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After unsuccessfull germination of few hundreds of moso seeds in a last yea...
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Gyllene Bambu Frön...
1,95 €
(SKU: B 7)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<h2><span style="text-decoration: underline; font-size: 14pt;" class=""><strong>Gyllene Bambu Frön (Phyllostachys aurea)</strong></span></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #d0121a; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Gyllene bambu (Phyllostachys aurea), infödd i Kina, är en av de viktigaste bambuerna som finns i USA - och det anses invasivt. Till skillnad från många andra typer av löpande bambu fungerar inte inneslutning alltid med gyllene bambu, eftersom rhizomerna hittar vägar runt hinder. Det tolererar också mindre än optimala livsmiljöer.</p>
<p>One of the most common bamboos in the United States, and for a good reason: although usually not very tall, it is one of the strongest and most useful. Growing rigidly upright, this bamboo is one of the best for hedges and for planting next to driveways and walkways.</p>
<p><span> </span>It often has a series of distorted internodes at the base of the cane, sometimes called "Tortoise Shell" internodes, that are quite ornamental and make this plant useful for craft work. Culm color of the species type is green. Like other Phyllostachys, when exposed to strong direct sunlight, the canes will fade to yellow with age. Phyllostachys aurea can be an aggressive spreader in hot climates, where care must be used in its placement.</p>
<p>zones 7-10</p>
<p>Phyllostachys aurea is a bamboo species of the 'running bamboo' type, belonging to the diverse Bambuseae tribe. It is native to Fujian and Zhejiang in China. It is commonly known by the names fishpole bamboo, golden bamboo, monk's belly bamboo, and fairyland bamboo (Australia).</p>
<p>P. aurea is cultivated as an ornamental plant for gardens. In the United States, it is considered an invasive species that crowds out native species and is difficult to remove. It is also the most commonly cultivated bamboo in the United States. It is a cold-hardy bamboo, performing well in USDA zones 6 to 10, (Connecticut to Florida).[2] It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.</p>
<p>P. aurea's lush foliage makes it desirable for ornamental purposes and privacy hedges, and its characteristic 'knotty' compressed lower internodes render it desirable among collectors.[2] It is well-suited to the making of bamboo pipes.</p>
<p><strong>Identification and growth habit</strong></p>
<p>The common forms of P. aurea are easily identified by their characteristic compressed internodes in the lower part of the canes which have a tortoise shell-like appearance. This internodal compression result in shorter heights (25 ft) and thicker cane diameters (relative to height) than many other Phyllostachys species.</p>
<p>The canes turn yellow in full or partial sun, and deepen into a gold-orange color as the plant matures. Branching and foliage tend to start lower to the ground than many other Phyllostachys species, but some prefer to cut off lower branches to show off the interesting 'tortoise shell' lower part of the canes (see photo).</p><script src="//"></script>
B 7
Jätteväxt (med gigantiska frukter)
Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Madake Jätte Bambu Fröer...
