout the summer and into late autumn, unlike their European counterparts. The flowers of China roses were also notable for their tendency to "suntan," or darken over time — unlike the blooms of European roses, which tended to fade after opening. This made them highly desirable for hybridisation purposes in the early 1800s. According to Graham Stuart Thomas, China Roses are the class upon which modern roses are built.[7] Today's exhibition rose owes its form to the China genes, and the China Roses also brought slender buds which unfurl when opening. Tradition holds that four "stud China" roses ('Slater's Crimson China' (1792), 'Parsons' Pink China' (1793), and the Tea roses 'Hume's Blush Tea-scented China' (1809) and 'Parks' Yellow Tea-Scented China' (1824)) were brought to Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries; in fact there were rather more, at least five Chinas not counting the Teas having been imported.[8] This brought about the creation of the first classes of repeat-flowering Old Garden Roses, and later the Modern Garden Roses. Examples: 'Old Blush China', 'Mutabilis' (Butterfly Rose), 'Cramoisie Superieur'.</div> <div>① Put seeds into 40° C water for 24 hours.</div> <div>② Put seeds into very wet sands for germination. ( Generally it take more than 40 days. )</div> <div>③ Move it into soil after it sprouts.</div> <div>Germination temperature: 20-25℃</div> <div>Germination time: 40 days</div> <div>Growth optimum temperature: 10-25 ℃</div> <div>Spacing : 20 * 20cm</div> <div>Rose on soil not ask for much, just with some humus soil aggregate</div> <div>structure be good training as long as the following three links will make good growth: </div> <div>Rose is afraid of:</div> <div>① Rose is drought tolerant plants, but it is afraid floods. It is necessary use non-glazed bonsai pots of soil cultivation. The principle is "do not pour water on it when soil is not dry. Wet it completely when you pour water on soil."</div> <div>② Lend a high concentration of fertilizer (especially fertilizers) will result in the death of local rot.</div> <div>③ All plants need sunlight. Rose like sunshine too.</div> <div>Note: </div> <div>1. Please seeds stored in a cool, dry place. </div> <div>2. The seed surface is 1-2 times the diameter of the seed.</div> <div>3.Our seeds are very easy to cultivate and the survival rate is very high. </div> <div>Cover seeds with preservative films,and then,piercing the films to make several holes. Keep seeds covered in the daytime and uncover it in the night. Take off the preservative films when the seeds are half-germinated. The plant will be in a state of dormancy in summer and the leaves will turn yellow. Begginers should better use sand to cultivate the seeds.although the seeds will grow slower in the sand,the plants will be the most vigorous in the future. If you tend to use other kind of soil, try to use the kind with good water permeability,for example,the clay would not be a good choice. The soil should be disinfected by microwave oven before been used. Pay attention:the surface of the soil not be too dry, which is very important. When watering,all the soil should be wetted and there is no need to water in a cloudy day. </div> <div>The pot could be 6-8cm in depth,it be an earthen basin or a plastic one. The volume of the soil should keep a distance of 1-2cm from the rim of the pot.</div> <div> <div><strong>Scientific classification</strong></div> <div>Kingdom: Plantae</div> <div>(unranked): Angiosperms</div> <div>(unranked): Eudicots</div> <div>(unranked): Rosids</div> <div>Order: Rosales</div> <div>Family: Rosaceae</div> <div>Subfamily: Rosoideae</div> <div>Genus: Rosa</div> </div>
F 4
Green Rose Flower Seeds

متنوعة من بيرو
Purple Corn  Seeds - Maíz Morado "Kculli" Seeds Gallery - 6

Purple Corn Seeds - Maíz...

السعر 2.25 € (SKU: VE 72)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Purple Corn - Maíz Morado "Kculli" - Purple Maize Seeds</strong> <strong>(Zea mays amylaceaa)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #fd0101;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 4,5g (10), 9g (20) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Purple corn, a variety of Zea mays, is an Andean crop from low valleys locally called maiz Morado. Purple corn can be found mostly in Peru, where it is cultivated on the coast, as well as in lands almost ten thousand feet high. There are different varieties of purple corn, and all of them originated from an ancestral line called “Kculli”, still cultivated in Peru. The Kculli line is very old, and ancient objects in the shape of these particular ears of corn have been found in archeological sites at least 2,500 years old in places on the central coast, as well as among the ceramics of the “Mochica” culture.</p> <p>The kernels of purple corn are soaked in hot water by people of the Andes to yield a deep purple color for foods and beverages, a practice now recognized for its industrial uses as a colorant. Common in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru, purple corn is used in chicha Morada, a drink made by boiling ground purple corn kernels with pineapple, cinnamon, clove, and sugar, and in mazamorra, a type of pudding. One of the most popular purple corn food uses is the "Api", a smoothie served hot and sometimes called "Inca's dessert".</p> <p>Purple corn contains substantial amounts of phenolics and anthocyanins, among other phytochemicals. Its main colorant is cianidin-3-b-glucosa. People of the Andes make a refreshing drink from purple corn called "chicha Morada" which is now recognized as a nutritive powerhouse due to its phenolic content. Phenolics are known to have many bioactive and functional properties. Research shows that crops with the highest total phenolic and anthocyanin content also have the highest antioxidant activity.</p> <p>Anthocyaninins are a type of complex flavonoid that produce blue, purple or red colors.&nbsp;</p> <p>Purple Corn has a higher antioxidant capacity and antiradical kinetics than blueberries and higher or similar anthocyanin and phenolic contents.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VE 72 (4.5g)
Purple Corn  Seeds - Maíz Morado "Kculli" Seeds Gallery - 6
Penis Chili Seeds 3 - 14

Penis Chili Seeds

السعر 3.00 € (SKU: C 9)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Penis Chili Seeds (Peter Pepper)</strong></h2> <h2 class=""><span style="color: #fe0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div>Definitely not for the prudish. The Peter Pepper is named for its similarity in appearance to an anatomical part. This definitely is a pepper that gets people talking. Plants grow to about 2 feet in height. Medium hot to hot with a good taste. Green fruit ripening to yellow. Can be eaten fresh or dried for seasoning and making chili powder.</div><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
C 9 Y
Penis Chili Seeds 3 - 14

نبات الأيورفيدا

نباتات طبية أو توابل
كينتيللا أسياتيكا بذور...

كينتيللا أسياتيكا بذور...

