Palm Frön

Det finns 37 produkter.

Visar 1-15 av 37 objekt

Solfjäderspalm Frön (Washingtonia filifera) 1.75 - 1

Solfjäderspalm Frön...

Pris 1,95 € (SKU: PS 1)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Solfjäderspalm, Washingtonpalm Frön (Washingtonia filifera)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Washingtonpalmen är en snabbväxande och rubust solfäderspalm. Den kommer ursprungligen från Mexico och används idag ofta som utsmyckning längs vägar och i parker i de tempererade delarna av USA. Stammen kan bli 25-30 meter hög i naturen men som krukväxt håller den mer rimliga proportioner.</p> <p>Palmen är köldtålig ner runt -12°C vilket gör att den klarar svenska frostnätter och går bra att ha ute på sommarhalvåret eller i uterum/inglasad balkong.</p> <p>De vackra solfjädersliknande bladen kan bli upp mot en meter i diameter med en meter långa stjälkar.</p> <p>Washingtonpalmen är mycket lättodlad och frön gror oftast på mindre än en månad.</p> <p>Blötlägg frö 1-3 dygn innan plantering i kruka på 1 cm djup i fuktig väldränerad såjord.</p> <p>Sätt en plastpåse över för att bevara fukt och värme, kontrollera regelbundet så att jorden är fuktig men inte blöt.</p> <p>Vid 25°C bör fröna gro inom 1-2 månader, ibland kan det ta längre tid.</p> <p>Alternativt kan man gro frö som läggs mellan fuktigt hushållspapper och stoppas i en plastpåse.</p> <p>Lägg plastpåsen på en varm plats och inspektera regelbundet så att hushållspappret är fuktigt.</p> <p>När fröna gror planteras dom försiktigt över i krukor med fuktig och väldränerad jord.</p> <script src="//"></script>
PS 1 (3 S)
Solfjäderspalm Frön (Washingtonia filifera) 1.75 - 1
Pachypodium Lamerei Frön 1.95 - 1

Pachypodium Lamerei Frön

Pris 2,45 € (SKU: PS 2)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;" class=""><strong>Pachypodium Lamerei Frön</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <div>Ökenstjärna är en suckulent växt som har en tjock, vattensamlande stam med långa taggar. Från stammen växer det ut långa, smala blad.</div> <div>Familj: Apocynaceae</div> <div>Vetenskapligt namn: Pachypodium lamerei</div> <div>Populärnamn: Ökenstjärna</div> <div>Vattning: Sparsamt.</div> <div>Gödning: Sparsamt.</div> <div>Placering: Ljust, gärna full sol. Rumstemperatur eller svalare.</div> <div>Ursprung: Madagaskar.</div> <div>Användning: Krukväxt under normala förhållanden</div> <script src="//"></script>
PS 2 (3 S)
Pachypodium Lamerei Frön 1.95 - 1

Denna produkt är bästsäljande produkt
De resandes träd - Ravenala...

De resandes träd - Ravenala...

Pris 2,25 € (SKU: PS 3)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>De resandes träd - Ravenala madagascariensis Frön</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <div>Travellers Palm är egentligen ingen palm utan tillhör växtfamiljen Strelitziaceae. Växten bildar en majestätisk och iögonfallande symmetrisk fjädervippa med sina långa paddelformade blad. Bladens form och färg påminner mycket om bananplantans. Travellers Palm härstammar från Madagaskar och blir i tropikerna enormt stor.</div> <div>Som krukväxt på våra breddgrader blir storleken mer lätthanterlig och mot en vägg med belysning blir en Travellers Palm en exklusiv och vacker inredningsdetalj.</div> <div>Växten är köldtålig ner mot -5°C och trivs bra i ett inglasat uterum eller på en inglasad balkong.</div> <div>Det går bra att ha växten ute på sommaren om läget är skyddat så att inte vinden trasar sönder bladen.</div> <div>Namnet Travellers Palm har två förklaringar, en är att solfjädern växer i östlig-västlig riktning och därmed bildar en naturlig kompass.</div> <div>Den andra förklaringen är att en törstande vandrare alltid kan finna vatten i bladvecken.</div> <div>De håriga och vackert koboltblå fröna har ett mycket hårt och vattenfast skal.</div> <div>För att påskynda groddning kan man lägga frön i en termos med ganska varmt vatten (så varmt att du inte bränner ditt finger) under ett par dagar.</div> <div>Vik sedan blött hushållspapper runt fröna och stoppa in dom i en plastpåse som sedan fylls med luft.</div> <div>Nu har man en miljö som håller fukt och värme så att frönas grodd underlättas.</div> <div>Lägg plastpåsen på en varm plats, 30-35°C dagtid och 20-25°C nattetid.</div> <div>Ovanpå en  påslagen dator eller ovanpå ett kylskåp kan vara lämpliga platser under dagen.</div> <div>Kontrollera fröna ett par gånger i veckan och tillför fukt om det ser torrt ut.</div> <div>Dessa frö gror normalt inom 1-3 månader men kan ta längre tid så ge inte upp.</div> <div>När groddar kommer planteras dessa försiktigt över i krukor med fuktig väldränerad jord.</div> <div>Alternativt planteras fröna på tradionellt sätt i krukor med fuktig såjord på 1 cm djup efter att dom fått ligga i blöt ett par dagar.</div> <div>Placera krukorna på varm plats och dra en plastpåse över så att fukten och värmen blir stabil för fröna.</div> <div>Kontrollera att med jämna mellanrum att jorden är fuktig men inte blöt.</div> <div>Man kan också prova att påskynda groddningen genom att försiktigt slipa det hårda skalet med sandpapper innan blötläggning och plantering.</div> <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"> <p><span><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Seeds</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <div><span>carefully remove the blue residue of the fruit</span></div> <div><span>soak for 2 days in tepid water at 25-30 °C (77-86 °F)</span></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>all year round</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>1 cm</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>sow the seeds in 1 pot with soil, cover the pot to minimise evaporation</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>keep at 25-30 °C (77-86 °F)</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Location:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>1 month to 1 year, very erratic</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span>Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span><strong> </strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><br /><span><em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. </em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <script src="//"></script>
PS 3 (3 S)
De resandes träd - Ravenala madagascariensis Frön

Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost

Sabal bermudana Frön

Sabal bermudana Frön

Pris 2,00 € (SKU: PS 4)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2 id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify"><span style="font-size: 14pt;" class=""><strong>Sabal bermudana Frön</strong></span></h2> <h2 class="rte align_justify"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Sabal bermudana är en enhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av Liberty Hyde Bailey. Sabal bermudana ingår i släktet Sabal, och familjen Arecaceae. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad.</p> <p>Artens utbredningsområde är Bermuda. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.</p> <p>Sabal bermudana, commonly known as the Bermuda Palmetto or Bibby-tree, is one of 15 species of palm trees in the genus Sabal and is endemic to Bermuda although reportedly naturalized in the Leeward Islands. It was greatly affected by the introduction of non-native plants such as the Chinese Fan-Palm, which created competition for space that it usually lost.</p> <p><strong>Description</strong></p> <p>Sabal bermudana grows up to 25 m (82 ft) in height, with the occasional old tree growing up to 30 m (98 ft) in height, with a trunk up to 55 cm (22 in) in diameter. It is a fan palm (Arecaceae tribe Corypheae), with the leaves with a bare petiole terminating in a rounded fan of numerous leaflets. Each leaf is 1.5–2 m (4.9–6.6 ft) long, with 45-60 leaflets up to 75 cm (30 in) long. The flowers are yellowish-white, 5 mm (0.20 in) across, produced in large panicles up to 2.5 m (8.2 ft) long, extending out beyond the leaves. The fruit is a deep brown to black drupe about 1 cm (0.39 in) long containing a single seed. It is extremely salt-tolerant and is often seen growing near the Atlantic Ocean coast in Bermuda, and also frost-tolerant, surviving short periods of temperatures as low as -14 °C, although it will never get that cold in Bermuda.</p> <p><strong>Uses</strong></p> <p>Bermudians used to use, for a short period, the leaflets of the palm to weave into hats and export them to the United Kingdom and other countries. Sabal bermudana also had hole drilled into its trunk and sap extracted to make "bibby", a strong alcoholic beverage.</p> <p>During the 17th century, most houses in Bermuda had palmetto-thatched roofs.</p> </div> <script src="//"></script>
PS 4 (3 S)
Sabal bermudana Frön

Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Kanariepalm frön -15C...

Kanariepalm frön -15C...

Pris 2,75 € (SKU: PS 5)
5/ 5
<h2 id="short_description_content"><strong>Kanariepalm </strong><strong style="color: inherit; font-family: inherit;">frön -15C (Phoenix canariensis)</strong><strong><span class="dashicons dashicons-palmtree"></span></strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 10, 50 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Kanariepalm (Phoenix canariensis) är en palm som kommer från Kanarieöarna. Den är lättskött och klarar att stå utomhus i Sverige även vid några minusgrader på natten.</p> <p>Kanariepalmen kan bli upp till 20 meter hög. Den liknar dadelpalmen men kanariepalmens stam är tjockare och den har tätare trädkrona. Bladen kan bli upp till 6 meter långa. Frukterna är små, omkring 2 centimeter i diameter, orangefärgade och ganska hårda och oätliga. Palmen är endemisk på Kanarieöarna, men har planterats som prydnadsväxt även i andra områden med lämpligt klimat.</p><script src="//"></script>
PS 5 (10 S)
Kanariepalm frön -15C (Phoenix canariensis)
Salak - Ormägg Frön

Salak - Ormägg Frön

Pris 7,00 € (SKU: V 60)
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong>Salak - Ormägg Frön (Salacca zalakka)</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><strong style="color: #ff0000;">Pris för Paket med 1 frön.</strong></h3> <div>Salak (Salacca zalakka) är en art i familjen palmer södra Sumatra och sydvästra Java. Den ätliga frukten kallas salak eller ormägg.</div> <div>Salak palm (Salacca edulis or Salacca zalacca) often called Snake Fruit because of the scaly skin on the fruits.   This is a thorny species of palm tree native to Indonesia and Malaysia. It is a very short-stemmed palm making a cluster of short crowns, with leaves up to 5m long; each leaf has a  long petiole with spines one or two inches (2.5 to 5 cm) long, and numerous pinnate (feather like) leaflets.  The pictures show a small 5 liter bucket, not the normal 5 gallon ones.....</div> <div> </div> <div>The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and can be peeled by hand, or my favorite is to beak off the tip and insert the handle side of a spoon that will easily peel the fruit, kind of like a boiled egg.  There are three sections inside, with the color and texture of a peeled garlic but a taste that is unlike what you would expect!   It is mostly a combination apple and pineapple, and often tends to be a bit astringent unless very ripe.   Everybody likes them!  </div> <p><strong>Wikipedia:</strong></p> <p>Salak (Salacca zalacca) is a species of palm tree (family Arecaceae) native to Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia. It is a very short-stemmed palm, with leaves up to 6 metres (20 ft) long; each leaf has a 2-metre long petiole with spines up to 15 centimetres (5.9 in) long, and numerous leaflets. Also it is Selim Celebi.</p> <p>The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin. They are about the size and shape of a ripe fig, with a distinct tip. The pulp is edible. The fruit can be peeled by pinching the tip, which should cause the skin to slough off so it can be pulled away. The fruit inside consists of three lobes with the largest of the three containing a large inedible seed. The lobes resemble, and have the consistency of, large peeled garlic cloves. The taste is usually sweet and acidic, but its apple-like texture can vary from very dry and crumbly (salak pondoh from Yogyakarta) to moist and crunchy (salak Bali).</p> <p><strong><em>Cultivation</em></strong></p> <p>Salak fruit is indigenous to and has been cultivated throughout Indonesia, and there are at least 30 cultivars, most of which have an astringent taste and are sweet. Two popular cultivars are salak pondoh from Yogyakarta province (found in 1980s) and salak Bali from Bali island.</p> <p><strong>Salak pondoh</strong></p> <p>Salak pondoh is an important fruit in Yogyakarta province. In the five years to 1999, the annual production in Yogyakarta doubled to 28,666 tons. Its popularity (compared with other cultivars) among local Indonesian consumers is mainly due to the intensity of its aroma, which can be overripe and sweaty even before full maturation.</p> <p>Salak pondoh has three more superior variations, namely pondoh super, pondoh hitam (black pondoh), and pondoh gading (ivory / yellowish-skinned pondoh).</p> <p><strong>Salak Bali</strong></p> <p>Salak Bali is commonly sold all over the island of Bali, and is a popular fruit with both locals and tourists. The fruit is roughly the size of a large fig, and has a crunchy and moist consistency. The fruit has a starchy 'mouth feel', and a flavour reminiscent of dilute pineapple and lemon juice.</p> <p><strong>Salak gula pasir</strong></p> <p>The most expensive cultivar of the Bali salak is the gula pasir (literally "sand sugar" or "grain sugar", referring to its fine-grainedness), which is smaller than the normal salak and is the sweetest of all salak. The price in Bali is Rp 15,000-30,000 (US$1.50-3.00) per kilogram depending on time of year.</p> <p>Salak gula pasir or also known as Sugar salak which known for its juicy sweetness sometimes fermented into Salak wine which has an alcohol content of 13.5 percent, similar to traditional wine made from grapes.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #ff0000;"><a href=";" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>;</strong></span></a></span></p> <p></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: #0000ff;"><strong>You will get already sprouted seeds, no pre-treatment necessary! Just plant the seeds immediately in Sowing soil.</strong></span></p> </div>
V 60
Salak - Ormägg Frön
Cycas Revoluta, Japansk kottepalm Fröer 1.75 - 1

