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Mexikansk Tagetes Fröer (Tagetes minuta)

Mexikansk Tagetes Fröer...

Pris 2,05 € (SKU: MHS 79)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Mexikansk Tagetes Fröer (Tagetes minuta)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 10 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Mycket uppmärksammad biologisk bekämpningsväxt. Motverkar angrepp av nematoder (trådmask) i jorden samt de flesta skadeinsekter. Nedgrävd bladmassa motverkar svåra ogrässorter. Modern forskning visar att växtens egenskaper kan användas mot virussjukdomar. Bladen används traditionellt som krydda i soppor, kötträtter m.m. Lättodlad. Tätt, yvigt växtsätt.</p> <h3><strong>Odling:</strong></h3> <p>Förkultiveras inomhus i såjord. Håll sådden vid 20-25 grader, ljust och svalt efter groning. Utplanteras efter avhärdning när frostrisken är över.</p> <p>Nematocidal Marigold, Mexican Marigold, Huacatay. Annual.&nbsp; 105 to 120 days to maturity.&nbsp; This is the tallest of marigolds I have grown, reaching as high as 10 feet, and also has the smallest flowers. The herb is an important medicinal, used in Mexico as a tea of the dried leaves and flowers for treating the common cold. It contains thiophenes which have proven antiviral effect. Probably also an important herb for treating influenza. The dried leaves are alse used as an aromatic and harmless tea, and as a culinary spice. The herb also attracts myriads of beneficial insects, although it does take 105 to 120 days to reach maturity. The roots of this plant secrete thiophenes into the soil, compounds that repel pathogenic nematodes--it is very effective and very famous for doing this. A great companion plant for most vegetables, Marigold is not a good companion plant for legumes.&nbsp; Main source of essential oil of tagates, used extensively in the perfume industry.&nbsp; Mexican marigold prefers regular garden soil and a full sun exposure, little water.</p> <h2>WIKIPEDIA:</h2> <p>Tagetes minuta has numerous local names that vary by region, most commonly found in the literature as, chinchilla, chiquilla, chilca, zuico, suico, or the Spanish term anisillo. &nbsp;Other names include muster John Henry, southern marigold, stinking roger wild marigold, or black mint, is a tall upright marigold plant from the genus Tagetes, with small flowers, native to the southern half of South America. Since Spanish colonization, it has been introduced around the world, and has become naturalized in Europe, Asia, Australasia, North America, and Africa.</p> <p>It is used as a culinary herb in Peru, Ecuador, and parts of Chile and Bolivia. It is called by the Quechua terms wakatay in Peru[7] or wakataya in Bolivia.[8] It is commonly sold in Latin grocery stores in a bottled, paste format as black mint paste.</p> <h3><strong>Uses</strong></h3> <p>The New World peoples have been using Tagetes minuta as a flavorful beverage, a medicinal tea, and a condiment since pre-contact times.</p> <p>The leaves when dried may be used as a seasoning.</p> <p>Wakatay paste is used to make the popular Peruvian potato dish called ocopa''.</p> <p>For some time people have used it as a flavorful herbal tea for medical benefits such as a remedy for the colds, respiratory inflammations, or stomach problems.</p> <p>It can be used to produce an organic dye (known as Tamidye or TAMI dye) which was developed at Moi University in Kenya under the direction of R. K. Mibey.</p> <p>Plants are harvested and "marigold oil" extracted for use in the perfume, tobacco, and soft drink industry.</p> <p><strong>Toxicity</strong></p> <p>The oils contained in the oil glands that are found throughout the above ground portions of the plant may cause irritation to the skin and in some cases are said to cause photodermatitis.</p><script src="//"></script>
MHS 79
Mexikansk Tagetes Fröer (Tagetes minuta)

Medicinsk eller kryddväxt
Röd solhatt Frön (Echinacea...

Röd solhatt Frön (Echinacea...