1,95 €
(SKU: B 6)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Madake Jätte Bambu Fröer (Phyllostachys bambusoides)</strong></span></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Snabbast växande höga bambu. Under natten kan växa en meter. Denna snabba tillväxt är delvis delande celler, och delvis av ökningar i storlek.</p>
<p>Men tillhör hastighetsrekord Indian taggig bambu tillväxttakten når till 91 cm per dag.</p>
<p>En japansk forskare på ön Honshu, satte världsrekord stamtillväxt madake de vanligaste arterna i Japan 120 cm per dag. Nära Kyoto, en japansk forskare satte världsrekord. Om du tittar noga på bambu, kan vi se rörelse sin tillväxt.</p>
<p>relativ bambu också växer snabbt, gräs listokolosnik ätbara Som i det vilda finns i södra Kina. DAGLIGA tillväxt av växten skjuter upp till 40 centimeter, vilket är 1,7 cm per timme. Några månader listokolosnik växer med 30 meters höjd når 50 centimeter i diameter.</p>
<p>Det bör noteras att tillväxttakten den fruktkropp av svampen Veselka dubbelt så vanlig hastighet listokolosnika skottillväxt, når 5 millimeter per minut.</p>
<p>Enligt andra är det snabbast växande växt träd eukalyptus i Nya Guinea, som växer till 10,6 meterför året och tre mesyatsa.U bambu har en fantastisk funktion. De flesta av dem blommar en gång i en mycket lång tidsperiod 30, 60 eller 120 år. Nästan samtidigt, en typ av bambu oavsett var i världen de växte eller blom. Därefter, hänga sina stjälkar dö, men överlever Grove: vissa rhizomer inte förgås, men har fallit frön slå rot. Men bambuskott för att mogna och växa till samma höjd, kan det ta fem till tio år.</p>
<p>Phyllostachys bambusoides, commonly called madake, giant timber bamboo or Japanese timber bamboo, is a bamboo species in the genus Phyllostachys.</p>
<p>Madake is typically known for being the most common type of bamboo used in the making of shakuhachi flutes, and is utilized in numerous Japanese, as well as Chinese, arts and crafts.</p>
<p>Phyllostachys bambusoides can reach a height of 15–22 m and a diameter of 10–15 cm. The culms are dark green, quite thick and very straight. Leaves are dark green. New stalks emerge in late spring and grow quite rapidly, up to 1 meter each day. The flowering interval of this species is very long, about 120 years. This strong plant is in Asia one of the preferred bamboo for building and in the manufacture of furniture.</p>
<p>This species is native to China, but it is commonly grown worldwide, especially in Japan.</p>
B 6 (5 S)
Jätteväxt (med gigantiska frukter)
Taggig Jättebambu Frön...
1,60 €
(SKU: B 5)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<h2 id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify"><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Taggig Jättebambu Frön (Bambusa arundinacea)</strong></span></h2>
<h2 class="rte align_justify"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Bambusa arundinacea 'Taggig Jättebambu' Kan bli över 40 meter hög i varma klimat, i lite kyligare blir den lägre. Växer mer än 30cm om dagen, det är så snabbt att man faktiskt kan se det med blotta ögat.</p>
<p>Tål minusgrader med lite vindskydd men trivs bäst som krukväxt.</p>
<p>Riktigt häftig växt både ute och inne. Höjd: 40mLäge:</p>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
<td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">all year round</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Needs Light to germinate! Just sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + gently press</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">25-30°C</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">1 - 8 weeks</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><br /><span style="color: #008000;"> <em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. </em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em></span></p>
B 5 (5 S)
Knutbambu Bambu Fröer...
2,45 €
(SKU: B 4)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<h2 id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify"><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Knutbambu Bambu Fröer (Bambusa Ventricosa)</strong></span></h2>
<h2 class="rte align_justify"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>This beautiful form of Buddha Belly bamboo has culms that emerge green and soon turn a beautiful golden-yellow with green stripes. Like the green form, it will grow straight and slender, given ideal conditions. This bamboo is best as a container plant where with proper care and pruning it can be a delightful specimen.</p>
<p>Maximum Height: 55 feet, 30-40 feet average</p>
<p>Container Height: 10 to 15 ft?</p>
<p>Diameter: 1.5 - 2 inches</p>
<p>Hardiness: 21° F</p>
<p>Recommended for USDA zone 9b - 10</p>
<p>Bambusa ventricosa is a species of bamboo which is native to Guangdong province in China. The species is widely cultivated in subtropical regions around the world for the bulbous and ornamental culms. The species is used in bonsai.</p>
<p>Common names include Buddha bamboo and Buddha's-belly bamboo.</p>
<p>Knutbambu, används som krukväxt hos oss.</p>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
<td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">all year round</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Needs Light to germinate! Just sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + gently press</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">25-30°C</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">1 - 8 weeks</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><span style="color: #008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p>
<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> </td>
<td valign="top">
<p align="center"><br /><span style="color: #008000;"> <em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. </em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em></span></p>
B 4 (5 S)
Male bamboo Frön - Calcutta...