Cycas Revoluta, Japansk...

Pris 3,75 € (SKU: PS 7)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Cycas Revoluta, Japansk kottepalm Fröer</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Japansk kottepalm (Cycas revoluta) har underbara stora, gröna blad och kan bli ända upp till hundra år gammal. De här palmerna finns över hela världen på bytorg, längs boulevarderna och på terrasser. Växten är inte vinterhärdig men under sommaren kan den placeras i partiell skugga i trädgården eller på altanen om den skyddas från vind. Höjd vid leverans 35-40 cm. Övervintras frostfritt.</p> <p>Japansk kottepalm växer bäst i en stor, djup blomkruka eller terrasskruka. Välj en blomkruka med hål i botten och täck botten med krukskärvor eller ett lager lecakulor. På så sätt kan överflödigt vatten lätt rinna av. Fukta rotklumpen före plantering. Använd färsk krukjord, helst palmjord, och plantera kottepalmens rotklump på rätt djup. Fyll krukan med jord och tryck till. Vattna direkt efter planteringen och placera krukan på en skyddad plats i fullt solsken eller delvis skugga. Japansk kottepalm är sedan redo att dekorera din trädgård, altan eller terrass. Också perfekt som prydnadsväxt inomhus.</p> <script src="//"></script>
PS 7 (3 S)
Cycas Revoluta, Japansk kottepalm Fröer 1.75 - 1

Betelpalm Frön (Areca catechu)  - 3

Betelpalm Frön (Areca catechu)

Pris 4,85 € (SKU: PS 8)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Betelpalm Frön (Areca catechu)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 1 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Betelpalm (Areca catechu) är en växt inom släktet arekapalmer och familjen palmer. Betelpalm är en palm vars frukter används som stimulantia och medicinalväxt som odlas i Ostindien och på Söderhavsöarna för dess betelnötters skull.</p> <p>Vildväxande betelpalmer kan bli 30 meter höga. Nötterna påminner om små kokosnötter och blir cirka 5 centimeter stora. Blommorna är vita och doftande, men dem får man ytterst sällan se hos krukodlade exemplar. Bladen är fjäderformade och kan bli upp till ett par meter långa. Som krukväxt var palmen vanligare för ganska länge sedan, varefter den försvann för att på senare år återkomma.</p> <p>Det vetenskapliga namnet Areca kommer av det sydindiska ordet adekka, som är ett inhemskt växtnamn. Catechu är ett hinduiskt växtnamn.</p> <p>Betelpalm härstammar ursprungligen från Filippinerna.</p> <p><strong>Betel</strong></p> <p>Betel är ett milt stimulerande njutningsmedel som används i Syd- och Sydostasien och Taiwan. Betelpalmens nötter, betelnötter, hackas med kniv, blandas med lite kryddor och släckt kalk. Kalken hjälper till att frigöra de aktiva ämnena. Blandningen viks in i ett löv och tuggas, varvid alkaloiderna i nötternas oljiga saft, främst arekolin, löses ut i saliven, som får en rödaktig färg. Andhämtningen tilltar, och salivutsöndringen ökar. Beteltuggningen ger en relativt mild stimulans och har inom folkmedicinen fått en vidsträckt användning bland annat som uppiggande och sexualstimulerande medel.</p> <p>Fysisk tillvänjning förekommer inte, och tillfällig användning är knappast skadlig för en frisk människa. Ett mer omfattande missbruk har dock rapporterats störa sexualdriften och förorsaka impotens. En ökad risk för munhålecancer har också rapporterats. Får man för mycket betelolja i sig ger arekolinet effekter som påminner om ett kraftigt alkoholrus: trötthet, kräkningar, diarré och skakningar. Munhålan och tänderna får också en mörkröd beläggning.</p> <p><strong>Krukväxt</strong></p> <p>Betelpalm måste stå ljust men trivs inte alls med direkt sol. Den är känslig för torka i alla avseenden, och jorden får aldrig torka ut. Det gäller att vattna så att jorden verkligen är ordentligt genomvattnad och sedan vattna igen innan jorden är torr, bara det översta jordlagret får ha hunnit bli torrt. Likaså trivs den bäst med hög luftfuktighet, vilket gör att man bör duscha den så ofta det är möjligt. Torka orsakar lätt angrepp av spinnkvalster. Från tidig vår till sen höst vattnas plantan med växtnäring varje vecka, men under vintern endast varannan vecka. Bästa temperatur är 18-20 °C, och 16 °C är den absoluta nedre gränsen. Omplantering sker när det behövs, det vill säga när krukan är full av rötter och då lämpligast på våren. Betelpalm förökas med frö, men det är svårt att lyckas med det.</p><script src="//"></script>
PS 8 (1 S)
Betelpalm Frön (Areca catechu)  - 3

Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Europeisk Dvärgpalm Fröer...

Europeisk Dvärgpalm Fröer...