Pris 1,15 € (SKU: MHS 75)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Röd solhatt Frön (Echinacea purpurea)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för ett paket med 20 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><b>Röd solhatt</b><span>&nbsp;</span>(<i>Echinacea purpurea</i>)<sup id="cite_ref-COL_1-0" class="reference"></sup><sup id="cite_ref-SKUD_2-0" class="reference"></sup>, är en<span>&nbsp;</span>art<span>&nbsp;</span>i familjen<span>&nbsp;</span>korgblommiga växter. Den växer naturligt i sydöstra<span>&nbsp;</span>Kanada<span>&nbsp;</span>och östra<span>&nbsp;</span>USA. Arten är vanlig som prydnadsväxt i svenska trädgårdar.</p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Beskrivning">Beskrivning</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">Röd rudbeckia är en flerårig<span>&nbsp;</span>ört<span>&nbsp;</span>med fibrösa rötter. Plantan blir 50–120 cm hög och är oftast helt hårig, men ibland kal. Stjälkarna är oftast brunaktigt gröna. De basala bladen har 3–5 nerver, de är äggrunda till smalt lansettlika och blir 5–30 cm långa, samt 5–12 cm breda. Bladbasen är vanligen rundad eller hjärtlik och bladkanen sågad till tandad, mer sällan helbräddad. Kantblommorna är rosa till purpur, utstående eller något böjda, 3–8 cm långa. Diskblommorna är grönaktiga till rosa eller purpur i den annars orangeröda disken.</p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span id="Medicinsk_anv.C3.A4ndning"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Medicinsk_användning">Medicinsk användning</span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">Extrakt<span>&nbsp;</span>från blomman används som verksam ingrediens i många naturläkemedel mot förkylning och har även sin motsvarighet i läkekonsten hos den ursprungliga amerikanska befolkningen. Den medicinska effekten är dock omstridd. En del studier visar på effekt<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference"><span class="cite-reference-link-bracket">[</span>3<span class="cite-reference-link-bracket">]</span></sup>, medan andra visar att extraktet troligen saknar medicinsk effekt.</p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Synonymer">Synonymer</span></h2> <p>Röd solhatt kallas även röd rudbeckia på svenska.</p> <p>Vetenskapliga synonymer är:</p> <dl> <dd><i>Brauneria purpurea</i><span>&nbsp;</span>(Linné)<span>&nbsp;</span>Britton</dd> <dd><i>Echinacea intermedia</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Lindl.<span>&nbsp;</span>ex<span>&nbsp;</span>Paxton</dd> <dd><i>Echinacea purpurea</i><span>&nbsp;</span>(Linné)<span>&nbsp;</span>Moench</dd> <dd><i>Echinacea purpurea</i><span>&nbsp;</span>var.<span>&nbsp;</span><i>serotina</i><span>&nbsp;</span>(Sweet)<span>&nbsp;</span>L.H.Bailey</dd> <dd><i>Echinacea serotina</i><span>&nbsp;</span>(Sweet)<span>&nbsp;</span>D.Don<span>&nbsp;</span>ex<span>&nbsp;</span>G.Don</dd> <dd><i>Echinacea serotina</i><span>&nbsp;</span>de Candolle</dd> <dd><i>Echinacea speciosa</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Paxton</dd> <dd><i>Rudbeckia hispida</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Hoffmanns.</dd> <dd><i>Rudbeckia intermedia</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Lindley<span>&nbsp;</span>ex<span>&nbsp;</span>Paxton</dd> <dd><i>Rudbeckia purpurea</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Linné</dd> <dd><i>Rudbeckia purpurea</i><span>&nbsp;</span>var.<span>&nbsp;</span><i>serotina</i><span>&nbsp;</span>(Sweet)<span>&nbsp;</span>Nuttall</dd> <dd><i>Rudbeckia serotina</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Sweet</dd> <dd><i>Rudbeckia speciosa</i><span>&nbsp;</span>Link<span>&nbsp;</span>nom. inval.</dd> </dl> <br> <script src="//"></script>
MHS 75 (0.1 g)
Röd solhatt Frön (Echinacea purpurea)

Medicinsk eller kryddväxt
Djävuls Apple Frukt av Sodom Fröer (Solanum Linnaeanum) 1.45 - 1

Djävuls Apple Frukt av...