السعر 2.45 € (SKU: MHS 78)
5/ 5
<h2 dir="rtl"><strong>كينتيللا أسياتيكا بذور (Centella asiatica)</strong></h2> <h2 dir="rtl"><span style="color: #fd0000;" class=""><strong>ثمن عبوة من 20 بذرة.</strong></span></h2> كينتيللا أسياتيكا المعروف باسم سرة الأرض الهندي و سرة الأرض الآسيوية، هو نبات عشبي معمر في عائلة النباتات المزهرة الخيمية. &nbsp;موطنها الأراضي الرطبة في آسيا. &nbsp;يتم استخدامه كخضروات للطهي وكعشب طبي.<br><br> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><i><b>Centella asiatica</b></i>, commonly known as<span>&nbsp;</span><b>Gotu kola</b>,<span>&nbsp;</span><b>kodavan</b>,<span>&nbsp;</span><b>Indian pennywort</b><span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span><b>Asiatic pennywort</b>, is a<span>&nbsp;</span>herbaceous,<span>&nbsp;</span>perennial plant<span>&nbsp;</span>in the<span>&nbsp;</span>flowering plant<span>&nbsp;</span>family<span>&nbsp;</span>Apiaceae.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-1" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>It is native to the wetlands in<span>&nbsp;</span>Asia.<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;"></sup><sup id="cite_ref-FD_4-0" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;"></sup><span>&nbsp;</span>It is used as a culinary<span>&nbsp;</span>vegetable<span>&nbsp;</span>and as a<span>&nbsp;</span>medicinal herb.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-2" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;"></sup></p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Description">Description</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><i>Centella</i><span>&nbsp;</span>grows in<span>&nbsp;</span>temperate<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>tropical<span>&nbsp;</span>swampy areas in many regions of the world.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-3" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>The stems are slender, creeping<span>&nbsp;</span>stolons, green to reddish-green in color, connecting plants to each other.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-4" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>It has long-stalked, green, rounded apices which have smooth texture with palmately netted veins.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-5" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>The leaves are borne on pericladial petioles,<sup class="noprint Inline-Template" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[<i><span title="The text near this tag may need clarification or removal of jargon. (September 2021)">clarification needed</span></i>]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>around 2&nbsp;cm (0.79&nbsp;in). The rootstock consists of<span>&nbsp;</span>rhizomes, growing vertically down. They are creamish in color and covered with root hairs.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-6" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup></p> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">The<span>&nbsp;</span>flowers<span>&nbsp;</span>are white or<span>&nbsp;</span>crimson<span>&nbsp;</span>in color, born in small, rounded bunches (umbels) near the surface of the soil.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-7" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts. The hermaphrodite flowers are minute in size, less than 3&nbsp;mm (0.12&nbsp;in), with five to six corolla lobes per flower. Each flower bears five stamens and two<span>&nbsp;</span>styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Hydrocotyle</i><span>&nbsp;</span>which have smooth, ribbed or warty fruit.<sup id="cite_ref-FD_4-1" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[4]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>The crop matures in three months, and the whole plant, including the roots, is harvested manually. It is a highly<span>&nbsp;</span>invasive<span>&nbsp;</span>plant, rated as "high risk".<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-8" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span><i>Centella</i><span>&nbsp;</span>has numerous common names in its regions of distribution.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-9" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup></p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Habitat">Habitat</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><i>Centella asiatica</i><span>&nbsp;</span>is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and wetland regions of the Southeastern US.<sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[5]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[6]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Because the plant is aquatic, it is especially sensitive to biological and chemical pollutants in the water, which may be absorbed into the plant. It can be cultivated in drier soils as long as they are watered regularly enough (such as in a home garden arrangement).<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[<i><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (June 2021)">citation needed</span></i>]</sup></p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Chemistry">Chemistry</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><i>Centella</i><span>&nbsp;</span>contains pentacyclic<span>&nbsp;</span>triterpenoids, including<span>&nbsp;</span>asiaticoside,<span>&nbsp;</span>brahmoside,<span>&nbsp;</span>asiatic acid, and<span>&nbsp;</span>brahmic acid<span>&nbsp;</span>(madecassic acid). Other constituents include<span>&nbsp;</span>centellose,<span>&nbsp;</span>centelloside, and madecassoside.<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[7]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-8" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[8]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[9]</sup></p> <p style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Culinary_use">Culinary</span><span id="Culinary_use"> use</span><span id="Culinary_use"><br></span><span></span></p> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">In<span>&nbsp;</span>Burmese cuisine, raw pennywort is used as the main constituent in a salad mixed with onions, crushed peanuts, bean powder and seasoned with lime juice and fish sauce. Centella is used as a leafy green in<span>&nbsp;</span>Sri Lankan<span>&nbsp;</span>cuisine, being the predominantly locally available leafy green, where it is called<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">gotu kola</i>. It is most often prepared as<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">malluma</i>, a traditional accompaniment to<span>&nbsp;</span>rice<span>&nbsp;</span>and vegetarian dishes, such as<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="hi-Latn" title="Hindi-language romanization">dal</i>, and<span>&nbsp;</span>jackfruit<span>&nbsp;</span>or<span>&nbsp;</span>pumpkin<span>&nbsp;</span>curry. It is considered nutritious. In addition to finely chopped<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">gotu kola</i><span>&nbsp;</span>plants, the<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">gotu kola malluma</i><span>&nbsp;</span>may be eaten with grated<span>&nbsp;</span>coconut, diced<span>&nbsp;</span>shallots,<span>&nbsp;</span>lime<span>&nbsp;</span>(or<span>&nbsp;</span>lemon) juice, and sea salt. Additional ingredients are finely chopped green<span>&nbsp;</span>chilis,<span>&nbsp;</span>chili powder,<span>&nbsp;</span>turmeric<span>&nbsp;</span>powder, or chopped<span>&nbsp;</span>carrots. The<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Centella</i><span>&nbsp;</span>fruit-bearing structures are discarded from the<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">gotu kola malluma</i><span>&nbsp;</span>due to their intense bitter taste. A variation of<span>&nbsp;</span>porridge<span>&nbsp;</span>known as<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">kola kenda</i><span>&nbsp;</span>is also made with<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">gotu kola</i><span>&nbsp;</span>in Sri Lanka.<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">Gotu kola kenda</i><span>&nbsp;</span>is made with well-boiled red rice with some extra liquid,<span>&nbsp;</span>coconut milk<span>&nbsp;</span>first extract, and<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="si-Latn" title="Sinhala-language romanization">gotu kola</i><span>&nbsp;</span>purée. The porridge is accompanied with<span>&nbsp;</span>jaggery<span>&nbsp;</span>for sweetness.<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Centella</i><span>&nbsp;</span>leaves are also used in modern sweet pennywort drinks and herbal teas. In addition the leaves are served stir-fried whole in coconut oil, or cooked in coconut milk with garlic or<span>&nbsp;</span><i lang="hi-Latn" title="Hindi-language romanization">dhal</i>.</p> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">In<span>&nbsp;</span>Indonesia, the leaves are used for<span>&nbsp;</span><i>sambai oi peuga-ga</i>, an<span>&nbsp;</span>Aceh<span>&nbsp;</span>type of salad, and is also mixed into<span>&nbsp;</span><i>asinan</i><span>&nbsp;</span>in<span>&nbsp;</span>Bogor. In<span>&nbsp;</span>Cambodia,<span>&nbsp;</span>Vietnam<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>Thailand, this leaf is used for preparing a drink or can be eaten in raw form in salads or<span>&nbsp;</span>cold rolls. In Bangkok, vendors in the<span>&nbsp;</span>Chatuchak Weekend Market<span>&nbsp;</span>sell it alongside coconut,<span>&nbsp;</span>roselle,<span>&nbsp;</span>chrysanthemum, orange and other health drinks. In<span>&nbsp;</span>Malay cuisine<span>&nbsp;</span>it is known as pegaga, and the leaves of this plant are used for<span>&nbsp;</span><i>ulam</i>, a type of vegetable salad.<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-10" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span><i>C. asiatica</i><span>&nbsp;</span>is widely used in various<span>&nbsp;</span>Indian regional cuisines. In Bangladesh Centella is called<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Thankuni Pata</i><span>&nbsp;</span>and used in various dishes, one of the most appetising of which is the<span>&nbsp;</span>pakora-like snack called<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Thankuni Patar Bora</i>; made of mashed<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Centella</i>,<span>&nbsp;</span>lentils,<span>&nbsp;</span>julienne-ed onion and<span>&nbsp;</span>green chilli.<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[<i><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (January 2021)">citation needed</span></i>]</sup></p> <h2 style="font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Traditional_medicine">Traditional medicine</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">In<span>&nbsp;</span>traditional medicine,<span>&nbsp;</span><i>C. asiatica</i><span>&nbsp;</span>has been used to treat various disorders and minor wounds,<sup id="cite_ref-cabi_2-11" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[2]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>although clinical efficacy and safety have not been scientifically confirmed.<sup id="cite_ref-drugs_10-0" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[10]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Contact dermatitis<span>&nbsp;</span>and skin irritation can result from<span>&nbsp;</span>topical application.<sup id="cite_ref-drugs_10-1" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[10]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Drowsiness<span>&nbsp;</span>may occur after consuming it.<sup id="cite_ref-drugs_10-2" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[10]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>The herb may have<span>&nbsp;</span>adverse effects<span>&nbsp;</span>on<span>&nbsp;</span>liver function<span>&nbsp;</span>when used over many months.<sup id="cite_ref-drugs_10-3" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[10]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-11" class="reference" style="font-size: 11.2px;">[11]</sup></p> <h2 style="font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Agriculture">Agriculture</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">In the context of<span>&nbsp;</span>phytoremediation,<span>&nbsp;</span><i>C. asiatica</i><span>&nbsp;</span>is a potential<span>&nbsp;</span>phytoextraction<span>&nbsp;</span>tool owing to its ability to take up and<span>&nbsp;</span>translocate<span>&nbsp;</span>metals from root to shoot when grown in soils contaminated by<span>&nbsp;</span>heavy metals.<span id="Culinary_use"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Culinary_use"><br></span></p> <br><br><br><br><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 78
كينتيللا أسياتيكا بذور (Centella asiatica)