Pris 3,00 € (SKU: PS 9)
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Europeisk Dvärgpalm Fröer (Chamaerops humilis)</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Europeisk dvärgpalm (Chamaerops humilis) är den enda palmen i släktet Chamaerops och kommer ursprungligen från västra Medelhavsområdet. Den har styva solfjädersformade blad från färgerna gröngul till silverblå (Chamaerops humilis 'Cerifera'). Stammen är hårig, som hos Trachycarpus fortunei. I naturen blir den cirka en meter hög, men i odling kan den utveckla flera meter höga stammar. Man ser den oftast som prydnadsväxt vid Medelhavet, men även i Tyskland, Frankrike och Storbritannien kan den ses i trädgårdar och parker. Den är tålig mot torka, frost och snö, men den trivs i väl dränerad jord, som gärna kan ha inslag av kalk och mineraler. Den vill ha jämn fuktighet och näring under sommaren. Den lämpar sig inte för inomhusodling.</p> <p>Bladfibrer från palmen har förr använts som stoppning i möbler under beteckningen krollsplint.</p> <p><strong>De unga bladknopparna är ätbara. Beredda och används som grönsaker.</strong></p> <p><strong>Frukten av dessa träd är ätbara, söta och läckra.</strong></p>
PS 9 (3 S)
Europeisk Dvärgpalm Fröer (Chamaerops humilis)

Oljepalm Frö (Elaeis guineensis)

Oljepalm Frö (Elaeis...