Pris 1,95 € (SKU: F 70)
5/ 5
<h2 class="rte align_justify"><span style="font-size: 14pt;" class=""><strong>Djävuls Apple Frukt av Sodom Fröer (Solanum Linnaeanum)</strong></span></h2> <h2 class="rte align_justify"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Pris för Paket med 10 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>It used to be called Solanum astrophorum, Solanum hermannii, Solanum mccannii, Solanum sodomeum, Solanum sodomeum var. hermannii, Solanum sodomeum var. mediterraneum, Solanum undatum, Solanum hermanii, apple of sodom, Afgan thistle, bitter apple, black-spined nightshade, poison apple and most commonly devil's apple or poison eggplant, with the accepted scientific name being Solanum Linnaeanum these days.</p> <p>It is of African and Mediterranean origin, but was introduced to Australia very early on with it being first collected and catalogued in Australia in the early 1880's.</p> <p>It is a poisonous plant that is not eaten by anything as far as I can tell, except for the odd grasshopper which seems to become poisoned or drugged, sitting still in a stupor after a while. Handy in the greenhouse.</p> <p>It is a spiky plant covered in straight needles which I find really cool. I love all the spiky Solanum, the same way some folks like Cacti I guess?</p> <p>In Southern Africa it has a long history of traditional use for skin conditions, toothache, cold and fever. Apparently the roots are carried as a talisman, for protection against poisoning.</p> <p>It has long been used by pastoralists for skin disorders on stock. Mashed and bound to the area needing treatment, or sliced and rubbed on regularly, its effectiveness where nothing else works is legendary.</p> <p>Many folks swear by it, and there is a very popular "Devil's Apples Lotion" or "Poison Eggplant cream" made by blending the ripe fruit in olive oil then applying topically to the effected area.</p> <p>I showed serious promise as a skin cancer treatment and in animal trials it was shown to be very effective IN SOME CASES. Solamargine and solasonine are still being investigated as cancer treatment options in several places around the world. (There is a company in Vanuatu that currently sells a product under the name Curaderm BEC5, which is said to be effective, but it has not been approved for medical use by any regulatory agency.)</p> <p>The big thing to remember in other cases it was just FATAL...</p> <p>This is the reason the trials were discontinued, it wasn't because it didn't work, it's just that it killed and maimed a heap more critters than the cancer would have statistically. Therefore it was not a safe or effective treatment in the majority of cases.</p> <p>Like using a molotov cocktail to light your BBQ. Sure, sometimes it works great!</p> <p>It just unfortunate that you more often than not end up losing your eyebrows, blowing up your sausages, and setting fire to the neighbours clothesline...</p> <p>The Pharmacutical company most often quoted in regards to the effectiveness of this plant on cancer, Solbec, has since given up due to the variability in results and in 2004 they were fined for misleading shareholders and the public about their drugs effectiveness.</p> <p>Solbec told the ASX, among other things, that Coramsine™ brought about total remission of malignant mesothelioma in mice when combined with immunotherapy. Following that announcement, the share price of Solbec increased by some 92 per cent.</p> <p>Solbec later told the ASX that the study had tested Coramsine™ on five mice of which only two had gone into remission of malignant mesothelioma. Solbec elected to comply with the notice. As provided under section 1317DAJ(3)(b) of the Act, compliance with the notice is not an admission of guilt or liability, and Solbec is not regarded as having contravened section 674(2) of the Act.</p> <p>It is still under investigation for its effects on skin cancer, but it is a poison, and I do not recommend or encourage or advise use, application or ingestion in anyway..</p> <p>Folks don't do DIY chemotherapy, same theory.</p> <p>It may kill you, or mangle you, just like it did to the mice.</p> <p>In normal situations as a houseplant or a weed poisoning is generally not a problem because the plant is rarely eaten, it is spiky and bitter, full of hard seeds and no really fruity flesh to it.</p> <p>As a weed it is easy to control as it rarely survives cultivation and its growth is quite slow for a Solanum species. The seeds can sit dormant in the soil for ages, but it is only in pastures this becomes a problem, and that is due to the cattle and sheep eating everything except the Devil's apple. Sensible grazing and occasional hand pulling is an effective control method.</p> <p>Grasses will outcompete it, if given the chance, and they will block the light to dormant seeds meaning they never get the chance to germinate.</p> <p>I grow this plant as an ornamental, and I sell the seeds only so you can do the same.</p> <p>If your plans are to use this plant or its seeds for anything other than ornamental reasons, I humbly request you please bugger off now. Get it elsewhere, I don't need or want the drama your death or maiming could create.</p> <p>It is a beautiful plant, and in my opinion that is plenty of reason to grow it.</p> <p>Like a bushy little rose, but big purple flowers and bright yellow fruits.</p> <p>Does great in pots, germination takes about 6weeks normally, but it can be erratic. GA3 can often speed things up. Being a weed species it is not permitted to most places so pay attention to the big red text folks.</p> <script src="//"></script>
F 70 (10 S)
Djävuls Apple Frukt av Sodom Fröer (Solanum Linnaeanum) 1.45 - 1

Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost
Perfekta passionsfruktsfrön...

Perfekta passionsfruktsfrön...