5,50 €
(SKU: B 3)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Male bamboo Frön - Calcutta bamboo - Solid bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus)</strong></span></h2>
<h2><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;"><span style="font-size:14pt;">Pris för Paket me d 5 eller 20 frön.</span></span></strong></h2>
<div>Dendrocalamus strictus, also know as iron or male bamboo, calcutta bamboo or solid bamboo is a giant bamboo, which reaches a maximum height of 60 feet. Maximum diameter of the culms is around 5 inches. The lower parts of the culms are sometimes solid. Dendrocalamus strictus has small, light green, furry leaves. Its strong, lower erect, grey-green, slightly rough culms form a very tight packed clump. Dendrocalamus strictus is very drought tolerant once established. This is the only bamboo timber that once cured, can be nailed without cracking. Giant clumper, non-invasive. Supreme material in building furniture.</div>
<div>Plant in full sun or light shade.</div>
<div>Moso is somewhat more difficult to establish than are other bamboos.</div>
<div>Some claim that it is helpful to start with a large division.</div>
<div>Rhizome divisions are generally unsuccessful.</div>
<div>Moso has a strong preference for well-drained, red clay soils. As Landscape Ornamental Plant</div>
<div>Soak your seeds in about 85° F (30° C) water for 24 hours. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot, as temperatures over 105° F (40° C) can kill your seeds. Cooler temperatures however, will not hurt the seeds, but may delay germination by a few days.</div>
<div>Use a skewer or chopstick to open and rough up the top part of the peat pellets.</div>
<div>Put only one seed in the middle of each pellet. Because bamboo seeds are rare and expensive, you don't want to risk having two sprout in the same pellet and have to lose one of them.</div>
<div>Add a small amount of “seedling mix�? type potting soil over the top of your seeds. 1/8 to ¼ inch (2 to 5 mm) is enough.</div>
<div>Put the mini greenhouse in a location where it will get medium shade. An east-facing window is good if the weather outside is cold, or a moderately shady area outside if the weather is good. NOTE: Wherever you put it, it should not get too much direct sun. Even a mini greenhouse can quickly get up to seed killing temperatures in hot direct sun.</div>
<div>Check on the greenhouse daily, as the peat pellets can dry out quickly once the water from main soak evaporates. Before the seeds sprout, they can survive getting too dry once or so. But as soon as they sprout, they can die in a matter of hours if they dry out. If the peat pellets start getting too dry, use a spray bottle to dampen them again. You may need as much as a whole squirt per pellet to dampen to the interior of the pellet.</div>
<div>You may see a sprout within 10 days from planting, though the bulk of germination will occur after at least 15 or 20 days. Different species have different germination rates, so don’t get disappointed too soon.</div>
<div>If any of the sprouts get tall enough to touch the plastic dome lid while others are still getting started, prop the lid up as necessary to prevent the leaves from touching it… Any leaves resting against the lid will quickly rot and risk killing the seedling.</div>
<div>After about 30 days, most of the seeds that are going to sprout with this method will have done so. Transplant all of the healthy sprouts into 4�? (or half-liter) pots using the next few steps. But don’t discard the rest of the seeds yet, as we will jar a few more into action by changing the conditions for them.</div>
<div>Mix a good potting soil with about 50% small bark-chip mulch. This makes a potting mix with very high drainage that is good for bamboo.</div>
<div>Put a little (1/2 inch or 1 cm minimum) of this potting mix into the pots.</div>
<div>Move each pellet that has a sprout into a pot and fill around it so that the pellet is buried at least ¼ inch below the potting soil.</div>
<div>Give the pots a good dose of water. Because of the really good drainage, don’t worry too much about over watering.</div>
<div>Set these pots in an outdoor location that gets about 50% shade and that never gets full hot direct sun for more than a few minutes at a time. These seedlings are now well on their way. You will likely lose another 10% of them for no apparent reason at all, but the rest will have a good chance at making it to maturity.</div>
<div>Go back to the tray of remaining un-sprouted seeds and put the plastic lid aside. Store it for future use if you want, but these seeds and seedlings have no more use for it.</div>
<div>If your mini-greenhouse tray has a removable plastic liner that helps organize the pellets, take it out and make several drainage holes in the bottom of the unlined tray.</div>