Pris 4,95 € (SKU: PS 10)
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Oljepalm Frö (Elaeis guineensis)</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff2800; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 1 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Oljepalm (Elaeis guineensis) är en art i familjen palmer som har större ekonomisk betydelse. Trädets ursprungliga utbredningsområde ligger i Afrika men den odlas numera även i tropiska delar av Amerika och framförallt i Sydostasien. Palmen blir upp till 30 meter högt och bildar en fruktställning som kan väga upp till 50 kilogram. I fruktställningen finns flera tusen frukter. Från frukten utvinns palmoljan.</p> <p>Frukterna blir snabbt dåliga och måste därför bearbetas direkt efter skörd. Denna behandling går ut på att frukterna behandlas med ånga, så att ett visst enzym förstörs. I anslutning till detta pressas frukterna och kärnorna avskiljs.</p> <p>Elaeis guineensis is a species of palm commonly called African oil palm or macaw-fat. It is the principal source of palm oil. It is native to west and southwest Africa, specifically the area between Angola and the Gambia; the species name guineensis refers to the name for the area, Guinea, and not the modern country which now bears that name. The species is also now naturalised in Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Central America, the West Indies and several islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The closely related American oil palm Elaeis oleifera and a more distantly related palm, Attalea maripa, are also used to produce palm oil.</p> <p>Human use of oil palms may date as far back as 5,000 years in West Africa; in the late 1800s, archaeologists discovered palm oil in a tomb at Abydos dating back to 3,000 BCE. It is thought that Arab traders brought the oil palm to Egypt.</p> <p>The first western person to describe it and bring back seeds was the French naturalist Michel Adanson.</p> <p>Mature palms are single-stemmed and grow to 20 m tall. The leaves are pinnate and reach between 3-5 m long. A young palm produces about 30 leaves a year. Established palms over 10 years produce about 20 leaves a year. The flowers are produced in dense clusters; each individual flower is small, with three sepals and three petals.</p> <p>The palm fruit takes five to six months to mature from pollination to maturity. It is reddish, about the size of a large plum, and grows in large bunches. Each fruit is made up of an oily, fleshy outer layer (the pericarp), with a single seed (the palm kernel), also rich in oil. When ripe, each bunch of fruit weighs between 5–30 kg (11–66 lb) depending on the age of the palm tree.</p> <p><strong>Planting</strong></p> <p>For each hectare of oil palm, which is harvested year-round, the annual production averages 20 tonnes of fruit yielding 4,000 kg of palm oil and 750 kg of seed kernels yielding 500 kg of high quality palm kernel oil, as well as 600 kg of kernel meal. Kernel meal are processed for use as livestock feed.</p> <p>All modern, commercial planting material consists of tenera palms or DxP hybrids, which are obtained by crossing thickshelled dura with shell-less pisifera. Although common commercial germinated seed is as thick-shelled as the dura mother palm, the resulting palm will produce thin-shelled tenera fruit. An alternative to germinated seed, once constraints to mass production are overcome, are tissue-cultured or "clonal" palms, which provide "true copies" of high-yielding DxP palms.</p> <p>An oil palm nursery must have an uninterrupted supply of clean water and topsoil which is both well-structured and sufficiently deep to accommodate three rounds of on-site bag-filling. Approximately 35 ha can grow enough seedlings over a three-year period to plant a 5,000-ha plantation. Prenursery seedlings must be watered daily. Whenever rainfall is less than 10 mm per day, irrigation is required, and the system must be capable of uniformly applying 6.5 mm water per day.</p> <p>Prenursery seedlings in the four-leaf stage of development (10 to 14 weeks after planting) are usually transplanted to the main nursery after their gradual adjustment to full sunlight and a rigid selection process. During culling, seedlings that have grassy, crinkled, twisted, or rolled leaves are discarded.</p> <p>Weeds growing in the polybags must be carefully pulled out. Herbicides should not be used. Numerous insects (ants, armyworms, bagworms, aphids, thrips, mites, grasshoppers, and mealybugs) and vertebrates (rats, squirrels, porcupines, wild boar, and monkeys) are pests in oil palm nurseries and must be carefully identified before control measures are implemented.</p> <p>After eight months in the nursery, normal healthy plants should be 0.8–1 m in height and display five to eight functional leaves.</p> <p>The proper approach to oil palm development begins with the establishment of leguminous cover plants, immediately following land clearing. They help prevent soil erosion and surface run-off, improve soil structure and palm root development, increase the response to mineral fertilizer in later years, and reduce the danger of micronutrient deficiencies. Leguminous cover plants also help prevent outbreaks of Oryctes beetles, which nest in exposed decomposing vegetation. Both phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are needed to maximize the leguminous cover plants' symbiotic nitrogen-fixation potential of approximately 200 kg nitrogen/ha/yr, and are applied to most soils at 115 to 300 kg phosphorus oxide/ha and 35 to 60 kg potassium oxide/ha. Young palms are severely set back where grasses are allowed to dominate the inter-row vegetation, particularly on poor soils where the correction of nutrient deficiencies is difficult and costly.</p> <p><strong>Crop nutrient</strong></p> <p>Nutrient uptake is low during the first year but increases steeply between year one and year three (when harvesting commences) and stabilizes around years five to six. Early applications of fertilizer, better planting material, and more rigid culling have led to a dramatic increase in early yields in the third to sixth years from time of planting. In regions without a significant drop in rainfall, yields of over 25 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches per hectare have been achieved in the second year of harvesting.</p> <p>Nitrogen deficiency is usually associated with conditions of water-logging, heavy weed infestation, and topsoil erosion. Symptoms are a general paling and stiffening of the pinnae, which lose their glossy lustre. Extended deficiency will reduce the number of effective fruit bunches produced, as well as the bunch size.</p> <p>Phosphorus-deficient leaves do not show specific symptoms, but frond length, bunch size, and trunk diameter are all reduced.</p> <p>Potassium deficiency is very common and is the major yield constraint in sandy or peaty soils. The most frequent symptom is "confluent orange spotting". Pale green spots appear on the pinnae of older leaves; as the deficiency intensifies, the spots turn orange or reddish-orange and desiccation sets in, starting from the tips and outer margins of the pinnae. Other symptoms are "orange blotch" and "midcrown yellowing". In soils having a low water-holding capacity (sands and peats), potassium deficiency can lead to a rapid, premature desiccation of fronds.</p> <p>Copper deficiency is common on deep peat soils and occurs also on very sandy soils. It appears initially as whitish-yellow mottling of younger fronds. As the deficiency intensifies, yellow, mottled, interveinal stripes appear, and rusty, brown spots develop on the distal ends of leaflets. Affected fronds and leaflets are stunted and leaflets dry up. On sandy soils, palms recover rapidly after a basal application of 50 grams of copper sulphate. On peat soils, lasting correction of copper deficiency is difficult, as applied copper sulphate is rendered unavailable. A promising method of correcting copper deficiency on peat soil is to mix copper sulphate with clay soil and to form tennis-ball sized "copper mudballs" that are placed around the palm to provide a slow-release source of available copper.</p> <p>Healthy, well selected seedlings are necessary for early and sustained high yield. In most cases, granular multinutrient compound fertilizers are the preferred nutrient source for seedlings in the nursery. Where subsoil is used to fill the polybags, extra dressings of Kieserite may be required (10-15 g every six to eight weeks). Where compound fertilizers are not available, equivalent quantities of straight materials should be used.</p> <p>To maintain good fertilizer response and high yields in older palms, selective thinning is often necessary.</p> <p><strong>Cross-breeding</strong></p> <p>Unlike other relatives, oil palms do not produce offshoots; propagation is by sowing the seeds.</p> <p>Several varieties and forms of Elaeis guineensis have been selected that have different characteristics. These include:</p> <p>E. guineensis fo. dura</p> <p>E. guineensis var. pisifera</p> <p>E, guineensis fo. tenera</p> <p>Before the Second World War, selection work had started in the Deli dura population in Malaya. Pollen was imported from Africa, and DxT and DxP crosses were made. Segregation of fruit forms in crosses made in the 1950s was often incorrect. In the absence of a good marker gene, there was no way of knowing whether control of pollination was adequate.