Pris 3,15 € (SKU: V 210)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Perfekta passionsfruktsfrön (Passiflora popenovii)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för paket med 3 frön.</strong></span></h2> <p>Den sällsynta Passiflora popenovii ger förmodligen den godaste frukten av alla Passiflora-arter. Det genomskinliga och mycket saftiga köttet inuti det mjuka skalet på den ljusgula frukten är extremt sött och har en exceptionell, exotisk och doftande smak.</p> <p>Den härstammar från regnskogarna i Colombia och Ecuador mellan 500 och 1900 m (1600 och 6200 fot) men tros ha dött ut i naturen och odlas endast lokalt. Den anpassar sig lätt till att växa under ett brett spektrum av klimatförhållanden.</p> <p>Vi tror att Perfect Passionfruit har potential att bli mycket mer populär än Passiflora edulis eller Passiflora ligularis, som är vanliga på fruktmarknader runt om i världen.</p> <p>Kallhärdig till -6C</p>
V 210 (3 S)
Perfekta passionsfruktsfrön (Passiflora popenovii)

Växten är resistent mot kyla och frost

Klotlök växtlökar (Allium...

Klotlök växtlökar (Allium...

Pris 2,95 € (SKU: P 475 AS)
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Klotlök växtlökar (Allium sphaerocephalon)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Pris för paket med 5 växtlökar.</strong></span></h2> <p><b>Klotlök</b><span> </span>(<i>Allium sphaerocephalon</i>) är en<span> </span>art<span> </span>i familjen<span> </span>amaryllisväxter<span> </span>som växer naturligt från centrala och södra<span> </span>Europa<span> </span>till<span> </span>Kaukasus<span> </span>och norra<span> </span>Afrika. Arten odlas som trädgårdsväxt i Sverige.</p> <p><i><b>Allium sphaerocephalon</b></i><span> </span>is a plant species in the<span> </span>Amaryllis family<span> </span>known as<span> </span><b>round-headed leek</b><span> </span>and also<span> </span><b>round-headed garlic</b>,<span> </span><b>ball-head onion</b>, and other variations on these names. Other names include Drumsticks, and in Germany, Kugellauch. Some publications use the alternate spelling<span> </span><i>A. sphaerocephalum</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference">[2]</sup><span> </span>It is a hardy<span> </span>perennial plant.</p> <p><i>Allium sphaerocephalon</i><span> </span>is found in the wild across all parts of<span> </span>Europe<span> </span>except in the northernmost countries (Ireland,<span> </span>Netherlands,<span> </span>Scandinavia, and the<span> </span>Baltic States).<sup id="cite_ref-Davies1992_3-0" class="reference">[3]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[4]</sup><span> </span>Its native range extends to northern<span> </span>Africa<span> </span>and to western<span> </span>Asia<span> </span>as far east as<span> </span>Iran.<sup id="cite_ref-ravenisgod_5-0" class="reference">[5]</sup><span> </span>It is also reportedly naturalised in<span> </span>New York State<span> </span>in the<span> </span>US.<sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference">[6]</sup><span> </span>In the<span> </span>UK<span> </span>it grows wild only in the<span> </span>Avon Gorge<span> </span>so is known locally as the<span> </span><b>Bristol onion</b>.<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference">[7]</sup></p> <p>The species is prized by<span> </span>gardeners<span> </span>because of its striking floral display. The spherical "head" (technically an<span> </span>umbel) is borne on a long<span> </span>scape, up to 50 cm in height, usually in July. It can contain hundreds of deep purple flowers.<sup id="cite_ref-ravenisgod_5-1" class="reference">[5]</sup></p> <p>This plant has gained the<span> </span>Royal Horticultural Society’s<span> </span>Award of Garden Merit.</p> <p><i>Allium sphaerocephalon</i><span> produces egg-shaped bulbs. Small </span>bulblets<span> are present under the outer layer of the stem (making the plant potentially </span>invasive<span> when grown in gardens). Flowers are borne on a </span>scape<span> up to 50 cm in height, in a spherical to egg-shaped </span>umbel<span>, 1–6 cm in diameter, tightly packed with many flowers crowded together. The relatively small size of the umbel relative to the height of the stem makes this one of those described as 'drumstick alliums'. Individual flowers are reddish-purple and are occasionally replaced by bulbils (again making this a potentially invasive species).</span></p> <p></p>
P 475 AS
Klotlök växtlökar (Allium sphaerocephalon)