هذا المنتج هو أفضل منتج مبيعا

متنوعة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
بذور الظلام غالاكسي الطماطم

بذور الظلام غالاكسي الطماطم

السعر 1.65 € (SKU: VT 2 DG)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>بذور الظلام غالاكسي الطماطم</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن حزمة من 5 بذور.</strong></span></h2> <p>واحدة من أكثر الطماطم إثارة وفريدة من نوعها التي زرعناها. صنف إنتاجي نادر من كاليفورنيا بلون خاص جدًا. نباتات قوية جدا ، مقاومة للأمراض تنمو حتى 180 سم. يبلغ وزن الثمرة 85-100 جرام (1-3 أوقية).</p> <p>تبدأ الثمار غير الناضجة باللون الأخضر مع خطوط أنثوسيانين أرجوانية وبقع أرجوانية. عندما تنضج ، يتحول لونها إلى أحمر صدئ في الأسفل وظلال سوداء مع وجود بقع وبقع تكاد تمنحها مظهرًا ثلاثي الأبعاد.</p> <p>الفواكه لها نكهة حلوة متوازنة ورائحة ممتازة. على الرغم من أن هذا التنوع لا يتجاوز عمره 3 أجيال ، إلا أنه يبدو مستقرًا باستثناء بعض تباين الحجم.</p> <p>يمكن زراعته في وعاء.</p> <p>كان لدينا غلة كبيرة لكل نبات.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VT 2 DG (5 S)
بذور الظلام غالاكسي الطماطم

متنوعة من ايطاليا
بذور أرز أربوريو

بذور أرز أربوريو

السعر 1.45 € (SKU: VE 101 A (3.6g))
5/ 5
<h2><strong>بذور</strong> <strong>أرز</strong> <strong>أربوريو</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;">ثمن عبوة 100 بذرة.</span></h2> <p>أرز أربوريو هو أرز إيطالي قصير الحبة. سميت على اسم بلدة أربوريو ، في وادي بو ، التي تقع في المنطقة الرئيسية من بيدمونت في إيطاليا. يزرع أربوريو أيضًا في أركنساس وكاليفورنيا وميسوري في الولايات المتحدة.</p> <p>عند طهيها ، تكون الحبوب المستديرة صلبة ودسمة ومطاطية مقارنة بالأرز الأخرى ، بسبب ارتفاع نسبة نشا الأميلوبكتين. له طعم النشا ويمتزج بشكل جيد مع النكهات الأخرى.</p> <p>غالبًا ما يستخدم أرز أربوريو لصنع ريزوتو. تشمل الأنواع الأخرى المناسبة كارنارولي وماراتيلي وبالدو وفيالوني نانو. وعادة ما يستخدم أرز أربوريو لبودنغ الأرز.</p> <p>Arborio هو صنف من مجموعة Japonica من أصناف Oryza sativa.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
VE 101 A (3.6g)
بذور أرز أربوريو

متنوعة من اليابان
Yuzu Seeds Japanese citrus fruit -20°C (Citrus junos) 4.15 - 1

بذور Yuzu ، فواكه الحمضيات...