<div>Put all of the pellets back in without the liner. Space them roughly evenly, and keep them the same side up as before… Seeds to the top.</div>
<div>Fill in around the pellets with seedling mix type potting soil, and mound it up to cover the top of the pellets by about ¼ inch (5mm).</div>
<div>Place this tray outside in the medium to full sun, checking it daily to keep it damp but not too wet. Because of removing the dome and the increased sun, expect to need to water nearly every day. It is probably helpful to switch to a regular watering can at this point, as you can give it a more normal dose of water.</div>
<div>Hopefully, you will see a whole new set of seedlings start to come up over the next few weeks. As these start to look ready, take them back to step 12 and get them transplanted.</div>
<div>Giant Bamboo Sowing instr.</div>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>Seeds / Cuttings</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>0</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>0</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>all year round</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>Cover with fine sand. Seeds should be barely visible.</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>Attitude at room temperature 18-28°C</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Location:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>1-9 weeks</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><span>Water regularly during the growing season</span></p>
</tr><tr><td valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">
<p align="center"><span><strong> </strong></span></p>
<td valign="bottom">
<p align="center"><br /><span>Seeds Gallery 05.11.2012.</span></p>
<div><span> </span></div>
B 3 (20 S)
Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Svart Jättebambu Frön...
1,95 €
(SKU: B 2)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<h2><strong>Svart Jättebambu Frön (Phyllostachys nigra)</strong></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Får svarta stammar och blir ca 3-4 m hög. är mycket värmeälskande och trivs i soligt till halvskuggigt läge med lä. Vill stå i väldränerad, näringsrik sandjord. Täck gärna marken med välbrunnen kompost på hösten innan frosten kommer.</p>
<p>The popular & beautiful Black Bamboo with jet black culms & feathery green leaves can grow to an average of 25' in most climates. Although sometimes erroneously reported as a clumping bamboo, it is a runner that starts slow but then can become vigorous when mature.</p>
<p>The recommended zones are 7-10 although it will reach approx. 16' in zone 6 & will grow in zone 5 in a very well protected location although the growth will probably be spindly.</p>
<p>An awesome choice to grow indoors!</p>
<p>Very exotic, it has a dramatic straight upright habit growing 6-10' in a pot but can be easily pruned to keep shorter. Locate in sunniest window, feed and water amply during the growth period & summer outdoors (protect from strong winds)</p>
<p>Soak your seeds in about 85° F (30° C) water for 24 hours. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot, as temperatures over 105° F (40° C) can kill your seeds. Cooler temperatures however, will not hurt the seeds, but may delay germination by a few days.</p>
<div>Use a skewer or chopstick to open and rough up the top part of the peat pellets.</div>
<div>Put only one seed in the middle of each pellet. Because bamboo seeds are rare and expensive, you don't want to risk having two sprout in the same pellet and have to lose one of them.</div>
<div>Add a small amount of “seedling mix�? type potting soil over the top of your seeds. 1/8 to ¼ inch (2 to 5 mm) is enough.</div>
<div>Put the mini greenhouse in a location where it will get medium shade. An east-facing window is good if the weather outside is cold, or a moderately shady area outside if the weather is good. NOTE: Wherever you put it, it should not get too much direct sun. Even a mini greenhouse can quickly get up to seed killing temperatures in hot direct sun.</div>
<div>Check on the greenhouse daily, as the peat pellets can dry out quickly once the water from main soak evaporates. Before the seeds sprout, they can survive getting too dry once or so. But as soon as they sprout, they can die in a matter of hours if they dry out. If the peat pellets start getting too dry, use a spray bottle to dampen them again. You may need as much as a whole squirt per pellet to dampen to the interior of the pellet.</div>
<div>You may see a sprout within 10 days from planting, though the bulk of germination will occur after at least 15 or 20 days. Different species have different germination rates, so don’t get disappointed too soon.</div>
<div>If any of the sprouts get tall enough to touch the plastic dome lid while others are still getting started, prop the lid up as necessary to prevent the leaves from touching it… Any leaves resting against the lid will quickly rot and risk killing the seedling.</div>