</p> <p>After the work of Beirnaert and Vanderweyen (1941), it became feasible to monitor the efficacy of controlled pollination. From 1963 until the introduction of the palm-pollinating weevil Elaeidobius kamerunicus in 1982, contamination in Malaysia's commercial plantings was generally low. Thrips, the main pollinating agent at that time, apparently rarely gained access to bagged female inflorescences. However, E. kamerunicus is much more persistent, and after it was introduced, Deli dura contamination became a significant problem. This problem apparently persisted for much of the 1980s, but in a 1991 comparison of seed sources, contamination had been reduced to below 2%, indicating control had been restored.</p> <p>A 1992 study at a trial plot in Banting, Selangor, revealed the "yield of Deli dura oil palms after four generations of selection was 60% greater than that of the unselected base population. Crossing the dura and pisifera to give the thin-shelled tenera fruit type improved partitioning of dry matter within the fruit, giving a 30% increase in oil yield at the expense of shell, without changing total dry matter production."</p> <p>In 2013, the gene responsible for controlling shell thickness was discovered, making it possible to verify tenera (DxP) status while palms are still in the nursery.</p> <p><strong>Disease</strong></p> <p>Basal stem rot (BSR), caused by the fungus Ganoderma, is the most serious disease of oil palm in Malaysia and Indonesia. Previously, research on basal stem rot was hampered by the failure to artificially infect oil palms with the fungus. Although Ganoderma had been associated with BSR, proof of its pathogenicity to satisfy Koch's postulate was only achieved in the early 1990s by inoculating oil palm seedling roots or by using rubber wood blocks. A reliable and quick technique was developed for testing the pathogenicity of the fungus by inoculating oil palm germinated seeds.</p> <p>This fatal disease can lead to losses as much as 80% after repeated planting cycles. Ganoderma produces enzymes that degrade the infected xylem, thus causing serious problems to the distribution of water and other nutrients to the top of the palm. Ganoderma infection is well defined by its lesion in the stem. The cross-section of infected palm stem shows that the lesion appears as a light brown area of rotting tissue with a distinctive, irregularly shaped, darker band at the borders of this area. The infected tissue become as an ashen-grey powdery and if the palm remains standing, the infected trunk rapidly become hollow.</p> <p>In a 2007 study in Portugal, scientists suggested control of the fungus on oil palms would benefit from further consideration of the process as one of white rot. Ganoderma is an extraordinary organism capable exclusively of degrading lignin to carbon dioxide and water; celluloses are then available as nutrients for the fungus. It is necessary to consider this mode of attack as a white rot involving lignin biodegradation, for integrated control. The existing literature does not report this area and appears to be concerned particularly with the mode of spread and molecular biology of Ganoderma. The white rot perception opens up new fields in breeding/selecting for resistant cultivars of oil palms with high lignin content, ensuring the conditions for lignin decomposition are reduced, and simply sealing damaged oil palms to stop decay. The spread likely is by spores rather than roots. The knowledge gained can be employed in the rapid degradation of oil palm waste on the plantation floor by inoculating suitable fungi, and/or treating the waste more appropriately (e.g. chipping and spreading over the floor rather than windrowing).</p> <p>Endophytic bacteria are organisms inhabiting plant organs that at some time in their life cycles can colonize the internal plant tissues without causing apparent harm to the host.  Introducing endophytic bacteria to the roots to control plant disease is to manipulate the indigenous bacterial communities of the roots in a manner, which leads to enhanced suppression of soil-borne pathogens. The use of endophytic bacteria should thus be preferred to other biological control agents, as they are internal colonizers, with better ability to compete within the vascular systems, limiting Ganoderma for both nutrients and space during its proliferation. Two bacterial isolates, Burkholderia cepacia(B3) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa(P3) were selected for evaluation in the glasshouse for their efficacy in enhancing growth and subsequent suppression of the spread of BSR in oil palm seedlings.</p> <p>Little leaf syndrome has not been fully explained, but has often been confused with boron deficiency. The growing point is damaged, sometimes by Oryctes beetles. Small, distorted leaves resembling a boron deficiency emerge. This is often followed by secondary pathogenic infections in the spear that can lead to spear rot and palm death.</p> <p><strong>History</strong></p> <p>Elaeis guineensis originated in Guinea, Africa and was first illustrated by Nicholaas Jacquin in 1763.</p> <p>Oil palms were introduced to Java by the Dutch in 1848, and to Malaysia (then the British colony of Malaya) in 1910 by Scotsman William Sime and English banker Henry Darby. The species of palm tree Elaeis guineensis was taken to Malaysia from Eastern Nigeria in 1961. As noted it originally grew in West Africa. The southern coast of Nigeria was originally called the Palm oil coast by the first Europeans who arrived there and traded in the commodity. This area was later renamed the Bight of Biafra.</p> <p>In traditional African medicine different parts of the plant are used as laxative and diuretic, as a poison antidote, as a cure for gonorrhea, menorrhagia, and bronchitis, to treat headaches and rheumatism, to promote healing of fresh wounds and treat skin infections.</p> <p><strong>Malaysia</strong></p> <p>In Malaysia, the first plantations were mostly established and operated by British plantation owners, such as Sime Darby and Boustead, and remained listed in London until the Malaysian government engineered their "Malaysianisation" throughout the 1960s and 1970s.</p> <p>Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) is the world's biggest oil palm planter, with planted area close to 900,000 hectares in Malaysia and Indonesia. Felda was formed on July 1, 1956 when the Land Development Act came into force with the main aim of eradicating poverty. Settlers were each allocated 10 acres of land (about 4 hectares) planted either with oil palm or rubber, and given 20 years to pay off the debt for the land.</p> <p>After Malaysia achieved independence in 1957, the government focused on value-added of rubber planting, boosting exports, and alleviating poverty through land schemes. In the 1960s and 1970s, the government encouraged planting of other crops, to cushion the economy when world prices of tin and rubber plunged. Rubber estates gave way to oil palm plantations. In 1961, Felda's first oil palm settlement opened, with 3.75 km² of land. As of 2000, 6855.2 km² (approximately 76%) of the land under Felda's programmes were devoted to oil palms. By 2008, Felda's resettlement broadened to 112,635 families, who work on 8533.13 km² of agriculture land throughout Malaysia. Oil palm planting took up 84% of Felda's plantation landbank.</p> <p>FELDA's success led to the establishment of other development schemes to support the establishment of small-farmer oil palm cultivation. The Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (FELCRA) was established in 1966  and the Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (SALCRA) was formed in 1976.  The primary objective of these organizations is to assist in the development of rural communities and reduce poverty through the cultivation of high yielding crops such as palm oil.</p> <p>As of November 2011, SALCRA had developed 18 estates totalling approximately 51,000 hectares. That year the organization shared dividends with 16,374 landowners participating in the program.</p> <p><strong>Palm oil production</strong></p> <p>Oil is extracted from both the pulp of the fruit (palm oil, an edible oil) and the kernel (palm kernel oil, used in foods and for soap manufacture). For every 100 kg of fruit bunches, typically 22 kg of palm oil and 1.6 kg of palm kernel oil can be extracted.</p> <p>The high oil yield of oil palms (as high as 7,250 liters per hectare per year) has made it a common cooking ingredient in Southeast Asia and the tropical belt of Africa. Its increasing use in the commercial food industry in other parts of the world is buoyed by its cheaper pricing, the high oxidative stability of the refined product, and high levels of natural antioxidants.</p> <p>The oil palm originated in West Africa, but has since been planted successfully in tropical regions within 20 degrees of the equator. In the Republic of the Congo, or Congo Brazzaville, precisely in the Northern part, not far from Ouesso, local people produce this oil by hand. They harvest the fruit, boil it to let the water evaporate, then press what is left to collect the reddish-orange-colored oil.</p> <p>In 1995, Malaysia was the world's largest producer, with a 51% of world share, but since 2007, Indonesia has been the world's largest producer, supplying approximately 50% of world palm oil volume.</p> <p>Worldwide palm oil production for season 2011/2012 was 50.3 million metric tons, increasing to 52.3 million tons for 2012/13. In 2010/2011, total production of palm kernels was 12.6 million tonnes.</p> <p>The Urhobo people of Nigeria use the extract to make Amiedi soup.</p>
PS 10 (1 S)
Oljepalm Frö (Elaeis guineensis)
Rottingpalmsläktet - Rotting Fröer (Calamus manan)