السعر 4.15 € (SKU: V 118 Y)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>بذور Yuzu ، فواكه الحمضيات اليابانية -20 درجة مئوية - الحمضيات junos</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن حزمة من 2 أو 4 البذور.</strong></span></h2> <p>The fruit looks somewhat like a small grapefruit with an uneven skin, and can be either yellow or green depending on the degree of ripeness. It is hardy to <strong>-20C.</strong></p> <p>Yuzu limes are small to medium in size, averaging 5-10 centimeters in diameter, and are round, oblate, to slightly lopsided in shape. The peel is thick, pebbly, rough, pocked with many prominent oil glands and pores, and matures from dark green to golden yellow. Underneath the peel, the yellow flesh is minimal, divided into 9-10 segments by white membranes, contains some juice, and is filled with many large, inedible cream-colored seeds. Yuzu limes are highly aromatic, and the rind is rich in essential oils that are released when the fruit’s surface is scratched or cut. The juice and zest also have a unique, acidic blend of sour, tart, and spicy flavors with notes of lime, grapefruit, mandarin. <br /><br /></p> <h2>Seasons/Availability</h2> <p><br />Yuzu limes are available in the winter through the early spring. <br /><br /></p> <h2>Current Facts</h2> <p><br />Yuzu limes, botanically classified as Citrus junos, are slow-growing citrus that are found on an evergreen tree or shrub that can reach over five meters in height and belongs to the Rutaceae family. Believed to be a hybrid between the satsuma mandarin and the ichang papeda, Yuzu limes are not botanically a lime but have earned the title since they are often prepared and used similarly. Yuzu limes are mainly cultivated in China, Japan, and Korea and are favored for their tart and spicy juice and zest. They are also valued for their strong fragrance and in Japan, it is one of the most popular scents to be used for cosmetics, candles, cleaning supplies, and bath products. While popular in Asia, Yuzu limes are still relatively unknown in the Western world, but they have been gaining awareness through famous chefs praising and using its unique flavor. <br /><br /></p> <h2>Nutritional Value</h2> <p><br />Yuzu limes are an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C. They also contain flavonoids, vitamin P which can help absorb other nutrients and increase circulation, and nomilin, which can help aid the body in relaxation. <br /><br /></p> <h2>Applications</h2> <p><br />Yuzu limes are best suited for both raw and cooked applications and are used for their juice and zest. When juiced, Yuzu limes can be mixed into sauces, vinegar, dressings, and marinades, or they can be shaken into cocktails, flavored water, and tea. Yuzu lime peels can also be used to flavor salted butter for seafood dishes, zested over salad or sashimi, used to flavor ponzu sauce, or ground into powdered form and sprinkled over dishes as a concentrated flavor. In addition to savory dishes, Yuzu lime juice and zest can be baked into tarts or pies, mixed into sorbets, or used in custard. Yuzu limes pair well with coriander, mint, eggs, sashimi, scallops, grilled fish, snow crab, poultry, steak, pork, pepper, black sesame seeds, cumin, lime, raspberry, pomegranate, and cherries. The fruits will keep two weeks when stored in the refrigerator. <br /><br /></p> <h2>Ethnic/Cultural Info</h2> <p><br />In Japan, the Yuzu lime is one of the most popular fragrances and is most well-known for its use in the winter solstice bath. Each year during the winter solstice, public bathhouses will slice the fruit in half and float them in hot water, creating an aromatic experience. This bathing practice dates back to the 18th century and soaking in Yuzu water is believed to help prevent sicknesses such as flu and colds, and the essential oils and vitamin C are believed to help soften the skin and relieve pain. In addition to bathing, the Yuzu fragrance is also utilized in Yuzu tama or Yuzu egg production. On the island of Shikoku, Japan, farmers feed their hens a mixture of Yuzu peel, sesame seeds, corn, and kale to naturally create an egg that has the flavor and scent of the Yuzu lime. These eggs are sold at a premium price and are traditionally used for tamago kake gohan, which is cooked rice with a raw egg mixed in. <br /><br /></p> <h2>Geography/History</h2> <p><br />The origins of Yuzu limes are somewhat disputed among scientists, but the majority of scientists conclude that the fruit’s origins are within the upper regions of the Yangtze River in China and have been growing since ancient times. Yuzu limes were then introduced to Japan in 710 CE where they became increasingly popular for their light scent. In 1914, Frank Meyer, the man who discovered the Meyer lemon, visited China and brought seeds from the Yuzu fruit back to the United States. Included in his description of the fruit, he noted that he sourced the seeds from the Hubei Provence along the upper slopes of the Yangtze River at an astonishing elevation of 4,000 feet. The temperatures dip below freezing in that area, and there are no other citrus varieties that grow near the region. Today Yuzu limes are predominately available at local markets in Asia, but there are also a few farms in the United States that commercially cultivate the fruit and sell at farmers markets and specialty grocers</p> <script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
V 118 Y (2 S)
Yuzu Seeds Japanese citrus fruit -20°C (Citrus junos) 4.15 - 1

متنوعة من الهند
Green Cardamom Seeds 1.95 - 1

هال بذور (Elettaria...