<div>After about 30 days, most of the seeds that are going to sprout with this method will have done so. Transplant all of the healthy sprouts into 4�? (or half-liter) pots using the next few steps. But don’t discard the rest of the seeds yet, as we will jar a few more into action by changing the conditions for them.</div>
<div>Mix a good potting soil with about 50% small bark-chip mulch. This makes a potting mix with very high drainage that is good for bamboo.</div>
<div>Put a little (1/2 inch or 1 cm minimum) of this potting mix into the pots.</div>
<div>Move each pellet that has a sprout into a pot and fill around it so that the pellet is buried at least ¼ inch below the potting soil.</div>
<div>Give the pots a good dose of water. Because of the really good drainage, don’t worry too much about over watering.</div>
<div>Set these pots in an outdoor location that gets about 50% shade and that never gets full hot direct sun for more than a few minutes at a time. These seedlings are now well on their way. You will likely lose another 10% of them for no apparent reason at all, but the rest will have a good chance at making it to maturity.</div>
<div>Go back to the tray of remaining un-sprouted seeds and put the plastic lid aside. Store it for future use if you want, but these seeds and seedlings have no more use for it.</div>
<div>If your mini-greenhouse tray has a removable plastic liner that helps organize the pellets, take it out and make several drainage holes in the bottom of the unlined tray.</div>
<div>Put all of the pellets back in without the liner. Space them roughly evenly, and keep them the same side up as before… Seeds to the top.</div>
<div>Fill in around the pellets with seedling mix type potting soil, and mound it up to cover the top of the pellets by about ¼ inch (5mm).</div>
<div>Place this tray outside in the medium to full sun, checking it daily to keep it damp but not too wet. Because of removing the dome and the increased sun, expect to need to water nearly every day. It is probably helpful to switch to a regular watering can at this point, as you can give it a more normal dose of water.</div>
<div>Hopefully, you will see a whole new set of seedlings start to come up over the next few weeks. As these start to look ready, take them back to step 12 and get them transplanted.</div>
B 2 (5 S)
Jätteväxt (med gigantiska frukter)
Jättebambu Frön...
2,15 €
(SKU: B 1)
Seeds Gallery EU,
<h2><strong>Jättebambu Frön (Phyllostachys pubescens moso)</strong></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 10 eller 20 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) är den största köldtåliga bambun som existerar. Den kan på hemmaplan i kina och Japan växa ända till 20-25 meter och bli 20 cm i diameter. I Sverige blir den inte högre än 6-11 meter och kanske 10 cm i diameter. "Löven" upptill på stammen hänger som vattenfall. Denna bambu vill stå i full sol.</p>
<p>Såråd: Lägg fröna i blöt över natten. Så i sand eller coir peat. Täck fröna tunt. Håll sådden fuktig men inte genomblöt och sankig. Temperaturen bör vara 25-30 grader, undervärme underlättar. Groning tar 1-4 veckor ibland längre tid. Ha tålamod. När plantan kommit upp och blad börjar utvecklas skall den planteras om i jord. Relativt lättodlad.</p>
<p>Den här bambun är härdig ner till -20° C </p>
<p>Synonymer för Phyllostachys moso:</p>
<p>Phyllostachys pubescens mazel</p>
<p>Phyllostachys heterocycla Pubescens</p>
<p>Phyllostachys edulis</p>
<p><iframe width="640" height="385" src="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item"> </iframe></p>
B 1 (10 S)
Jätteväxt (med gigantiska frukter)
Sort från Ryssland
Sort från Bosnien och Hercegovina
Sort från Serbien
Sort från Grekland
Variety from Italy
Bli vår fröleverantör
0,00 €
(SKU: )
Seeds Gallery EU,
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<h2><strong>Bli vår fröleverantör</strong></h2>
<h2><strong>Vad krävs för att bli vår fröleverantör?</strong></h2>
<p>För att bli vår leverantör måste du ha en video och bilder på frukt av växterna du erbjuder oss, med dina personliga uppgifter och ett datum på papper som kommer att vara tydligt synligt (med ditt namn och e-postadress du använder för PayPal ).</p>
<p>Om det är en grönsak (tomat, peppar, gurka ...) måste du veta det exakta namnet på sorten, för om du använder något annat namn och vi inte hittar informationen på internet, är vi inte intresserade av dem frön.</p>
<p>Du måste skicka en mindre mängd utsäde (20) så att vi kan utföra fröns groddstestning. Efter det kan vi ordna ett ytterligare köp av fröet från dig.</p>
<p>Vi är INTE intresserade av leverantörer från Kina, Indonesien ...</p>
<p>Vi betalar uteslutande via PayPal (det finns inget annat betalningsalternativ).</p>
Jätteväxt (med gigantiska frukter)
Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Jättebambu frön...