Rottingpalmsläktet -...

Pris 4,50 € (SKU: PS 11)
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<h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;" data-mce-style="font-size: 14pt;" class="n1ed--selected"><strong>Rottingpalmsläktet - Rotting Fröer (Calamus manan)</strong></span></h2><h2><span style="color: #f40707; font-size: 14pt;" data-mce-style="color: #f40707; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2><p><span>Rotting is a natural material used in the manufacture of basket furniture. Rotting is produced by the wavy stem from some palmarts in the Lepidocaryodidaea family. Mainly Calamus. Some rattan palms can be close to two hundred meters long.</span></p><p><span>Rotting is also well-known for its use as a punishment method, especially in schools, where the rotting in question refers to a stick or length of hard braided rattan used to prune the students.</span></p><p><span>Calamus manan is a robust, single stemmed, high-climbing, dioecious rattan. Plants produce a strong durable cane up to 8 cm in diameter, with internodes to 40 cm in length, and with stems eventually reaching to over 100 m. Growth rates of over 7 m a year have been inferred from observation of plants in Sabah (Dransfield and Tan, pers. obs. 1989), but more usually 1-3 m or more a year. Leaves cirrate to 8 m long including the cirrus to 3 m long. Petiole short, leaflets irregular in juvenile leaves and regular in mature leaves, to 45 on each side of rachis, lanceolate. Inflorescences massive, the male much more finely branched than the female, 70 cm long. Ripe fruit rounded to ovoid, to 2.8 cm long by 2.0 cm wide and covered with 15 vertical rows of yellowish scales with blackish-brown margins. Seed ovoid, to 1.8 cm by 1.2 cm, with finely pitted surface.</span></p><p><span>Solitary massive high climbing rattan, reaching eventually lengths of over 100 m. Stem without sheaths to 8 cm in diameter, sometimes quite slender (2.5 cm) at the very base, with sheaths to 11 cm in diameter; internodes to 40 cm long. Sheaths dull grey green densely armed with black laminate hairy edged triangular spines arranged in lateral groups or scattered, the largest to J cm long by 1 cm wide at the base, and with numerous much smaller spines to 5 mm long between; spines horizontal or slightly reflexed; thin white wax abundant between spines. Knee conspicuous armed as leaf sheath. Ocrea ill-defined. Leaf cirrate very massive to 8 m long including the cirrus to 3 m long; petiole short, to 12 cm long by 5 cm wide in mature plants, much longer in juveniles armed densely as is the rachis with short triangular spines both on the upper surface and beneath, with scattered grey in dumentum between. Leaflets irregular in juvenile leaves, regular in mature leaves, limply pendulous and versatile, to 45 on each side, pale grey-green, the largest to 60 cm long by 6 cm wide bristly near the tips. Inflorescences massive, the male much more finely branched than the female, to 2.5 m long with up to 9 partial inflorescences on each side to 70 cm long; all bracts rather densely armed with triangular spines to 3 mm high and red-brown in dumentum. Rachillae to 15 cm long. Ripe fruit rounded to ovoid, to 2.8 cm long by 2.0 cm wide shortly beaked, and covered in 15 vertical rows of yellowish scales with blackish brown margins. Seed ovoid, to 1.8 cm long by 1.2 cm wide, with finely pitted surface; endosperm densely and deeply ruminate. Seedling leaf with 2 divergent leaflets cucullate with a waxy blue-grey bloom on a pale dull green surface. (J. Dransfield, A Manual of the rattans of the Malay Peninsula. Malayan Forest Records 29.. 1979)/Palmweb. Editing by edric.</span></p><p><span>"Rotan manau" is widespread, but usually confined to steep slopes in hill Dipterocarp forest. It is rather rarely found in lowland Dipterocarp forest, and there, nearly always on steep slopes. It has an altitudinal range of about 50-1000 m and is at present most abundant between 600 and 1000 m altitude. It is likely however that it was formerly much more widespread, with its range being limited now by over exploitation. Seedlings are very characteristic and often abundant in hill forest. Calamus manan is variable in size and coloration. Beccari originally separated Malayan material as a separate species (C. giganteus) but I consider this to be conspecific with C. manan. Novices sometimes confuse "rotan manau" with "rotan dok" which is also very large and often grows with it. However, "rotan dok" is immediately distinguished because it has a flagellum and no cirrus whereas "rotan manau" has a cirrus but no flagellum. Calamus tumidus is very close to C. manan but can be separated on its smaller size, different leaf sheath armature and the very large bulbous, swollen knee. (J. Dransfield, A Manual of the rattans of the Malay Peninsula. </span>Malayan Forest Records 29.. 1979)/Palmweb.</p>
PS 11 (3 S)
Rottingpalmsläktet - Rotting Fröer (Calamus manan)

Frön Ruffled Fan Palm (Licuala grandis) 3.8 - 1

Frön Ruffled Fan Palm...

Pris 4,80 € (SKU: PS 12)
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h3><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Frön Ruffled Fan Palm (Licuala grandis)</strong></span></h3> <h3><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong><span style="color: #ef0f0f;">Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</span></strong></span></h3> <p><span style="color: #000000;"></span>Ruffled fan palm is perhaps one of the most interesting and elegant of all small palms. Its glossy, pleated, fan-like fronds are fantastic as are its drooping cluster of red fruits that mature late in the season. This evergreen, frost-tender palm is native to the wet, humid rainforests of the Republic of Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands east of Australia. It's a small understory palm that’s ideal for small, tropical landscapes as well as interiorscapes.</p> <p>Atop the thin, fiber covered trunk of this palm is a crown of twelve to twenty beautiful leaves. Each glossy, deep green frond is wedge-shaped and looks as if it’s been pleated. The frond stems (petioles) are long and have sharp, curved teeth at the base. Most are held upright but the oldest arch gracefully. In early or midsummer, a cluster of yellowish white blossoms appear. These develop into small, round, red fruits by autumn.</p> <p>Grow ruffled fan palm in partial shade or dappled sun when small and young. Older specimens will tolerate more sun if humidity is high and summer temperatures not too scorching. Although there are Licuala grandis known to have survived temperatures of -1.5° C. it is advisable to plant this palm in regions only where temperatures do not fall below 3 degrees C. For good health plant in a fast-draining soil that’s fertile and evenly moist. Sandy soil amended with lots of humus is ideal. For dramatic landscape effect, cluster ruffled fan palm beneath a tall shade tree or shaded building foundation. Indoors it will become a nice container specimen as long as it receives very bright light, warmth and its soil never becomes dry. This palm responds favorably to frequent, light fertilization.</p> <p>Solitary trunk of up to 3 m in height and 5-6 cm in diam., Leaf circular, undivided and regularly pleated leaf; about 22 inch or more in diameter with a notched edge, with the old dry leaves persisting. </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-default" rel="noreferrer noopener">RUFFLED  FAN PALM  (LICUALA  GRANDIS)</a></p> <p><strong>Scientific name:</strong> Licuala grandis</p> <p><strong>Common names</strong>: The Ruffled Fan Palm is also known Vanuatu Fan Palm, Palas Palm, and Ruffled Lantan Palm.</p> <p><strong>Family:</strong> Arecaceae</p> <p><strong>Origin:</strong> It is native to the Vanuatu Islands, off the coast of Australia.</p> <p><strong>Appearance:</strong> It has a single slender trunk, 4-5 inches in diameter that takes years to develop. The Ruffled Fan Palm is known for its unique palmate, or fan-shape leaves, with attractive splitting patterns that make it stand out in any environment. Leaves are circular, luscious green, glossy, ruffled, hence the name Ruffled Fan Palm, about 22 inches in diameter, with notched tips.</p> <p><strong>Flowers/Fruits:</strong> The inflorescence emerges from among the leaves bearing bisexual flowers, male and female reproductive organs grow on the same flower. Ruffled Fan Palm produces marble-like green fruit that turns red when ripe. This berry looking fruit is round with a single seed inside.</p> <p><strong>Growth Rate:</strong> Slow. Licuala grandis is a very attractive, slow growing palm that can get up to 5-10ft tall, but usually doesn’t get higher than 6ft with a spread of 5-10ft wide.</p> <p><strong>Outdoor/Indoor Use:</strong> Both.</p> <p><strong>Cold Tolerance:</strong> It can tolerate cold down to 30F when mature enough. It is great for growing in USDA Zones 10a (30 to 35 F) to 11 (above 40 F).</p> <p><strong>Light Req:</strong> Partial shade. It grows best in partial shade and should not be exposed to full sun.</p> <p><strong>Water Req:</strong> High. It needs a lot of water with good drainage</p> <p><strong>Maintenance:</strong> Easy. Make sure to protect it from high winds to avoid frond damage. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during growing season.</p> <p><strong>Propagation:</strong> Propagated by seed. It might take as long as 12 months for seeds to sprout.</p>
PS 12 (3 S)
Frön Ruffled Fan Palm (Licuala grandis) 3.8 - 1
Balbisbanan Fröer (Musa balbisiana)  - 6