السعر 1.55 € (SKU: MHS 57 G)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>هال بذور (Elettaria cardamomum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;">ثمن عبوة 5 بذور.</span></h2> <p>الهال أو الها۪ل (بالإمالة في الجزيرة العربية والشام) أو الحبهان (في مصر) أو قاع القلة أو القعقلة (في المغرب العربي) (الاسم العلمي: Elettaria cardamomum) هو اسم يُطلق على نوعين من النباتات من الفصيلة الزنجبيلية، وهما Elettaria وAmomum. كلا النوعين يأخذا شكل ثمار مثلثة في القطع العرضي، حاملة للبذور، ولها شكل حزمي، مع غشاء خارجي رقيق وبذور سوداء صغيره. ثمار الـ Elettaria لها لون أخضر فاتح، في حين ثمار الـ Amomum تكون أكبر وذات لون بني غامق. وهو أيضا نبات زكي الرائحة قوي المذاق له العديد من الاستعمالات يدخل في عمل القهوة والحساء ويعتبر من أغلى أنواع التوابل وبالإضافة إلى استعماله في الطعام فهو يعتبر معالج قوي لكثير من الأمراض وله العديد من الفوائد.</p> <p>أنواع الهيل وتوزعه<br>الهال نوعان:</p> <p>Elettaria ، (يسمى بالهيل، أو الهيل الأخضر، أو الهيل الحقيقي) يتوزع من ماليزيا إلى الهند.<br>Amomum، (يسمى بالهيل الأسود، أو الهيل البني، أو الكرافان، أو هيل جافا، أو هيل بنغالي، أو هيل سيامي، أو هيل أبيض أو أحمر) يتوزع بصورة رئيسية في آسيا وأستراليا.<br>الهال في القهوة<br>أضاف العرب الهيل إلى القهوة، إذْ بالإضافة إلى إكسابها طعماً ونكهة أفضل عند مزجها بمطحون حبوب الهيل، فإن الدراسات تُشير إلى أن إحدى خصائص الزيوت الطيارة ذات الرائحة العبقة في بذوره، له ميزة إبطال مفعول الكافيين على الجسم. ومن المعروف أن طريقة تحميص حبوب البن لإعداد القهوة العربية تتطلب أن يكون لونها بعد التحميص باهتاً وليس بنياً غامق اللون، كما في حمص القهوة التركية أو الأسبرسو، وكمية الكافيين في البن، كما يقول الباحثون، تقل كلما كان لون حبة البن غامقاً، مما يعني أن بن القهوة العربية الأشهب أعلى محتوى من الكافيين مما يُستخدم فيه البن الغامق.</p> <p>مكوناتها<br>وتكتسب حبوب الهال رائحتها ونكهة طعمها من توفر زيوت ثابتة وطيّارة في بذورها، والباقي هو ما يسمى بالرماد كما هي العادة في تسمية مجموعة من المواد الطبيعية والمعدنية المتبقية.</p> <p>العلاج من الامراض<br>ويُعتبر الهال أحد أقدم المنتجات النباتية التي اُستخدمت كعلاج للعديد من الأمراض، وهو ما دلت عليه مدونات الطب اليوناني القديم وكثير من نصائح الطب الشعبي اليوم في العديد من مناطق العالم. فالوصفات الشعبية تنصح بالهيل لاضطرابات عدد من أجهزة وأعضاء الجسم.</p> <p>ويفتح الشهية ويُخفف من الغازات وحرقة المعدة اللتين يسببهما تناول الثوم أو البصل. وهو مفيد في تنظيف الفم من الميكروبات للقضاء على التهابات الفم ومنع تكون الرائحة غير المُحببة فيه، إضافة إلى أن اخراج زيوته الف من أعراض الجهاز التنفسي في طرد البلغم وتسكين نوبات السعال الجاف، وكثيرون يُشيرون إلى قدراته في مقاومة الميكروبات.</p> <p>وأيضا هناك العديد من الفوائد للهيل منها<br>يُستخدم في علاج اضطرابات الهضم.<br>يحد من نشاط المكونات الضارة الموجودة في الهواء والماء.<br>يقوّي الشهية.<br>يُسكّن الألم الناتج عن المخاض.<br>يخفف الآلام الناتجة عن الغازات التي يسببها تناول البصل والثوم.<br>يعالج حرقة الفلب والحموضة.<br>عند خلط بذور الهيل مع القرنفل والزنجبيل والكزبرة يتكون خليط رائع لعلاج حالات عسر الهضم حيث يقوّي الجهاز الهضمي ويُبقي المعدة في حالة صحية دائمة ويحسن من وظائفها كما يساعدها على تحسين عملية إفراز الأنزيمات والعصارات المعوية بشكل منتظم وطبيعي ويحميها من العدوى.<br>عند إضافة الهيل للشاي يمنحه قوة لعلاج الصداع الناتج عن عسر الهضم.<br>الرائحة العطرة القوية للهيل لها قدرة فعالة في علاج رائحة النفس الكريهة وذلك عند مضغ بعض البذور لمدة قليلة.<br>يُستخدم في علاج اضطرابات البول والاضطرابات التناسلية عند خلطه مع ملعقة شاي من ورق الموز وعصير الأملا (Amla) وتناوله ثلاث مرات يوميا<br>يساعد في علاج مرض السيلان.<br>مدر قوي للبول<br>يعالج التهاب المثانة<br>يعالج الالتهاب الكلوي لأنه يزيل المواد السامة منها كما يخلّصها من أملاح الكالسيوم واليوريا المتراكمة التي تزيد عن حاجة الجسم.<br>فعّال في معالجة حالات حرقان البول وعسره.<br>علاج حالات الاكتئاب عند غليه وإضافته للشاي.<br>يُستخدم في علاج الضعف الجنسي وحالات القذف الضعيفة للحيوانات المنوية.<br>يعطي نتائج فعّالة عند خلطه باللبن وعسل النحل.<br>يعالج حالات اضطرابات النطق.<br>عند خلطة بـ القرفة يعالج حالات التهاب البلعوم، والحلق، واللوزتين أو الجزء اللحمي من نهاية اللسان وخشونة الصوت عند تناوله في المرحلة غير المعدية من الأنفلونزا.<br>يقي من الأنفلونزا.<br>يقي من الفواق وذلك بعمل خليط مصنوع بواسطة غلي كمية من بذوره المطحونة مع كوب من الماء وبه خمس أوراق من النعناع ويتم شرب هذا الخليط للتخلص من الفواق.<br>من المعروف عن الهيل أن الكثير من الدول تستخدمه في أغراض كثيرة وخاصة في الطهي حيث يمنح بعض الأطعمة مثل الكاري، الكيك، الخبز والقهوة النكهة اللذيذة.<br>الزيوت الأساسية الموجودة بالهيل تُستخدم في أغراض صيدلية لصناعة بعض الأدوية.<br>تُضاف زيوت الهيل على مكونات العطور لمنحها الرائحة المميزة عند إعدادها.<br>يتميّز الحبهان بقدرته الهائلة على تنظيف الجسم من السموم لاحتوائه على مكونات مزيلة للسموم.<br>يساعد في علاج حالات التشنّج العضلي والسعال والضعف العام بالجسم.<br>يريح المعدة من الحموضة الزائدة.- يساعد في التخلص من رائحة الفم الكريهة.<br>مفيد للذين يعانون من مختلف أنواع الحساسية التنفسية.<br>عند الإصابة بالتهاب الحلق عليك بتناول كمية قليلة من هذا التابل الهائل.<br>تضاف زيوت الحبهان على مكونات العطور لمنحها الرائحة المميزة عند اعدادها.<br>يتميّز الحبهان بقدرته الهائلة على تنظيف الجسم من السموم لاحتوائه على مكونات مزيلة للسموم.<br>يقوم بتحسين نشاط الدورة الدموية ووصولها إلى الرئتين.<br>يساعد في التخلص من رائحة الفم الكريهة.<br>مفيد للذين يعانون من مختلف أنواع الحساسية التنفسية.<br>على الأشخاص المصابون بالغثيان والتوتر الزائد أن يستخدموا الحبهان وسوف يحصلون على نتائج عظيمة.<br>يعالج قرح الفم.<br>يعالج العدوى البكتيرية في مجرى البول.<br>يعمل الحبهان على توازن ثلاث عناصر أساسية بالجسم البشري وهم الـkapha وvata وpitta .<br>يستخدم زيت الحبهان لوقاية الجسم من البكتيريا والتعفن وذلك لاحتوائه على خصائص مضادة لهذه المؤثرات وتعتبر مكوّناته آمنة للإستخدام.<br>يستخدم كغسول مطهر للفم بإضافة قطرات قليلة من الزيوت المستخلصة منه للماء حيث يحمي الفم من تسوس الأسنان ومن الجراثيم.<br>يمكن إضافته لمياه الشرب لقتل الجراثيم الموجودة بها.<br>يضاف للأطعمة لتزويدها بالنكهة المميزة وحمايتها من التلف.<br>يمكن إضافته مع مياه الإستحمام لتعقيم وتطهير البشرة والشعر.<br>يتمتع الحبهان بقدرة فائقة تمنح الجسم الدفء وتعمل على رفع حرارته بدرجة مناسبة تساعده في عملية الإفراز المنتظم للعرق.<br>تتوقف كمية الحبهان المطلوبة للجسم على الحالة الفسيولوجية للشخص والأمراض التي يجب معالجتها أو الشفاء منها.</p> <p>وتنصح رابطة الحمل الأميركية تناول بعض من الهيل أو زيته للتقليل من الغثيان والقيء أثناء الحمل ولاكتساب رائحة طيبة للنفس والفم من دون أن يكون ذلك مُضراً بالجنين.</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
MHS 57 G (5 S)
Green Cardamom Seeds 1.95 - 1
Rainbow Carrot Seeds (mixed colors)  - 2

Rainbow Carrot Seeds (mixed...