2,50 €
(SKU: B 5 DB)
Seeds Gallery EU,
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<h2 id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify"><strong>Jättebambu frön (Dendrocalamus barbatus)</strong></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Extremt sällsynt och mycket stor bambu, med ursprung i Asien och Kina, växer upp till 15 meter i höjd. Klumpande bambu (icke-invasiv) växer till en diameter av 10 cm och bildar attraktiva kluster med lansettformade löv. Skotten blir ursprungligen orange, blir sedan gröna i ungdomen och utvecklar slutligen en blank grå kappa när de åldras.</p>
<p>Kulorna i denna stora bambu används för konstruktion, och skotten är en av de viktigaste livsmedelsarterna i Kina och Thailand.</p>
<p>Motståndskraftig mot temperaturer runt -4 ºC (25 ºF), ibland lägre temperaturer, men nyckeln är att hålla jorden torr under frost.</p>
<p>Bambufrön är inte alltid tillgängliga på grund av brist på de flesta arter, det beror på att bambu sällan blommar, ibland bara vart 30: e till 100: e år.</p>
B 5 DB
Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Vita bambufrön...
2,95 €
(SKU: B 9)
Seeds Gallery EU,
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<h2><span><strong>Vita bambufrön (Dendrocalamus membranaceus)</strong> </span></h2>
<h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för paket med 5 frön.</strong></span></h2>
<p>Dendrocalamus membranaceus även känd som vit bambu och tidigare klassificerad som “Bambusa membranacea” är en medelstor tropisk klumpande bambu med ursprung i Sydostasien. Denna bambusart är en bra källa för pappersmassa och har ätbara skott.</p>
<p>Höjd: 20 - 24 m<br />Diameter: 6-10 cm<br />Tillväxtvanor: klumpning<br />Hårdhet: -4 ° C<br />Ursprung: Sydostasien</p>
<p>Culms<br />Dendrocalamus membranaceus är en medelstor, stark bambu som bildar en lös klump. Kulorna är raka och vanligtvis mellan 20-24 m höga och 6-10 cm i diameter. Internoder är 22-38 cm långa och täckta med en vit pulverformig lövskörf när den är ung, men grön på mognad. Noder är starkt ringade och basala noder visar rootlets.</p>
<p>Grenar<br />Flera till många grupperade grenar med 1-3 större dominerande grenar. De övre grenarna är smala och bar många blad.</p>
<p>Löv<br />Lansformade löv är i genomsnitt mellan 12-25 cm långa och 1,5-2,5 cm breda.</p>
<p>Användningar<br />Denna bambu används för byggnadsändamål, möbler, bambubord, jordbruksredskap, lamellfällor, matta, ätpinnar, korg, hantverk och som rekvisita för fruktträd. Det är också en av de mest lovande arterna för massa. Skott är ätbara och konsumeras som en grönsak.</p>
B 9 (5 S)