Balbisbanan Fröer (Musa...

Pris 3,25 € (SKU: V 88 MB)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Balbisbanan Fröer (Musa balbisiana)</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="font-size: 14pt; color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Musa balbisiana är en vild typ av bananer som är infödd i östra Sydasien, norra Sydostasien och södra Kina. Det är en av förfäderna till moderna odlade bananer, tillsammans med Musa acuminata. Den beskrevs först vetenskapligt 1820 av den italienska botanisten Luigi Aloysius Colla. Det växer frodiga löv i klumpar med en mer uppriktig vana än de flesta odlade bananer. Blommor växer i blomställningar färgade röda till rödbruna. Frukten är mellan blå och grön. De anses vara oätliga på grund av de frön de innehåller. Det kan antas att vilda bananer var tillagade och ätit eller jordbrukare skulle inte ha utvecklat den odlade banan. Seeded Musa balbisiana frukt kallas butuhan ('med frön') i Filippinerna, och Kluai Tani (Thailand) i Thailand. Naturliga parthenokarpiska kloner förekommer genom polyploidi och producerar ätbara bananer, varav exempel är vilda saba bananer.</p> </body> </html>
V 88 MB
Balbisbanan Fröer (Musa balbisiana)  - 6
Guldbanan Frön (Musella lasiocarpa) 3.95 - 12

Guldbanan Frön (Musella...

Pris 3,95 € (SKU: V 88 ML)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Guldbanan Frön (Musella lasiocarpa)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Guldbanan (Musella lasiocarpa) är en art i familjen bananväxter. Arten är den enda i släktet och den förekommer i södra Kina, Burma och Vietnam. Den är utrotad som vild planta i Kina. Guldbanan kan odlas som trädgårdsväxt i södra Sverige, men kräver vintertäckning. Ibland kallas växten guldlotus på svenska.</p> <p>Guldbanan är en flerårig ört med upprätt jordstam. Bladskaften bildar en så kallad falsk stam som kan bli upp till 15 cm i diameter vid basen och upp till 60 cm hög. Bladen är blådaggiga, smalt elliptiska, upp till 50 cm långa och 20 cm vida med rundad bas och vass spets. Blomställningen är toppställd eller kommer fram vid basen av de falska stammarna. Den är upprätt och konisk, med gula högblad. Intill varje högblad sitter 8-10 blommor. Frukten är ett bär som blir 3 cm långt och 2,5 cm i diameter. Fröna är bruna till svartbruna, stora.</p> <p>Guldbanan skiljs från arterna i banansläktet genom sin upprätta blomställning vars högblad och blomrester sitter kvar efter blomningen. Hos banansläktet är blomställningen ofta hängande och högblad och blomrester ramlar vanligen av tidigt.</p> <p><iframe width="640" height="385" src=";hd=1" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item"> </iframe></p>
V 88 ML (3 S)
Guldbanan Frön (Musella lasiocarpa) 3.95 - 12
Darjeelingbanan Frön RED TIGER 2.25 - 3

Darjeelingbanan Frön RED TIGER

Pris 2,25 € (SKU: V 150 RT)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Darjeelingbanan Frön RED TIGER (Musa sikkimensis)<strong></strong></span></em></strong></h2> <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h3> <p>Musa sikkimensis är en enhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av Kurz. Musa sikkimensis ingår i släktet bananer, och familjen bananväxter. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.</p> <p> </p> <p>Bananas are enjoying a resurgence in popularity, justifiably so as they are easy to grow and few plants can rival their impact on any garden! Very few species are fully hardy, but once mature they can be planted out and wrapped up in sacking for winter. Some species are smaller in habit and make ideal houseplants. Musa sikkimensis is a fairly recent introduction to the UK. This striking Banana originates from Eastern India and is proving a pretty hardy species. A vigorous grower, it produces huge, tough green leaves with an attractive maroon midrib and strong, random streaks of maroon across the leaves. Mature plants (5 years +) bear long lasting yellow flowers. Although frost will not damage the roots, the leaves should be wrapped in fleece or sacking for the winter. Alternatively can be grown in a large container and moved to a frost free place over winter. All in all, an excellent addition to the subtropical border or achitectural planting scheme. Half Hardy Perennial (to 0C - wrap up in winter) Height: 3-4m Position: Sun or semi-shade preferably out of strong winds.</p> </div> </body> </html>
V 150 RT
Darjeelingbanan Frön RED TIGER 2.25 - 3