السعر 1.95 € (SKU: VE 22)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Rainbow Carrot Seeds (mixed colors)</strong></h2> <h2><span><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 25 seeds.</strong></span><strong><br /></strong></span></h2> <div>Rainbow mix carrot lives up to its name — its 11” long tapered roots are a beautiful Rainbow mix color that gets brighter when cooked. This variety gets its hue from healthful Lypocene, a precursor to beta carotene credited for helping prevent several types of cancer. Grow carrots in cool weather. Draw out the Rainbow mix remarkable color and flavor by steaming, roasting or baking these crispy roots. They’re very tasty in soups or stews.</div> <h3><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></h3> <p><strong>Site &amp; Soil</strong></p> <p>Get the soil conditions correct and carrots are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in the cooler climates. Incorrect soil conditions lead to mis-shapen carrots - these may well cause a chuckle when dug up, but they are not so well appreciated at cooking time! Carrots prefer a light soil which has been improved with lots of well-rotted organic material fully dug into the soil. Carrots are grown on heavy soil, or where organic material is not well-rotted, will become misshapen and grow 'forked. Stones in the soil will have the same bad effect. Prepare the bed two weeks or so before planting, forking in a handful of bonemeal for each square meter (yard). Ensure that the soil is dug to a spade's depth and is of a crumbly texture.</p> <p><strong>When to Sow</strong></p> <p>Sow seeds from early spring to autumn</p> <p><strong>How to Sow</strong></p> <p>Using a trowel, dig out narrow drills 2cm (3/4inch) deep and 12cm (8inches) apart. Carrot seed is fine - the easiest way to sow is to empty some seed from the packet into the palm of your left hand and take small pinches of seed with your right-hand fingers, dropping a couple of seeds every 2.5cm (1 inch) along with the narrow drills. Sow the seed thinly to avoid too much thinning out later. Cover the seeds with fine soil very gently firming it down. Water with a fine spray if the conditions are dry. The seedlings should start to appear 15 to 20 days later.</p>
VE 22 (25 S)
Rainbow Carrot Seeds (mixed colors)  - 2

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لا يمكن دفع هذا المنتج باستخدام PayPal أو البطاقة
Virginia Gold Tobacco Seeds 1.75 - 1

Virginia Gold Tobacco Seeds

السعر 1.75 € (SKU: D 4)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;" class=""><strong>Virginia Gold Tobacco Seeds</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong><span style="font-size: 14pt;">Price for Package of 50 seeds.</span></strong></span></h2> <div>Virginia tobacco is an annual plant. Virginia - the name comes from the U.S. state's name. This is the most common tobacco. Its peculiarity, that it has a high sugar content and is used in many formulas. While it is perfectly possible to smoke and their own. Of nicotine from 1 to 3.5%.</div> <div> <p>Tobacco is planted in mid-March at home. To the field being planted from mid-May to June depending on weather conditions (the fear of frost). From one plant can be harvested 18-22 sheets suitable for the manufacture of tobacco.</p> </div> <div>Seeds germination is about 96%.</div> <div>Sowing:</div> <div>Seeds should be surface sown in fertile, well-draining loam in full sun. &nbsp;The soil should be deeply tilled. &nbsp;They are best off being direct sown after any danger of frost or sown in trofts outside and transplanted to the ground when about two inches tall. &nbsp;They can also be started indoors for an early start. &nbsp;This also helps prevent them from being carried away by the wind or water. &nbsp;Tabacum is considered a perennial in warmer climates, but can be grown elsewhere as an annual. &nbsp;Thin plants to about two feet apart, and cut off the flowering tops to increase leaf size. &nbsp;Flowering requires 14 hours of daylight to begin. &nbsp;Remove dead flowers to encourage new ones to emerge. Regular fertilization is recommended. &nbsp;Germination typically takes 10-20 days.&nbsp;</div>
D 4 (50 S)
Virginia Gold Tobacco Seeds 1.75 - 1

نبات عملاق (به ثمار عملاقة)

نبات مقاوم للبرد والصقيع
(Cupressus sempervirens)...

(Cupressus sempervirens)...

السعر 1.75 € (SKU: T 16 CS)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>(Cupressus sempervirens) سرو المتوسط بذور</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>ثمن عبوة من 0.5 جرام حوالي 50 بذرة.</strong></span></h2> <p>سرو البحر المتوسط أو سرو دائم الخضرة واسمه العلمي (باللاتينية: Cupressus sempervirens) هو شجرة تتبع جنس السرو من الفصيلة السروية.</p> <p>الوصف النباتي<br>شجرة السرو دائمة الخضرة هرمية الشكل يصل ارتفاعها إلى 30 متراً ذات أوراق صغيرة شبيهة بالحراشف، خضراء غامقة دقيقة ومخاريط ذكرية وأنثوية. خشبها عطري جداً. شجر السرو بطيء النمو.</p> <p>الموطن الأصلي للسرو<br>موطن السرو الأصلي تركيا وجزيرة العرب وسميت سلسلة جبال السروات بالجزيره العربيه التي تمتد من الطائف شمالا إلى اليمن جنوبا حيث يغطيها هذا النبات ويسمى ايضا بالعرعر ويكثر في الأجواء المعتدلة ويزرع حالياً في جميع دول حوض البحر الأبيض المتوسط.</p> <p>المكونات الكيميائية<br>تحتوي الأغصان على زيت طيار يضم الباينين والكامفين والسيدرول وتحتوي الكيزان على حمض العفص.</p> <p>الاستعمالات الطبية<br>الأجزاء المستخدمة من النبات في الطب الكيزان والأغصان والزيت العطري.</p> <p>ستعمال السرو في الطب الحديث<br>- يقول الطب الحديث أنه عندما يوضع السرو خارجيا كدهون أو زيت عطري يحدث تقبضاً للأوردة الدوالية والبواسير ويضيق الأوعية الدموية. ويستخدم مغطس من المخاريط للأقدام لتنظيفها ومكافحة فرط التعرق، وعندما يؤخذ السرو داخليا يعمل مضاداً للتشنج ومقوياً عاماً ويوصف للشاهوق وبصق الدم والسعال التشنجي ويفيد هذا العلاج أيضا الزكام والإنفلونزا والتهاب الحلق.</p> <p>يحضر من مسحوق ورقة جرعة تصل إلى 4 جرامات لعلاج آلام الصدر والسعال، كما يحضر منه صبغه يستخدم منها ما بين 20إلى 40 نقطة. وصمغ السرو يلحم الجراح جيداً ويوقف نزف الدم.</p> <p>استعمال السرو في الطب القديم<br>استعمل الإغريق المخاريط المهروسة والمنقوعة في الخمر لعلاج [الزحار] وبصق الدم بالسعال والربو والسعال.</p> <p>ولقد عثر العلماء على بعض أخشاب هذا النبات من عهد الأسرة السادسة ومن عهد الأسرة الثانية عشرة في مصر القديمة. كما نقشت أشجار السرو على الجدران الخارجية لمعبد رمسيس الثالث بالكرنك، حيث كان هذا النبات مقدساً.</p> <p>يطلق المسيحيون على هذا النوع من النبات "الشجرة الحزينة" رمزاً للحزن وزينة للقبور. وقد عرف قديماً نوعان من السرو الأول يسمى C. sempervinens، والثاني taxus baccata ويعتقد بأن سفينة نوح كانت مصنوعة من خشب السرو.</p> <p>وقال ابن سينا في السرو يذهب البهاق، مسود للشعر. يستعمل ورقه الطازج مع الجوز والجميز للفتق إذا ضمد به، إذا دق جوز السرو ناعماً مع التين وجعل منه فتيلة في الأنف أبرأ اللحم الزائد. طبخه بالخل يسكن وجع الأسنان، نافع من أورام العين ضماداً، جوزه بالشرب لعسر التنفس ونقص الانتصاب وللسعال المزمن ينفع من عسر البول وقروح الأمعاء والمعدة.</p> <p>أما داود الأنطاكي في تذكرته فقال "صمغه يلحم الجراح ويحبس الدم مطلقاً ويجفف القروح أين كانت، يحلل الأورام ويجلو الآثار خصوصاً البرحي طلاءً وشرباً.</p> <p>الغرغرة بطبيخه حاراً تسكن أوجاع الأسنان وقروح اللثة ويشد رخاوتها. ثمره طرياً يشد الأجفان ويلحم الفتق أكلاً وضماداً. يطرد الهوام بخوراً، إذا عجن بالعسل ولعق ابرأ السعال المزمن وقوى المعدة. صمغه يقطع البواسير. إذا طبخ ورقه مع ثمره مع الاملج والماء والخل حتى يتهرى ثم طبخ ذلك في دهن وطلي به الشعر سوده وطوله ومنع تساقطه. ومع المر يصلح المثانة وتمنع البول في الفراش".</p> <p>أما ابن البيطار في جامعه فيقول: "ورق هذا النبات وقضبانه وجوزه ما دامت طريه لينه تذبل الجراحات الكبار الحادثة في الأجسام الصلبة، يستعمل أيضاً في مداواة الجمرة فيخلطونه غما مع الشعير والماء أو مع خل ممزوج مزجاً مكسوراً بالماء. إذا شرب ورقه مسحوقاً بطلاء وشيء يسير من المر نفع المثانة التي تصب إليها الفضول ومن عسر البول."</p><script src="//cdn.public.n1ed.com/G3OMDFLT/widgets.js"></script>
T 16 CS (0,5g)
(Cupressus sempervirens) سرو المتوسط بذور
Black Pepper Seeds (Piper...

Black Pepper Seeds (Piper...

السعر 1.95 € (SKU: MHS 56 PN)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Black Pepper Seeds (Piper nigrum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. When dried, the fruit is known as a peppercorn. When fresh and fully mature, it is approximately 5 millimeters (0.20 in) in diameter, dark red, and, like all drupes, contains a single seed. Peppercorns, and the ground pepper derived from them, maybe described simply as pepper, or more precisely as black pepper (cooked and dried unripe fruit), green pepper (dried unripe fruit) and white pepper (ripe fruit seeds).</p> <p>Black pepper is native to south India and is extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical regions. Currently, Vietnam is the world's largest producer and exporter of pepper, producing 34% of the world's Piper nigrum crop as of 2013.</p> <p>Dried ground pepper has been used since antiquity for both its flavor and as traditional medicine. Black pepper is the world's most traded spice. It is one of the most common spices added to cuisines around the world. The spiciness of black pepper is due to the chemical piperine, not to be confused with the capsaicin characteristic of fresh hot peppers. Black pepper is ubiquitous in the modern world as a seasoning and is often paired with salt.</p> <p><strong>Etymology</strong></p> <p>The word "pepper" has its roots in the Dravidian word for long pepper, pippali.[2][3][4] Ancient Greek and Latin turned pippali into the Greek πέπερι peperi and then into the Latin piper, which was used by the Romans to refer both to black pepper and long pepper, as the Romans erroneously believed that both of these spices were derived from the same plant.[5] Today's "pepper" derives from the Old English pipor. The Latin word is also the source of Romanian piper, Italian pepe, Dutch peper, German Pfeffer, French poivre, and other similar forms.</p> <p>In the 16th century, pepper started referring to the unrelated New World chili pepper as well. "Pepper" was used in a figurative sense to mean "spirit" or "energy" at least as far back as the 1840s; in the early 20th century, this was shortened to pep.</p> <p><strong>Black pepper</strong></p> <p>Black pepper is produced from the still-green, unripe drupes of the pepper plant. The drupes are cooked briefly in hot water, both to clean them and to prepare them for drying. The heat ruptures cell walls in the pepper, speeding the work of browning enzymes during drying. The drupes are dried in the sun or by machine for several days, during which the pepper around the seed shrinks and darkens into a thin, wrinkled black layer. Once dried, the spice is called black peppercorn. On some estates, the berries are separated from the stem by hand and then sun-dried without the boiling process.</p> <p>Once the peppercorns are dried, pepper spirit and oil can be extracted from the berries by crushing them. Pepper spirit is used in many medicinal and beauty products. Pepper oil is also used as an ayurvedic massage oil and used in certain beauty and herbal treatments.</p> <p><strong>Plant</strong></p> <p>The pepper plant is a perennial woody vine growing up to 4 meters (13 ft) in height on supporting trees, poles, or trellises. It is a spreading vine, rooting readily where trailing stems touch the ground. The leaves are alternate, entire, 5 to 10 centimetres (2.0 to 3.9 in) long and 3 to 6 centimetres (1.2 to 2.4 in) across. The flowers are small, produced on pendulous spikes 4 to 8 centimetres (1.6 to 3.1 in) long at the leaf nodes, the spikes lengthening up to 7 to 15 centimetres (2.8 to 5.9 in) as the fruit matures.[15] The fruit of the black pepper is called a drupe and when dried is known as a peppercorn.</p> <p>Pepper can be grown in soil that is neither too dry nor susceptible to flooding, moist, well-drained and rich in organic matter (the vines do not do too well over an altitude of 900 m (3,000 ft) above sea level). The plants are propagated by cuttings about 40 to 50 centimetres (16 to 20 in) long, tied up to neighbouring trees or climbing frames at distances of about 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) apart; trees with rough bark are favoured over those with smooth bark, as the pepper plants climb rough bark more readily. Competing plants are cleared away, leaving only sufficient trees to provide shade and permit free ventilation. The roots are covered in leaf mulch and manure, and the shoots are trimmed twice a year. On dry soils the young plants require watering every other day during the dry season for the first three years. The plants bear fruit from the fourth or fifth year, and typically continue to bear fruit for seven years. The cuttings are usually cultivars, selected both for yield and quality of fruit.</p> <p>A single stem will bear 20 to 30 fruiting spikes. The harvest begins as soon as one or two fruits at the base of the spikes begin to turn red, and before the fruit is fully mature, and still hard; if allowed to ripen completely, the fruit lose pungency, and ultimately fall off and are lost. The spikes are collected and spread out to dry in the sun, then the peppercorns are stripped off the spikes.[15]</p> <p>Black pepper is either native to Southeast Asia[16] or South Asia.[17] Within the genus Piper, it is most closely related to other Asian species such as Piper caninum.</p> <p><strong>History</strong></p> <p>Pepper is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia and has been known to Indian cooking since at least 2000 BCE.[20] J. Innes Miller notes that while pepper was grown in southern Thailand and in Malaysia, its most important source was India, particularly the Malabar Coast, in what is now the state of Kerala[21] Peppercorns were a much-prized trade good, often referred to as "black gold" and used as a form of commodity money. The legacy of this trade remains in some Western legal systems which recognize the term "peppercorn rent" as a form of a token payment made for something that is in fact being given.</p> <p>The ancient history of black pepper is often interlinked with (and confused with) that of long pepper, the dried fruit of closely related Piper longum. The Romans knew of both and often referred to either as just "piper". In fact, it was not until the discovery of the New World and of chili peppers that the popularity of long pepper entirely declined. Chili peppers, some of which when dried are similar in shape and taste to long pepper, were easier to grow in a variety of locations more convenient to Europe.</p> <p>Before the 16th century, pepper was being grown in Java, Sunda, Sumatra, Madagascar, Malaysia, and everywhere in Southeast Asia. These areas traded mainly with China, or used the pepper locally.[22] Ports in the Malabar area also served as a stop-off point for much of the trade in other spices from farther east in the Indian Ocean. Following the British hegemony in India, virtually all of the black pepper found in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa was traded from Malabar region.</p> <p><strong>Ancient times</strong></p> <p>Black peppercorns were found stuffed in the nostrils of Ramesses II, placed there as part of the mummification rituals shortly after his death in 1213 BCE.[23] Little else is known about the use of pepper in ancient Egypt and how it reached the Nile from South Asia.</p> <p>Pepper (both long and black) was known in Greece at least as early as the 4th century BCE, though it was probably an uncommon and expensive item that only the very rich could afford. Trade routes of the time were by land, or in ships which hugged the coastlines of the Arabian Sea. Long pepper, growing in the north-western part of India, was more accessible than the black pepper from further south; this trade advantage, plus long pepper's greater spiciness, probably made black pepper less popular at the time.</p> <p>By the time of the early Roman Empire, especially after Rome's conquest of Egypt in 30 BCE, open-ocean crossing of the Arabian Sea direct to southern India's Malabar Coast was near routine. Details of this trading across the Indian Ocean have been passed down in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. According to the Roman geographer Strabo, the early Empire sent a fleet of around 120 ships on an annual one-year trip to China, Southeast Asia, India and back. The fleet timed its travel across the Arabian Sea to take advantage of the predictable monsoon winds. Returning from India, the ships travelled up the Red Sea, from where the cargo was carried overland or via the Nile-Red Sea canal to the Nile River, barged to Alexandria, and shipped from there to Italy and Rome. The rough geographical outlines of this same trade route would dominate the pepper trade into Europe for a millennium and a half to come.</p> <p>With ships sailing directly to the Malabar coast, black pepper was now travelling a shorter trade route than long pepper, and the prices reflected it. Pliny the Elder's Natural History tells us the prices in Rome around 77 CE: "Long pepper ... is fifteen denarii per pound, while that of white pepper is seven, and of black, four." Pliny also complains "there is no year in which India does not drain the Roman Empire of fifty million sesterces," and further moralizes on pepper:</p> <p>    It is quite surprising that the use of pepper has come so much into fashion, seeing that in other substances which we use, it is sometimes their sweetness, and sometimes their appearance that has attracted our notice; whereas, pepper has nothing in it that can plead as a recommendation to either fruit or berry, its only desirable quality being a certain pungency; and yet it is for this that we import it all the way from India! Who was the first to make trial of it as an article of food? and who, I wonder, was the man that was not content to prepare himself by hunger only for the satisfying of a greedy appetite?</p> <p>Black pepper was a well-known and widespread, if expensive, seasoning in the Roman Empire. Apicius' De re coquinaria, a 3rd-century cookbook probably based at least partly on one from the 1st century CE, includes pepper in a majority of its recipes. Edward Gibbon wrote, in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that pepper was "a favorite ingredient of the most expensive Roman cookery".</p> <p><strong>Phytochemicals, folk medicine, and research</strong></p> <p>Like many eastern spices, pepper was historically both a seasoning and a folk medicine. Long pepper, being stronger, was often the preferred medication, but both were used. Black pepper (or perhaps long pepper) was believed to cure several illnesses, such as constipation, insomnia, oral abscesses, sunburn and toothaches, among others.[35] Various sources from the 5th century onward recommended pepper to treat eye problems, often by applying salves or poultices made with pepper directly to the eye. There is no current medical evidence that any of these treatments has any benefit.</p> <p>Pepper is known to cause sneezing. Some sources say that piperine, a substance present in black pepper, irritates the nostrils, causing the sneezing.[37] Few, if any, controlled studies have been carried out to answer the question.</p> <p>Piperine is under study for its potential to increase absorption of selenium, vitamin B, beta-carotene and curcumin, as well as other compounds.[38] As a folk medicine, pepper appears in the Buddhist Samaññaphala Sutta, chapter five, as one of the few medicines allowed to be carried by a monk.[39] Pepper contains phytochemicals,[40] including amides, piperidines, pyrrolidines and trace amounts of safrole which may be carcinogenic in laboratory rodents.</p> <p>Piperine is under study for a variety of possible physiological effects,[42] although this work is preliminary and mechanisms of activity for piperine in the human body remain unknown.</p> <p><strong>Nutrition</strong></p> <p>One tablespoon (6 grams) of ground black pepper contains moderate amounts of vitamin K (13% of the daily value or DV), iron (10% DV) and manganese (18% DV), with trace amounts of other essential nutrients, protein and dietary fibre.</p> <p><strong>Flavor</strong></p> <p>Pepper gets its spicy heat mostly from piperine derived both from the outer fruit and the seed. Black pepper contains between 4.6% and 9.7% piperine by mass, and white pepper slightly more than that.[44] Refined piperine, by weight, is about one percent as hot as the capsaicin found in chili peppers.[45] The outer fruit layer, left on black pepper, also contains important odour-contributing terpenes including pinene, sabinene, limonene, caryophyllene, and linalool, which give citrusy, woody, and floral notes. These scents are mostly missing in white pepper, which is stripped of the fruit layer. White pepper can gain some different odours (including musty notes) from its longer fermentation stage.[46] The aroma of pepper is attributed to rotundone (3,4,5,6,7,8-Hexahydro-3α,8α-dimethyl-5α-(1-methylethenyl)azulene-1(2H)-one), a sesquiterpene originally discovered in the tubers of cyperus rotundus, which can be detected in concentrations of 0.4 nanograms/L in water and in wine: rotundone is also present in marjoram, oregano, rosemary, basil, thyme, and geranium, as well as in some Shiraz wines.</p> <p>Pepper loses flavour and aroma through evaporation, so airtight storage helps preserve its spiciness longer. Pepper can also lose flavour when exposed to light, which can transform piperine into nearly tasteless isochavicine. Once ground, pepper's aromatics can evaporate quickly; most culinary sources recommend grinding whole peppercorns immediately before use for this reason. Handheld pepper mills or grinders, which mechanically grind or crush whole peppercorns, are used for this, sometimes instead of pepper shakers that dispense pre-ground pepper. Spice mills such as pepper mills were found in European kitchens as early as the 14th century, but the mortar and pestle used earlier for crushing pepper have remained a popular method for centuries as well.</p> </body> </html>
Black Pepper Seeds (Piper nigrum)
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